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Updated ranger scope to get image previews to work

Kevin Mok 6 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 63
  3. 89
  4. 273
  5. 6
  6. 2


@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ bindsym Mod4+p workspace $ws4; exec pgadmin3
# bindsym Mod4+r exec urxvt -e ranger
bindsym Mod4+r exec $runelite
bindsym control+$mod+s exec systemctl suspend
bindsym Mod4+t exec st
bindsym Mod4+x exec $swex
bindsym Print exec ksnapshot
# }}} app shortcuts #


@ -67,34 +67,6 @@ set vcs_backend_hg disabled
set vcs_backend_bzr disabled
set vcs_backend_svn disabled
# Use one of the supported image preview protocols
set preview_images true
# Set the preview image method. Supported methods:
# * w3m (default):
# Preview images in full color with the external command "w3mimgpreview"?
# This requires the console web browser "w3m" and a supported terminal.
# It has been successfully tested with "xterm" and "urxvt" without tmux.
# * iterm2:
# Preview images in full color using iTerm2 image previews
# ( This requires using iTerm2 compiled
# with image preview support.
# This feature relies on the dimensions of the terminal's font. By default, a
# width of 8 and height of 11 are used. To use other values, set the options
# iterm2_font_width and iterm2_font_height to the desired values.
# * urxvt:
# Preview images in full color using urxvt image backgrounds. This
# requires using urxvt compiled with pixbuf support.
# * urxvt-full:
# The same as urxvt but utilizing not only the preview pane but the
# whole terminal window.
set preview_images_method w3m
# Default iTerm2 font size (see: preview_images_method: iterm2)
set iterm2_font_width 8
set iterm2_font_height 11
@ -660,8 +632,39 @@ copytmap <ESC> q Q w <C-c>
source /home/kevin/.config/ranger/shortcuts.conf
# preview images
set preview_images_method urxvt
# image preview {{{ #
# Use one of the supported image preview protocols
set preview_images true
# Set the preview image method. Supported methods:
# * w3m (default):
# Preview images in full color with the external command "w3mimgpreview"?
# This requires the console web browser "w3m" and a supported terminal.
# It has been successfully tested with "xterm" and "urxvt" without tmux.
# * iterm2:
# Preview images in full color using iTerm2 image previews
# ( This requires using iTerm2 compiled
# with image preview support.
# This feature relies on the dimensions of the terminal's font. By default, a
# width of 8 and height of 11 are used. To use other values, set the options
# iterm2_font_width and iterm2_font_height to the desired values.
# * urxvt:
# Preview images in full color using urxvt image backgrounds. This
# requires using urxvt compiled with pixbuf support.
# * urxvt-full:
# The same as urxvt but utilizing not only the preview pane but the
# whole terminal window.
set preview_images_method w3m
# set preview_images_method urxvt
# set preview_images_method urxvt-full
# }}} image preview #
# editing ranger config
map R chain shell nvim -p ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf %rangerdir/config/rc.conf; source ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf


@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# ranger supports enhanced previews. If the option "use_preview_script"
# is set to True and this file exists, this script will be called and its
# output is displayed in ranger. ANSI color codes are supported.
# NOTES: This script is considered a configuration file. If you upgrade
# ranger, it will be left untouched. (You must update it yourself.)
# Also, ranger disables STDIN here, so interactive scripts won't work properly
# Meanings of exit codes:
# code | meaning | action of ranger
# -----+------------+-------------------------------------------
# 0 | success | success. display stdout as preview
# 1 | no preview | failure. display no preview at all
# 2 | plain text | display the plain content of the file
# 3 | fix width | success. Don't reload when width changes
# 4 | fix height | success. Don't reload when height changes
# 5 | fix both | success. Don't ever reload
# 6 | image | success. display the image $cached points to as an image preview
# Meaningful aliases for arguments:
path="$1" # Full path of the selected file
width="$2" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
height="$3" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
cached="$4" # Path that should be used to cache image previews
maxln=200 # Stop after $maxln lines. Can be used like ls | head -n $maxln
# Find out something about the file:
mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")
extension=$(/bin/echo -E "${path##*.}" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")
# Functions:
# runs a command and saves its output into $output. Useful if you need
# the return value AND want to use the output in a pipe
try() { output=$(eval '"$@"'); }
# writes the output of the previously used "try" command
dump() { /bin/echo -E "$output"; }
# a common post-processing function used after most commands
trim() { head -n "$maxln"; }
# wraps highlight to treat exit code 141 (killed by SIGPIPE) as success
highlight() { command highlight "$@"; test $? = 0 -o $? = 141; }
case "$extension" in
# Archive extensions:
try als "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
try acat "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 3; }
try bsdtar -lf "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
exit 1;;
try unrar -p- lt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
# PDF documents:
try pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q "$path" - && \
{ dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
# BitTorrent Files
try transmission-show "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
# HTML Pages:
try w3m -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
try lynx -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
try elinks -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
;; # fall back to highlight/cat if the text browsers fail
case "$mimetype" in
# Syntax highlight for text files:
text/* | */xml)
try highlight --out-format=ansi "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 2;;
# Ascii-previews of images:
img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="$width" "$path" && exit 4 || exit 1;;
# Image preview for videos, disabled by default:
# video/*)
# ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$path" -o "$cached" -s 0 && exit 6 || exit 1;;
# Display information about media files:
video/* | audio/*)
exiftool "$path" && exit 5
# Use sed to remove spaces so the output fits into the narrow window
try mediainfo "$path" && { dump | trim | sed 's/ \+:/: /;'; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
exit 1


