Browse Source

chezmoi: convert key files to templates

Minimal Spotify controller block on main display.
Kevin Mok 6 years ago
Signed by: Kevin-Mok GPG Key ID: AEA75288DC135CF5
  1. 6
  2. 1
  3. 6
  4. 2
  5. 4
  6. 3
  7. 466
  8. 384
  9. 63
  10. 56
  11. 56
  12. 50
  13. 4
  14. 10


@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ interval=once
signal=1 signal=1
interval=60 interval=60
[calendar] [calendar]
interval=30 interval=30
label= label=


@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ interval=30
label= label=
DATEFMT=+%H:%M.%a-%m-%d DATEFMT=+%H:%M.%a-%m-%d


@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
LONG_NAME=${LONG_NAME:-"%artist - %title"}
case "$BLOCK_BUTTON" in case "$BLOCK_BUTTON" in
1) dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause ;; 1) dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause ;;
2) dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Previous ;; 2) dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Previous ;;
@ -7,6 +9,6 @@ case "$BLOCK_BUTTON" in
esac esac
. "/home/kevin/.cache/wal/" . "/home/kevin/.cache/wal/"
long_title=$(spotify-now -i '%artist - %title' -p '' -e '' | sed 's/&/&/g')
short_title=$(spotify-now -i '%title' -p '' -e '' | sed 's/&/&/g')
long_title=$(spotify-now -i "$LONG_NAME" -p '' -e '' | sed 's/&/&/g')
short_title=$(spotify-now -i "$SHORT_NAME" -p '' -e '' | sed 's/&/&/g')
printf "$long_title\n$short_title\n%s\n" "$color7" printf "$long_title\n$short_title\n%s\n" "$color7"


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ AUDIO_DELTA=${AUDIO_DELTA:-5}
# flags {{{ # # flags {{{ #


@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ abbr ff "cd $fish_fxn_dir"
for fxn in (find $fish_fxn_dir -name '*.fish') for fxn in (find $fish_fxn_dir -name '*.fish')
source $fxn source $fxn
end end
abbr rf "source ~/.config/fish/"
abbr rfs "sync-shortcuts && source ~/.config/fish/"
abbr rf "chezmoi apply && source ~/.config/fish/"
abbr rfs "sync-shortcuts && chezmoi apply && source ~/.config/fish/"
abbr xf "fish_config" abbr xf "fish_config"
abbr f. "cd .." abbr f. "cd .."
abbr f.. "cd ../.." abbr f.. "cd ../.."


@ -55,14 +55,15 @@ autocmd FileType *css,htmldjango,html,javascript,json,markdown,tex,text,yaml set
autocmd Filetype markdown map <F8> :LivedownToggle<CR> autocmd Filetype markdown map <F8> :LivedownToggle<CR>
autocmd Filetype markdown inoremap <Tab> <Esc>>>A autocmd Filetype markdown inoremap <Tab> <Esc>>>A
autocmd Filetype markdown inoremap <S-Tab> <Esc><<A autocmd Filetype markdown inoremap <S-Tab> <Esc><<A
autocmd FileType markdown,tex,text set spell spelllang=en_us
autocmd Filetype javascript set updatetime=1000 autocmd Filetype javascript set updatetime=1000
autocmd Filetype json nnoremap <leader>j :%!python -m json.tool<CR> autocmd Filetype json nnoremap <leader>j :%!python -m json.tool<CR>
autocmd Filetype json set foldmethod=marker autocmd Filetype json set foldmethod=marker
autocmd FileType sh map <F8> :!clear && shellcheck %<CR> autocmd FileType sh map <F8> :!clear && shellcheck %<CR>
autocmd FileType tex map <F8> :VimtexCompile<CR> autocmd FileType tex map <F8> :VimtexCompile<CR>
autocmd VimEnter *.tex VimtexCompile autocmd VimEnter *.tex VimtexCompile
autocmd FileType markdown,tex,text set spell spelllang=en_us
autocmd VimLeave *.tex !tex-clean %:p autocmd VimLeave *.tex !tex-clean %:p
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tmpl set tw=0 sw=2
" " auto-reload vimrc {{{ " " " auto-reload vimrc {{{ "


