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Organized alias files and update set-from-git
Organized alias files and update set-from-git
Split .bash_aliases into other files for git, laptop, PC and
Kevin Mok
7 years ago
12 changed files with 215 additions and 223 deletions
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ |
in_lab=false |
cd_school="d ~/Documents/School"; |
if [ -d "/h/u3/c7/" ]; then |
TERM=xterm-256color |
xmodmap -e "clear Lock" |
in_lab=true |
cd_school="d ~"; |
fi |
# system |
alias l='ls -a' |
alias ll='ls -alF' |
alias cs='printf "\033c"' |
shopt -s dotglob |
alias reb="sudo shutdown -r 0" |
alias sd="sudo shutdown 0" |
alias s="systemctl suspend" |
alias hst="history" |
# directories |
# unalias c |
d() { cd "$@" && ls -a ; } |
cd_up() { d $(printf "%0.s../" $(seq 1 $1 )) ; } |
alias "c."="cd_up" |
alias cdd="d ~/Downloads" |
alias dsnip="d ~/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/" |
alias csnip="d ~/.vim/UltiSnips/" |
vdsnip() { vi ~/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/"$1".snippets ; } |
vsnip() { vi ~/.vim/UltiSnips/"$1".snippets ; } |
if $in_lab; then |
ff() { firefox $1 ; } |
zip() { tar -zcvf $1.tar.gz $1/ ; } |
alias nau="nautilus ." |
else |
rt() { |
output="HDMI-0" |
if [ "$1" = "s" ] |
# if [ "${1:0:1}" = "s" ] |
then |
output="DVI-I-1" |
fi |
dir="normal" |
if [ "$2" = "r" ] |
# if [ "${1:1:2}" = "r" ] |
then |
dir="right" |
fi |
if [ "$2" = "l" ] |
then |
dir="left" |
fi |
# echo "xrandr --output \"$output\" --rotate \"$dir\"" |
xrandr --output "$output" --rotate "$dir" |
} |
alias ow7="virtualbox startvm W7" |
# alias ow7="VBoxManage startvm W7 --type headless" |
chr() { google-chrome $1 ; } |
alias nem="nemo ." |
alias spt="speedtest" |
alias pg="ping -c 5" |
alias mt="ok ~/Documents/School/136/calc-textbook.pdf" |
alias 36t="ok ~/Documents/School/236/236-textbook.pdf" |
alias rcg="d ~/Documents/coding/random-color-generator" |
alias dcr="d ~/Documents/coding/dcr-logger" |
fi |
# school |
alias sch="$cd_school" |
alias 136="$cd_school/136" |
alias 236="$cd_school/236" |
alias pr2="$cd_school/136/par/2" |
alias psy="$cd_school/psy" |
# 209 |
alias ll="ls -l" |
alias 209="$cd_school/209" |
alias 9r="$cd_school/209/mokkar" |
alias l3="$cd_school/209/mokkar/lab3" |
alias a1="$cd_school/209/mokkar/a1" |
# alias cdf="ssh -t '. ./.bashrc; bash -l'" |
alias cdf="echo \". ./.bashrc\"&& ssh" |
ca12() { |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o validate_sin.out validate_sin.c sin_helpers.c |
./validate_sin.out 810620716 |
} |
ca1() { |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o count_large.out count_large.c |
# ll | ./count_large.out 4000 |
./count_large.out 0 rw------- < ll.txt |
} |
cl3() { |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o split_array.out split_array.c |
./split_array.out 1 2 3 |
} |
c9() { |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o "${1%.*}.out" "$1" -lm |
} |
c9r() { |
gc9 $1 |
./"${1%.*}.out" |
} |
c9i() { |
gc9 $1 |
./"${1%.*}.out" < $2 |
} |
mkex() { chmod 700 $1 ; } |
# apps |
ok() { okular $1 ; } |
# config |
alias lc="d ~/linux-config" |
alias vb="vi ~/.bash_aliases" |
alias vv="vi ~/.vimrc" |
alias r=". ~/.bashrc" |
# git |
# . ~/.secure |
alias gs="git status -u" |
alias gpl="git pull --rebase" |
alias grbc="git rebase --continue" |
alias gps="git push" |
alias vig="vi .gitignore" |
alias ga="git add -A *" |
alias gai="git add .gitignore" |
alias gd="git diff -w" |
alias gdc="git diff --cached" |
alias gstore="git config credential.helper store" |
gcm(){ git commit -m "$1" ; } |
alias gc="git commit" |
alias gl="git log" |
alias gsl="git shortlog" |
alias gst="git stash" |
alias gstp="git stash pop" |
alias gclear="git stash clear" |
gcho() { git checkout $1 ; } |
gremotes() { |
git remote set-url --add --push origin $1 |
git remote set-url --add --push origin $2 |
} |
# idea |
alias jh="echo $JAVA_HOME" |
alias jv="java -version" |
