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Fixed i3 restart, setup vertical splits in Vim

Also set EasyMotion prefix to single space.
Kevin Mok 6 years ago
Signed by: Kevin-Mok GPG Key ID: AEA75288DC135CF5
  1. 3
  2. 16
  3. 6
  4. 4
  5. 4
  6. 24
  7. 1


@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ alias nbu="f /run/media/kevin/pc-backup/backups/nzxt && ll | grep gz"
# }}} directory-related # # }}} directory-related #
# power options {{{ # # power options {{{ #
alias p="systemctl suspend"
alias su="systemctl suspend"
alias sd="sudo shutdown 0" alias sd="sudo shutdown 0"
alias reb="sudo shutdown -r 0" alias reb="sudo shutdown -r 0"
alias lo="i3-msg exit" alias lo="i3-msg exit"
@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ alias psi="pass insert -m"
alias psg="pass generate -c" alias psg="pass generate -c"
alias yh="echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard" alias yh="echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
alias yg="xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/gmail" alias yg="xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/gmail"
alias yu="echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
# python related {{{ # # python related {{{ #
function grpy() { grep $1 *.py ; } function grpy() { grep $1 *.py ; }


@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ bindsym Mod4+p workspace $ws4; exec pgadmin3
bindsym Mod4+q exec qdirstat bindsym Mod4+q exec qdirstat
bindsym Mod4+r exec urxvt -e ranger bindsym Mod4+r exec urxvt -e ranger
# bindsym control+$mod+s exec systemctl suspend # bindsym control+$mod+s exec systemctl suspend
bindsym control+$mod+p exec systemctl suspend
bindsym control+$mod+s exec systemctl suspend
bindsym Mod4+t exec st bindsym Mod4+t exec st
bindsym Mod4+x exec $swex bindsym Mod4+x exec $swex
bindsym Print exec gscreenshot bindsym Print exec gscreenshot
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace $ws15; workspace $ws15
bindsym $mod+Shift+s exec systemctl suspend bindsym $mod+Shift+s exec systemctl suspend
# restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3) # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
# bindsym $mod+control+r exec ~/.cache/wal/; restart # bindsym $mod+control+r exec ~/.cache/wal/; restart
bindsym $mod+control+r exec restart
bindsym $mod+control+r exec i3-msg restart
# bindsym $mod+control+r exec $colors_sh && i3-msg restart # bindsym $mod+control+r exec $colors_sh && i3-msg restart
# reload the configuration file # reload the configuration file
@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ bindsym $mod+control+l resize shrink width 3 px or 3 ppt
# remove window titlebars # remove window titlebars
for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 3 for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 3
# for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 1
set $inner_gaps 35 set $inner_gaps 35
set $outer_gaps 0 set $outer_gaps 0
@ -395,8 +396,8 @@ set $bar_trans 00
set $benq_ws_trans aa set $benq_ws_trans aa
bar { bar {
i3bar_command i3bar -t i3bar_command i3bar -t
# font pango:$sb_font 21
font pango:$sb_font 14
font pango:$sb_font 21
# font pango:$sb_font 14
colors { colors {
# 0 (transparent) -> 255 (opaque) in hex # 0 (transparent) -> 255 (opaque) in hex
background $black$bar_trans background $black$bar_trans
@ -420,8 +421,8 @@ bar {
bar { bar {
output $samsung output $samsung
# font pango:$sb_font 25
font pango:$sb_font 15
font pango:$sb_font 25
# font pango:$sb_font 15
# output $benq # output $benq
i3bar_command i3bar -t i3bar_command i3bar -t
colors { colors {
@ -461,7 +462,8 @@ set $mod Mod1
# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below. # is used in the bar {} block below.
# font pango:Hack 11 # font pango:Hack 11
font pango:$sb_font 8
# font pango:$sb_font 8
font pango:$sb_font 11
# This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left # This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left
# text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango). # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango).
#font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8 #font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8


@ -418,7 +418,8 @@ map yj eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(down=1), narg=quantifier)
map yk eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier) map yk eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier)
# Searching # Searching
map / console search%space
map gr console search%space
map / fzf_select
map n search_next map n search_next
map N search_next forward=False map N search_next forward=False
map ct search_next order=tag map ct search_next order=tag
@ -679,5 +680,4 @@ map mb shell mv %f vibrant
# bulk rename # bulk rename
map cw eval fm.execute_console("bulkrename") if fm.thisdir.marked_items else fm.open_console("rename ") map cw eval fm.execute_console("bulkrename") if fm.thisdir.marked_items else fm.open_console("rename ")
map gr fzf_select
# map <C-f> fzf_select
# map gr fzf_select


