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GPG Key ID: 6DEED612B26C08E2
3 changed files with 2028 additions and 419 deletions
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -1,378 +0,0 @@ |
alsa-utils |
android-file-transfer |
ansible |
apache |
arch-install-scripts |
asciidoctor |
asciinema |
asp |
audacity |
autoconf |
automake |
avidemux-cli |
avidemux-qt |
aws-cli |
baka-mplayer |
bash |
bash-bats |
bat |
bc |
bear |
biber |
bison |
bookworm |
breeze |
broadcom-wl |
browserpass |
bzip2 |
calcurse |
certbot |
chezmoi |
chromium |
cloc |
cmake |
cmatrix |
code |
colordiff |
cool-retro-term |
coreutils |
cowsay |
cronie |
cryptsetup |
cscope |
dash |
dateutils |
dbeaver |
dbus-python |
deluge |
deluge-gtk |
device-mapper |
dhcpcd |
dialog |
diffutils |
discord |
dmenu |
docker |
docker-compose |
doxygen |
dunst |
e2fsprogs |
ecryptfs-utils |
electrum |
element-desktop |
emacs |
encfs |
evince |
fakeroot |
fbreader |
fd |
feh |
ffmpegthumbnailer |
figlet |
file |
filesystem |
findutils |
firefox |
fish |
flex |
flowblade |
fortune-mod |
fzf |
gawk |
gcc |
gcc-libs |
gdb |
geckodriver |
gettext |
gimp |
git |
git-lfs |
gitui |
glibc |
go-ethereum |
gpac |
gradle |
grep |
grub |
gzip |
handbrake |
handbrake-cli |
hdf5 |
helm |
hexyl |
highlight |
htop |
hub |
hugo |
i3status |
ifuse |
imv |
imwheel |
inetutils |
iniparser |
inkscape |
inotify-tools |
intellij-idea-community-edition |
iperf |
iproute2 |
iputils |
irrlicht |
jdk-openjdk |
jenkins |
jfsutils |
jp2a |
jre-openjdk-headless |
junit |
kdenlive |
keepass |
kitty |
kubectl |
kubectx |
less |
lib32-nvidia-utils |
libimobiledevice |
libolm |
libreoffice-still |
libvirt |
licenses |
linux |
linux-firmware |
linux-headers |
linux-lts |
linux-lts-headers |
lmms |
logrotate |
lolcat |
lsd |
lsof |
luit |
lvm2 |
lxappearance |
maim |
make |
man-db |
man-pages |
mdadm |
mediainfo |
meld |
mencoder |
minikube |
mono |
mosh |
mpv |
mtpfs |
nano |
ncdu |
neofetch |
neomutt |
neovim |
netctl |
networkmanager |
networkmanager-openvpn |
nload |
nmap |
nnn |
noto-fonts |
npm |
ntfs-3g |
ntp |
numlockx |
nvidia-dkms |
nvidia-settings |
obs-studio |
openapi-generator |
openssh |
openvpn |
os-prober |
otf-ipafont |
p7zip |
pacman |
pacman-contrib |
pass |
patch |
pciutils |
pcmanfm |
pdfgrep |
peek |
perl |
perl-file-mimeinfo |
perl-image-exiftool |
picom |
pkgconf |
podman |
postgresql |
procps-ng |
psmisc |
pulseaudio |
pycharm-community-edition |
pyenv |
pyside2 |
python-elementpath |
python-numpy |
python-pandas |
python-pip |
python-praw |
python-prettytable |
python-pynvim |
python-pywal |
python-ruamel-yaml |
python-setuptools |
qalculate-gtk |
qemu-desktop |
qrencode |
qt5-3d |
qt5-charts |
qt5-connectivity |
qt5-datavis3d |
qt5-doc |
qt5-examples |
qt5-gamepad |
qt5-graphicaleffects |
qt5-imageformats |
qt5-lottie |
qt5-networkauth |
qt5-purchasing |
qt5-quickcontrols |
qt5-quickcontrols2 |
qt5-remoteobjects |
qt5-script |
qt5-scxml |
qt5-serialbus |
qt5-serialport |
qt5-speech |
qt5-tools |
qt5-translations |
qt5-virtualkeyboard |
qt5-wayland |
qt5-webengine |
qt5-webglplugin |
qt5-websockets |
qt5-webview |
qt5-xmlpatterns |
racket |
ranger |
rclone |
redis |
redshift |
reiserfsprogs |
ripgrep |
rsync |
s-nail |
scrcpy |
scrot |
sdcv |
sed |
shadow |
shellcheck |
sl |
smartmontools |
spatialindex |
sqlitebrowser |
sshfs |
sshpass |
steam |
steam-native-runtime |
stow |
subtitleeditor |
sudo |
sxiv |
sysfsutils |
sysstat |
systemd-sysvcompat |
tar |
task |
tcpdump |
termdown |
texinfo |
texlive-bibtexextra |
the_silver_searcher |
thunderbird |
tidy |
time |
tk |
tmux |
tor |
traceroute |
transmission-cli |
transmission-gtk |
ttf-dejavu |
ttf-font-awesome |
ttf-hack |
ttf-joypixels |
ttf-ubuntu-font-family |
udisks2 |
unrar |
unzip |
usbutils |
util-linux |
valgrind |
vi |
vim |
virtualbox |
vlc |
vtk |
w3m |
which |
wine |
wireless_tools |
wireshark-qt |
wpa_supplicant |
xautomation |
xbindkeys |
xclip |
xdotool |
xf86-input-evdev |
xf86-input-synaptics |
xf86-input-vmmouse |
xf86-input-void |
xf86-video-amdgpu |
xf86-video-ati |
xf86-video-dummy |
xf86-video-fbdev |
xf86-video-intel |
xf86-video-openchrome |
xf86-video-qxl |
xf86-video-vesa |
xf86-video-vmware |
xf86-video-voodoo |
xfsprogs |
xorg-bdftopcf |
xorg-iceauth |
xorg-mkfontscale |
xorg-server |
xorg-sessreg |
xorg-smproxy |
xorg-x11perf |
xorg-xbacklight |
xorg-xcmsdb |
xorg-xcursorgen |
xorg-xdpyinfo |
xorg-xdriinfo |
xorg-xev |
xorg-xgamma |
xorg-xhost |
xorg-xinit |
xorg-xinput |
xorg-xkbevd |
xorg-xkbutils |
xorg-xkill |
xorg-xlsatoms |
xorg-xlsclients |
xorg-xpr |
xorg-xprop |
xorg-xrandr |
xorg-xrefresh |
xorg-xset |
xorg-xsetroot |
xorg-xvinfo |
xorg-xwd |
xorg-xwininfo |
xorg-xwud |
xournalpp |
xsv |
yad |
zathura |
zathura-pdf-mupdf |
zbar |
zip |
zsh |
Reference in new issue