# alias idea=". ~/Desktop/" |
# alias idea=". ~/usr/idea-IC-172.4343.14/bin/" |
# alias jf="export JAVA_HOME=/home/kevin/usr/jdk1.8.0_151 && export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH" |
# g(){ gvim $1 ; } |
# md() { |
# multimarkdown -f -o $1.html $ |
# if $in_lab; then |
# ff $1.html |
# fi |
# } |
rs(){ redshift -O $(($1 * 1000)) ; } |
alias rx="redshift -x" |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells. |
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login |
# exists. |
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples. |
# the files are located in the bash-doc package. |
# the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask |
# for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package. |
#umask 022 |
# if running bash |
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then |
# include .bashrc if it exists |
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then |
. "$HOME/.bashrc" |
fi |
fi |
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin directories |
PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" |
if [ ! -d "/h/u3/c7/" ]; then |
export JAVA_HOME=/home/kevin/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_151/bin |
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH |
export QSYS_ROOTDIR="/home/kevin/usr/altera_lite/16.0/quartus/sopc_builder/bin" |
export PATH=$PATH:/home/kevin/usr/altera_lite/16.0/quartus/bin/ |
export PATH=$PATH:/home/kevin/usr/altera_lite/16.0/modelsim_ase/linuxaloem |
fi |
xmodmap -e "clear Lock" |
@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
set guifont=Monospace\ 12 |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
set runtimepath+=~/.vim_runtime |
source ~/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/basic.vim |
source ~/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/filetypes.vim |
source ~/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/plugins_config.vim |
source ~/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/extended.vim |
try |
source ~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vim |
catch |
endtry |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
alias_folder="~/linux-config/dotfiles/aliases" |
alias_type="school git pc laptop" |
for type in $alias_type; do |
. ~/linux-config/dotfiles/aliases/."$type"_aliases |
done |
# system |
alias l='ls -a' |
alias ll='ls -alF' |
alias cs='printf "\033c"' |
shopt -s dotglob |
alias reb="sudo shutdown -r 0" |
alias sd="sudo shutdown 0" |
alias s="systemctl suspend" |
alias hst="history" |
# directories |
# unalias c |
d() { cd "$@" && ls -a ; } |
cd_up() { d $(printf "%0.s../" $(seq 1 $1 )) ; } |
alias "c."="cd_up" |
alias cdd="d ~/Downloads" |
alias dsnip="d ~/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/" |
alias csnip="d ~/.vim/UltiSnips/" |
vdsnip() { vi ~/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/"$1".snippets ; } |
vsnip() { vi ~/.vim/UltiSnips/"$1".snippets ; } |
# apps |
ok() { okular $1 ; } |
# config |
alias lc="d ~/linux-config/dotfiles" |
alias lca="d ~/linux-config/dotfiles/aliases" |
alias vb="vi ~/.bash_aliases" |
alias vs="vi $alias_folder/.school_aliases" |
alias vv="vi ~/.vimrc" |
alias r=". ~/.bashrc" |
# redshift |
rs(){ redshift -O $(($1 * 1000)) ; } |
alias rx="redshift -x" |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# . ~/.secure |
alias gs="git status -u" |
alias gpl="git pull --rebase" |
alias grbc="git rebase --continue" |
alias gps="git push" |
alias vig="vi .gitignore" |
alias ga="git add -A *" |
alias gai="git add .gitignore" |
alias gd="git diff -w" |
alias gdc="git diff --cached" |
alias gstore="git config credential.helper store" |
gcm(){ git commit -m "$1" ; } |
alias gc="git commit" |
alias gl="git log" |
alias gsl="git shortlog" |
alias gst="git stash" |
alias gstp="git stash pop" |
alias gclear="git stash clear" |
gcho() { git checkout $1 ; } |
gremotes() { |
git remote set-url --add --push origin $1 |