@ -1,89 +1,216 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# ranger supports enhanced previews. If the option "use_preview_script"
# is set to True and this file exists, this script will be called and its
# output is displayed in ranger. ANSI color codes are supported.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# NOTES: This script is considered a configuration file. If you upgrade
# ranger, it will be left untouched. (You must update it yourself.)
# Also, ranger disables STDIN here, so interactive scripts won't work properly
set -o noclobber -o noglob -o nounset -o pipefail
# If the option `use_preview_script` is set to `true`,
# then this script will be called and its output will be displayed in ranger.
# ANSI color codes are supported.
# STDIN is disabled, so interactive scripts won't work properly
# This script is considered a configuration file and must be updated manually.
# It will be left untouched if you upgrade ranger.
# Meanings of exit codes:
# code | meaning | action of ranger
# -----+------------+-------------------------------------------
# 0 | success | success. display stdout as preview
# 1 | no preview | failure. display no preview at all
# 2 | plain text | display the plain content of the file
# 3 | fix width | success. Don't reload when width changes
# 4 | fix height | success. Don't reload when height changes
# 5 | fix both | success. Don't ever reload
# 6 | image | success. display the image $cached points to as an image preview
# Meaningful aliases for arguments:
path="$1" # Full path of the selected file
width="$2" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
height="$3" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
cached="$4" # Path that should be used to cache image previews
maxln=200 # Stop after $maxln lines. Can be used like ls | head -n $maxln
# Find out something about the file:
mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")
extension=$(/bin/echo -E "${path##*.}" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")
# Functions:
# runs a command and saves its output into $output. Useful if you need
# the return value AND want to use the output in a pipe
try() { output=$(eval '"$@"'); }
# writes the output of the previously used "try" command
dump() { /bin/echo -E "$output"; }
# a common post-processing function used after most commands
trim() { head -n "$maxln"; }
# wraps highlight to treat exit code 141 (killed by SIGPIPE) as success
highlight() { command highlight "$@"; test $? = 0 -o $? = 141; }
case "$extension" in
# Archive extensions:
# 0 | success | Display stdout as preview
# 1 | no preview | Display no preview at all
# 2 | plain text | Display the plain content of the file
# 3 | fix width | Don't reload when width changes
# 4 | fix height | Don't reload when height changes
# 5 | fix both | Don't ever reload
# 6 | image | Display the image `$IMAGE_CACHE_PATH` points to as an image preview
# 7 | image | Display the file directly as an image
# Script arguments
FILE_PATH="${1}" # Full path of the highlighted file
PV_WIDTH="${2}" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
PV_HEIGHT="${3}" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
IMAGE_CACHE_PATH="${4}" # Full path that should be used to cache image preview
PV_IMAGE_ENABLED="${5}" # 'True' if image previews are enabled, 'False' otherwise.
FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER=$(echo ${FILE_EXTENSION} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# Settings
handle_extension() {
# Archive
try als "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
try acat "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 3; }
try bsdtar -lf "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
atool --list -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
bsdtar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
try unrar -p- lt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
# PDF documents:
# Avoid password prompt by providing empty password
unrar lt -p- -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
# Avoid password prompt by providing empty password
7z l -p -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
try pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q "$path" - && \
{ dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
# BitTorrent Files
# Preview as text conversion
pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q -- "${FILE_PATH}" - | fmt -w ${PV_WIDTH} && exit 5
mutool draw -F txt -i -- "${FILE_PATH}" 1-10 | fmt -w ${PV_WIDTH} && exit 5
exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
# BitTorrent
try transmission-show "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
# HTML Pages:
transmission-show -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
# OpenDocument
# Preview as text conversion
odt2txt "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
try w3m -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
try lynx -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
try elinks -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
;; # fall back to highlight/cat if the text browsers fail
case "$mimetype" in
# Syntax highlight for text files:
text/* | */xml)
try highlight --out-format=ansi "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 2;;
# Ascii-previews of images:
# Preview as text conversion
w3m -dump "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
lynx -dump -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
