@ -53,25 +53,15 @@ date="Oct 2021" show="true" %}}
- **Architected a robust Django (Python) [backend](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/rarity-surf)** to fetch and process
NFT metadata from IPFS, store rarity rankings in
**PostgreSQL** , and serve the data via GraphQL API, **ensuring low-latency access and scaling to handle 2,000+ concurrent requests** .
- **Developed a dynamic React [frontend](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/rarity-surf-frontend)** using hooks to load
rarity data in real-time, styled with Tailwind for
mobile responsiveness, **improving user experience
and reducing frontend load times by 70%**.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!-- - Rarity Surf }}} -->
<!-- - {{{ Gobcog -->
{{% resume/project name="Discord Adventure Game"
url="https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/astronofty" languages="Python" date="Jan 2020"
show="true" %}}
- [**Redesigned item generation system** ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/gobcog/pull/5 ) for open source Discord game
built with **Python** , replacing 83k-line static JSON files with dynamic item generation, achieving a **99% reduction** in file size and reducing memory usage by **85%** .
- **Implemented modular item components** to enable over **152,000 unique combinations** , improving gameplay diversity and item quality.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!-- - }}} Gobcog -->
<!-- - Spotify Visualized {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Spotify Visualized"
@ -89,6 +79,21 @@ show="true" %}}
<!-- - Astronofty }}} -->
<!-- - Astronofty {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Astronofty"
url="https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/astronofty" languages="JavaScript, React, Solidity" date="Jan 2023"
show="true" %}}
- **Secured [2nd place](https://devpost.com/software/astronofty) overall out of 150+ teams** at UofTHacks
X, a 36-hour hackathon, for developing a blockchain-based
NFT marketplace app.
- **Built and optimized React (JavaScript) [components](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/astronofty/tree/main/src/components)** to synchronously
upload images and metadata to IPFS, **enhancing user engagement by 80%** during the demo.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!-- - Astronofty }}} -->
{{% /resume/section %}}<!-- - }}} -->
@ -105,10 +110,4 @@ title="Computer Science Specialist — 3.84 GPA (CS). Graduated with High Distin
{{% /resume/section %}}<!-- - }}} -->
{{% resume/section "References" %}}<!-- - {{{ -->
{{% resume/references %}}
{{% /resume/section %}}<!-- - }}} -->
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