@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
# system {{{ #
# vim: fdm=marker
# clear screen
c "printf '\033c'"
hst "history"
nf "printf '\033c' && neofetch | lolcat"
fi "fish"
# reload urxvt
ru "xrdb ~/.Xresources"
# list file sizes in megabytes with depth 1
duh "sudo du -d 1 -h --apparent-size | sort -hr"
dum "sudo du -d 1 -m --apparent-size | sort -hr"
m "man"
tl "tldr"
nvt "nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode='DVI-I-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On}, HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +3840+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On}'"
vgb "sudo nvim /etc/default/grub"
mkgb "sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
b "bat"
ba "bat *"
grep "grep --color=auto -n"
grr "grep -r"
# pk "pkill -f"
cld "colordiff -wy --suppress-common-lines"
mkpk "makepkg -sri"
ex "chmod 777"
ex "chmod 777"
# systemctl {{{ #
ctl "sudo systemctl"
ctle "sudo systemctl enable"
ctld "sudo systemctl disable"
ctla "sudo systemctl start"
ctls "sudo systemctl stop"
ctlt "sudo systemctl status"
ctltd "sudo systemctl status dhcpcd"
ctlr "sudo systemctl restart"
# }}} systemctl #
wm "sudo wifi-menu"
# mounting
udm "udisksctl mount -b"
udmb "udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdc2"
udu "udisksctl unmount -b"
udub "udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sdc2"
tc "touch"
vdr "vidir"
# directory-related {{{ #
ls "lsd"
l "lsd -a"
ll "lsd -al"
smv "sudo mv"
f "cd"
fz "fzf"
fnd "find . -type f -name"
rmr "rm -rf"
rmd "rm ~/Downloads/*"
rmw "rm ~/.local/share/nvim/swap/"
md "mkdir -p"
rsy "rsync -Pr"
# list all (un)mounted drives
lhd "sudo fdisk -l"
# get disc space for mounted drives
# ds "df -h | tee >(head -n 1) >(grep sd) >/dev/null"
ds "df -h | head -n 1 && df -h | grep sd"
chownw "sudo chown -R kevin:wheel"
chwnm "sudo chown -R kevin:wheel /run/media/kevin"
# cd into backup folder and show backup sizes
nbu "cd /run/media/kevin/backup-hd/nzxt/tar && lsd -l"
# }}} directory-related #
# power options {{{ #
s "systemctl suspend"
so "xset dpms force off"
sd "systemctl poweroff"
rb "systemctl reboot"
lo "i3-msg exit"
x "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
X "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
# }}} power options #
# sound
vlm "alsamixer -c 0"
vlh "alsamixer -c 2"
# apt
# apti "sudo apt install"
# aptr "sudo apt remove"
# aptu "sudo apt upgrade"
# pacman {{{ #
# pc "sudo pacman -S"
# pcq "sudo pacman -Qi"
# pcr "sudo pacman -Rns"
# pcud "sudo pacman -Sy"
# pcug "sudo pacman -Syu"
# xpc "pacman -Qqne > ~/linux-config/txt/nzxt-pkgs.txt && pacman -Qqme > ~/linux-config/txt/nzxt-aur.txt "
# tri "trizen -S --noconfirm"
tri "trizen -S --noedit"
# install
ya "yay -S --answerdiff=N --answeredit=N"
# info
yaq "yay -Qi"
# remove
yar "yay -Rns"
# sync
yaud "yay -Sy"
# sync and update
yaug "yay -Syu"
# export packages
xya "yay -Qqne > ~/linux-config/txt/nzxt-pkgs.txt && yay -Qqme > ~/linux-config/txt/nzxt-aur.txt "
# }}} pacman #
py "python"
pipi "sudo pip install"
# internet
pg "ping -c 3 -W 1"
dh "sudo dhcpcd"
kdh "sudo killall dhcpcd"
rdh "sudo killall dhcpcd && sudo dhcpcd"
id "identify"
# rz "source ~/linux-config/aliases/zsh_aliases"
# }}} system #
# applications {{{ #
# silent="> /dev/null 2>&1& "
chr "google-chrome"
clc "cloc ."
cv "cava"