elinks -dump "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
;; # Continue with next handler on failure
handle_image() {
local mimetype="${1}"
case "${mimetype}" in
# image/svg+xml)
# convert "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
# exit 1;;
# Image
img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="$width" "$path" && exit 4 || exit 1;;
# Image preview for videos, disabled by default:
local orientation
orientation="$( identify -format '%[EXIF:Orientation]\n' -- "${FILE_PATH}" )"
# If orientation data is present and the image actually
# needs rotating ("1" means no rotation)...
if [[ -n "$orientation" && "$orientation" != 1 ]]; then
# the image according to the EXIF data.
convert -- "${FILE_PATH}" -auto-orient "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
# `w3mimgdisplay` will be called for all images (unless overriden as above),
# but might fail for unsupported types.
exit 7;;
# Video
# video/*)
# ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$path" -o "$cached" -s 0 && exit 6 || exit 1;;
# Display information about media files:
# # Thumbnail
# ffmpegthumbnailer -i "${FILE_PATH}" -o "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" -s 0 && exit 6
# exit 1;;
# application/pdf)
# pdftoppm -f 1 -l 1 \
# -scale-to-x 1920 \
# -scale-to-y -1 \
# -singlefile \
# -jpeg -tiffcompression jpeg \
# -- "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH%.*}" \
# && exit 6 || exit 1;;
# Preview archives using the first image inside.
# (Very useful for comic book collections for example.)
# application/zip|application/x-rar|application/x-7z-compressed|\
# application/x-xz|application/x-bzip2|application/x-gzip|application/x-tar)
# local fn=""; local fe=""
# local zip=""; local rar=""; local tar=""; local bsd=""
# case "${mimetype}" in
# application/zip) zip=1 ;;
# application/x-rar) rar=1 ;;
# application/x-7z-compressed) ;;
# *) tar=1 ;;
# esac
# { [ "$tar" ] && fn=$(tar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}"); } || \
# { fn=$(bsdtar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}") && bsd=1 && tar=""; } || \
# { [ "$rar" ] && fn=$(unrar lb -p- -- "${FILE_PATH}"); } || \
# { [ "$zip" ] && fn=$(zipinfo -1 -- "${FILE_PATH}"); } || return
# fn=$(echo "$fn" | python -c "import sys; import mimetypes as m; \
# [ print(l, end='') for l in sys.stdin if \
# (m.guess_type(l[:-1])[0] or '').startswith('image/') ]" |\
# sort -V | head -n 1)
# [ "$fn" = "" ] && return
# [ "$bsd" ] && fn=$(printf '%b' "$fn")
# [ "$tar" ] && tar --extract --to-stdout \
# --file "${FILE_PATH}" -- "$fn" > "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
# fe=$(echo -n "$fn" | sed 's/[][*?\]/\\\0/g')
# [ "$bsd" ] && bsdtar --extract --to-stdout \
# --file "${FILE_PATH}" -- "$fe" > "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
# [ "$bsd" ] || [ "$tar" ] && rm -- "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
# [ "$rar" ] && unrar p -p- -inul -- "${FILE_PATH}" "$fn" > \
# "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
# [ "$zip" ] && unzip -pP "" -- "${FILE_PATH}" "$fe" > \
# "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
# [ "$rar" ] || [ "$zip" ] && rm -- "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
# ;;
handle_mime() {
local mimetype="${1}"
case "${mimetype}" in
# Text
text/* | */xml)
# Syntax highlight
if [[ "$( stat --printf='%s' -- "${FILE_PATH}" )" -gt "${HIGHLIGHT_SIZE_MAX}" ]]; then
exit 2
if [[ "$( tput colors )" -ge 256 ]]; then
local pygmentize_format='terminal256'
local highlight_format='xterm256'
local pygmentize_format='terminal'
local highlight_format='ansi'
highlight --replace-tabs="${HIGHLIGHT_TABWIDTH}" --out-format="${highlight_format}" \
--style="${HIGHLIGHT_STYLE}" --force -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
# pygmentize -f "${pygmentize_format}" -O "style=${PYGMENTIZE_STYLE}" -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 2;;
# Image
# Preview as text conversion
# img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="${PV_WIDTH}" -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 4
exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
# Video and audio
video/* | audio/*)
exiftool "$path" && exit 5
# Use sed to remove spaces so the output fits into the narrow window
try mediainfo "$path" && { dump | trim | sed 's/ \+:/: /;'; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
mediainfo "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
handle_fallback() {
echo '----- File Type Classification -----' && file --dereference --brief -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1
MIMETYPE="$( file --dereference --brief --mime-type -- "${FILE_PATH}" )"
if [[ "${PV_IMAGE_ENABLED}" == 'True' ]]; then
handle_image "${MIMETYPE}"
handle_mime "${MIMETYPE}"
exit 1


@ -2,13 +2,19 @@ URxvt.font: xft:Hack Nerd Font:size=14
! URxvt.font: xft:Hack NF:size=18
! URxvt.font: xft:Hack:size=18
/* transparency {{{ */
URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
! URxvt*transparent: false
URxvt*transparent: true
! URxvt*shading: 0 to 99 darkens, 101 to 200 lightens
URxvt*shading: 30
! URxvt*shading: 200
/* }}} transparency */
URxvt.scrollBar: false
! Clickable URLs {{{ */


@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ wo ~/Documents/workout-logs/11
# sch {{{ *
sc ~/Documents/school
st ~/Documents/school/sta
# st ~/Documents/school/sta
2 ~/Documents/school/236
a3 ~/Documents/school/latex-notes/236/a3
3 ~/Documents/school/343
