Kevin Mok
Resolves #36
Also added Spotify song name as i3block to Samsung monitor.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
i3 shortcuts: media, open apps in certain ws
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Adding folding to alias files
Also added Neofetch config for laptop.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Aliases: find/grep (recursive), Python, Markdown
- Vim: refresh file, format 2 lines
- i3: ksnapshot
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
i3: Monitor-specific workspaces, app shortcuts
- Vim: replace in command history
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Organized dotfiles/configs into folders
Split set-from-git into 3 different files for each section and created a
script for common directory variables. Created separate folders for
PC/laptop configs.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
i3: Setup for laptop (based on PC config)
Changes from PC:
- status bar: larger font, battery
- Unicode workspace icons
- laptop-specific bindings: backlight, wi-fi on/off
- scale Chrome
- background
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
i3: ws icons, resize windows w/o mode
- Go up/down workspace bindings.
- Removed unwanted blocks from i3blocks.
- Volume key bindings.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
i3: startup progs, i3blocks, redshift bindings
Also updated NZXT-terminator and background for i3.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Added i3 config file and updated set-from-git
set-from-git now uses for-loop to add i3/Neofetch config files. Also
added swapped keys to .bashrc for NZXT.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Added Neofetch config
Updated set-from-git. 209-a2 aliases.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Vim: bullets plugin, replace/wrap line mappings
Also changed paste toggle (F10) to instead turn on paste, paste and
then turn off.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Terminator: Update NZXT-terminator/set-from-git
- Vim: Column marker, reload vimrc mapping, mapping timeout.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Vim: listed plugins, split mappings
- surround
- EasyMotion
- airline (themes)
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Fixed gpla and Vim mappings
- gpla: Pop stashed changes before clearing them.
- Vim mappings: Remove spacing at end because Vim already adds a space
after mappings.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Pull in all repos function and changes to Vim
- Local mappings to type out math notes.
- Mapping to toggle highlight searches and replace all.
- Increase linespace to display underscores.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Working color scheme switcher for Vim
Vim mappings for Plug tasks.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Vim comment plugin, run/test l5 alias
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Forked vim-snippets and transferred snippets
I wanted to alter the default snippets so I thought I might as well move
all mine into there as well, instead of keeping track of changes in 2
Also, having become comfortable with Vim folding, I thought it'd be more
organized to consolidate similar alias files (i.e. 209 -> school,
laptop/my_pc -> pc) and then add folding to the top-level files.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Added snippets to help with math lectures
- snippets: Roman d, axes
- Vim: set fold to markers by default, jump to middle of line mapping
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Added TeXmath snippets to help with PAR 2
- (in-)line equation
- square root
- therefore
- cdot
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
snippets (new), Bash functions
- LaTeX: align, piecewise function
- snippets: tabstops, LaTeX environment
- .gitignore
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Merge master branch
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Resolved merge conflicts with custom-vim-snippets
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Generic for, alias and multi-line equation
For C, bash and LaTeX respectively.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Merge with UltiSnips repo (added fnct to merge)
- UltiSnips: Moved alias snippets from sh to all.
- Aliases: Snippet, commit message.
- Vim: Map fold method, preview and line break to leader keys.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Added Terminator config from NZXT
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Changed Terminator file to be hard link
Terminator file now actually contains the config lines rather than just
the path to the config.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Resolve #18 , new 209/my_pc alias files, egc alias
- alias files:
- 209: Split from school because was getting too long.
- my_pc: Stores common aliases between laptop and desktop.
- Can now have different Terminator configurations for each computer.
- egc alias: Loads commit message buffer into Vim with text width of 72
and syntax highlighting.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
C: malloc, str functions | TeX: integral, bold
- sh: var with quotes
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Deleted unnecessary dotfiles folder
Moved all files into root folder of repository and fixed set-from-git to reflect
that. I was able to get set-from-git to work without listing all the dotfiles,
but it didn't work as planned due to swp files, git folder and others; it's just
easier and cleaner to list out the files.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Organized alias files and update set-from-git
Split .bash_aliases into other files for git, laptop, PC and school.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
snippets (new), Bash functions
- LaTeX: align, piecewise function
- snippets: tabstops, LaTeX environment
- .gitignore
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Snippet/simple CDF aliases
CDF alias stopped working so reverted to simplified one.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Generic for, alias and multi-line equation
For C, bash and LaTeX respectively.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Auto-load .bashrc upon SSH'ing into CDF
Fix "c." function.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Changed "c" function to "d" to work on launch
- The alias c was apparently mapped to clear already and hence not working
on launch.
- Modified YCM/UltiSnips to work with Tab as trigger.
- Added .gitconfig to dotfiles and updated script.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Compile assignment functions, CDF SSH alias
Vim enter for new lines.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Added LaTeX setup/auto-completion to vim
Also removed FuzzyFinder.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Function to compile split_array for l3
Also shortened gcc9 to gc9 for brevity.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Set vim line width, LaTex preview
Merge from laptop.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Vi mode/new theme for bash
- New theme to try and fix cursor issue.
- Merge with lab lc.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Additional gcc9 functions for different files
For files that require cmd-line arguments.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Update set-from-git for Terminator
- Set default terminal editor to vim (.bashrc)
- Auto-install plugged (.vimrc)
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Combined home and lab school aliases
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Compile function for 209
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Rotate function for home
- Speedtest/ping aliases
- Make executable function
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Clean-up and better git aliases
- Deleted old files from last semester and removed aliases for them.
- Added useful flags onto common git command aliases.
- Removed Markdown function, as it wasn't working for whatever reason.
- Installed vim-auto-save and implemented shortcut.
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Added aliases for home PC
- global Okular function
- show nested files in gs
7 years ago
Kevin Mok
Fixed aliases to run and cleaned profile
7 years ago