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
! URxvt.font: xft:DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono:size=14
URxvt.font: xft:DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono:size=9
URxvt.font: xft:DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono:size=14
! URxvt.font: xft:DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono:size=9
! URxvt.font: xft:Hack Nerd Font:size=14 ! URxvt.font: xft:Hack Nerd Font:size=14
! URxvt.font: xft:Hack NF:size=18 ! URxvt.font: xft:Hack NF:size=18


@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
prompt = false prompt = false
[diff] [diff]
tool = vimdiff tool = vimdiff
; [commit]
; gpgsign = true
gpgsign = true


@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
" navigate around file easily and precisely " navigate around file easily and precisely
Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion' Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
map <Space> <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
" status bar displaying various info about the current buffer " status bar displaying various info about the current buffer
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ Plug 'PotatoesMaster/i3-vim-syntax'
" vim file explorer " vim file explorer
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' } Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' }
Plug 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors' Plug 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
let g:multi_cursor_select_all_word_key='<C-a>'
" let g:multi_cursor_select_all_word_key='<C-a>'
call plug#end() call plug#end()
@ -166,9 +167,8 @@ colorscheme wal
" Mappings {{{ " " Mappings {{{ "
" function keys {{{ " " function keys {{{ "
" map <F3> :wa<CR>
map <F4> :wqa<CR>
map <F5> :qa!<CR>
map <F4> :xa<CR>
map <F5> :q!<CR>
" map <F6> :make -C ~/Documents/resume cv<CR> " map <F6> :make -C ~/Documents/resume cv<CR>
" map <F7> :AutoSaveToggle<CR> " map <F7> :AutoSaveToggle<CR>
map <F9> :VimtexCompile<CR>:VimtexView<CR> map <F9> :VimtexCompile<CR>:VimtexView<CR>
@ -200,8 +200,6 @@ nnoremap <leader>dg ggdG
nnoremap <leader>D "+dd nnoremap <leader>D "+dd
" delete entire buffer into system clipboard " delete entire buffer into system clipboard
nnoremap <leader>DA "+ggdG nnoremap <leader>DA "+ggdG
" reload file
nnoremap <leader>e :e<CR>
" find merge conflicts " find merge conflicts
nnoremap <leader>fc /[<>=\|]\{7\}<CR> nnoremap <leader>fc /[<>=\|]\{7\}<CR>
" reload folds " reload folds
@ -228,6 +226,8 @@ nnoremap <leader>plu :PlugUpdate<CR>
nnoremap <leader>py :set tw=0<CR> nnoremap <leader>py :set tw=0<CR>
" replace in next x lines " replace in next x lines
nnoremap <leader>r q:i.,.+s///g<ESC>Fsi nnoremap <leader>r q:i.,.+s///g<ESC>Fsi
" reload file
nnoremap <leader>rf :e<CR>
" replace in line " replace in line
nnoremap <leader>rl q:i.s///g<left><left><left> nnoremap <leader>rl q:i.s///g<left><left><left>
" replace in visual selection " replace in visual selection
@ -240,19 +240,19 @@ nnoremap <leader>R q:i%s///g<ESC>2F/i
nnoremap <leader>so q:i.,.+sort<ESC>Fsi nnoremap <leader>so q:i.,.+sort<ESC>Fsi
" set syntax to shell (for dotfiles) " set syntax to shell (for dotfiles)
nnoremap <leader>sh :set syn=sh<CR> nnoremap <leader>sh :set syn=sh<CR>
" open vimrc in vertical split
nnoremap <leader>vv :vsp ~/.vimrc<CR>
" format current line " format current line
nnoremap <leader>w Vgq
nnoremap <leader>ww Vgq
" format this and next line " format this and next line
nnoremap <leader>ww Vjgq
" format current 3 lines
nnoremap <leader>www V2jgq
" toggle fold
nnoremap <leader>z za
nnoremap <leader>www Vjgq
" copy next thing to system clipboard " copy next thing to system clipboard
nnoremap <leader>y "+ nnoremap <leader>y "+
nnoremap <leader>Y "+Y nnoremap <leader>Y "+Y
" yank entire buffer " yank entire buffer
nnoremap <leader>yg ggyG nnoremap <leader>yg ggyG
" toggle fold
nnoremap <leader>z za
" }}} leader mappings " " }}} leader mappings "


@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ source $ZSH/custom/antigen.zsh
antigen bundle hlissner/zsh-autopair antigen bundle hlissner/zsh-autopair
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
antigen bundle softmoth/zsh-vim-mode antigen bundle softmoth/zsh-vim-mode
antigen bundle desyncr/auto-ls
antigen theme molovo/filthy antigen theme molovo/filthy
antigen apply antigen apply