git remote set-url --add --push origin $2 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
if [ "$(hostname)" == "X1-Carbon" ]; then |
xmodmap -e "keycode 9 = Escape" |
xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = Home" |
xmodmap -e "keycode 119 = End" |
xmodmap -e "keycode 110 = Delete" |
xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = BackSpace" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
if [ "$(hostname)" == "NZXT" ]; then |
rt() { |
output="HDMI-0" |
if [ "$1" = "s" ] |
# if [ "${1:0:1}" = "s" ] |
then |
output="DVI-I-1" |
fi |
dir="normal" |
if [ "$2" = "r" ] |
# if [ "${1:1:2}" = "r" ] |
then |
dir="right" |
fi |
if [ "$2" = "l" ] |
then |
dir="left" |
fi |
# echo "xrandr --output \"$output\" --rotate \"$dir\"" |
xrandr --output "$output" --rotate "$dir" |
} |
alias ow7="virtualbox startvm W7" |
# alias ow7="VBoxManage startvm W7 --type headless" |
chr() { google-chrome $1 ; } |
alias nem="nemo ." |
alias spt="speedtest" |
alias pg="ping -c 5" |
alias mt="ok ~/Documents/School/136/calc-textbook.pdf" |
alias 36t="ok ~/Documents/School/236/236-textbook.pdf" |
alias rcg="d ~/Documents/coding/random-color-generator" |
alias dcr="d ~/Documents/coding/dcr-logger" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ |
in_lab=false |
cd_school="d ~/Documents/School"; |
if [ -d "/h/u3/c7/" ]; then |
TERM=xterm-256color |
xmodmap -e "clear Lock" |
in_lab=true |
cd_school="d ~"; |
fi |
if $in_lab; then |
ff() { firefox $1 ; } |
zip() { tar -zcvf $1.tar.gz $1/ ; } |
alias nau="nautilus ." |
fi |
# school |
alias sch="$cd_school" |
alias 236="$cd_school/236" |
alias psy="$cd_school/psy" |
pdl() { pdflatex $1 ; } |
cptp() { |
cp template.tex cp-template.tex |
chmod 600 cp-template.tex |
date=`date +%-m-%d` |
mv cp-template.tex "$date".tex |
} |
# 136 |
alias 136="$cd_school/136" |
alias 136n="$cd_school/136/notes" |
alias pr2="$cd_school/136/par/2" |
# 209 |
alias ll="ls -l" |
alias 209="$cd_school/209" |
alias 9r="$cd_school/209/mokkar" |
alias l4="$cd_school/209/mokkar/lab4" |
alias a1="$cd_school/209/mokkar/a1" |
# alias cdf="ssh -t '. ./.bashrc; bash -l'" |
alias cdf="echo \". ./.bashrc\"&& ssh" |
# compile without running |
c9() { |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o "${1%.*}.out" "$1" -lm |
} |
# compile without running |
c9a() { |
for file in * |
do |
if [[ $file = *.c ]]; then |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o "${file%.*}".out "$file" |
fi |
done |
} |
# compile and run |
c9r() { |
gc9 $1 |
./"${1%.*}.out" |
} |
# compile and run with input |
c9i() { |
gc9 $1 |
./"${1%.*}.out" < $2 |
} |
# compile and run with input file |
run() { |
while read line |
do |
./$1 $line |
done < $2 |
} |
mkex() { chmod 700 $1 ; } |
# temp |
# compile a1p2 and test with simple case |
ca12() { |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o validate_sin.out validate_sin.c sin_helpers.c |
./validate_sin.out 810620716 |
} |
# compile a1p1 and test with simple case |
ca1() { |
gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o count_large.out count_large.c |
# ll | ./count_large.out 4000 |
./count_large.out 0 rw------- < ll.txt |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
dotDir=~/linux-config/dotfiles |
# aliases |
rm ~/.bash_aliases |
ln -s $dotDir/aliases/.bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases |
# home |
for file in *; do |
if [[ $file = .* ]]; then |
rm ~/$file |
ln -s $dotDir/$file ~/$file |
fi |
done |
# terminator |
termDir=~/.config/terminator |
rm $termDir/config |
ln -s $dotDir/termConfig "$termDir"/config |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
# home |
files=".bash_aliases .bashrc .inputrc .vimrc .gvimrc .gitconfig" |
dotDir=~/linux-config/dotfiles |
for file in $files; do |
rm ~/$file |
ln -s $dotDir/$file ~/$file |
done |
# terminator |
termDir=~/.config/terminator |
rm $termDir/config |
ln -s $dotDir/termConfig "$termDir"/config |
Reference in new issue