fh "feh"
gpd "gpg --decrypt"
gpe "gpg --encrypt --recipient"
htc "htop -s PERCENT_CPU"
htm "htop -s PERCENT_MEM"
kd "killall Discord && killall Discord"
kt "killall thunderbird"
mp "mpv --volume=50"
mra "man ranger"
n "nvim"
p3 "python3"
pdft "pdftotext"
pipes " -t 3"
py "python"
r "ranger"
rx "redshift -x"
sn "sudo nvim"
sx "sxiv"
sxa "sxiv -a"
sxt "sxiv -t *"
vmd "vimdiff"
wg "wego"
wp "grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/"
zt "zathura --fork"
lz "unzip -l"
# rsl "java -jar ~/Downloads/RuneLite.jar"
# swex "sudo nohup ~/Downloads/swex.appimage $silent"
# pass {{{ #
ps "pass"
psc "pass -c"
pse "pass edit"
psi "pass insert -m"
psg "pass generate -c"
pss "pass show"
xc "xclip -selection clipboard"
yh "echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
yg "xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/gmail"
yt "xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/trapbot"
yu "echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
# }}} pass #
# watson {{{ #
w "watson"
wa "watson start"
wae "watson start && watson edit"
we "watson edit"
wl "watson log --day"
wla "watson log --all --tag="
ww "watson log"
# wlm "watson log --project coding --tag mfs"
wr "watson report --day"
wrw "watson report"
wre "watson restart"
wree "watson restart && watson edit"
ws "watson status && watson stop"
wse "watson stop && watson edit"
wsc "watson cancel"
wsl "watson stop && watson log --day"
wt "watson status"
# }}} watson #
# }}} applications #
# git {{{ #
gstr "git config credential.helper store"
g "git"
# branch {{{ #
gb "git branch"
gbd "git branch -D"
gba "git branch --no-merged && echo '' && git branch --merged"
gbu "git branch --no-merged"
gbm "git branch --merged"
gmg "git merge"
gmgt "git mergetool"
# }}} branch #
gr "git remote -v"
gro "git remote show origin"
# add/remove {{{ #
ga "git add -A && git status -u"
gac "git add -A && git commit -S"
gaf "git add -f"
# unsigned commt
gacu "git add -A && git commit"
grm "git rm"
grmf "git rm -f"
grmc "git rm --cached"
grmfc "git rm -f --cached"
grmor "rm (fd -e orig --no-ignore -H)"
# }}} add #
# diff/log {{{ #
gd "git difftool -w --tool=vimdiff"
gdc "git difftool -w --cached --tool=vimdiff"
gdl "git diff -w"
gdlc "git diff --cached -w"
gdh "git diff --cached -w HEAD~1"
gds "git diff --stat"
gl "git log"
gsl "git shortlog"
# }}} diff/log #
# update {{{ #
gs "git status -u"
gchom "git checkout master"
gchnw "git checkout -b wip"
gchw "git checkout wip"
gheadm1 "git reset --hard HEAD~1"
# show files in git repo
# gls "git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only"
gls "git ls-tree HEAD --name-only"
# push {{{ #
gst "git stash"
gstl "git stash list"
gstp "git stash pop"
gc "git commit -S"
gcu "git commit"
gca "git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit -S"
gcam "git add -A && git commit --amend -S"
# gcamp "git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit -S && gpsf"
psgi "git add -A && git commit -m 'Update' -S && git push"
gps "git push"
gpsi "git config credential.helper store && git push"
# gpsn "git push --set-upstream origin master"
gpsn "eval (git push 2>&1 | tail -n 2)"
gpsf "git push --force"
gclear "git stash clear"
gpl "git pull --rebase"
grba "git rebase --abort"
grbc "git rebase --continue"
# }}} push #
# }}} update #
crm "mrk"
gcho "git checkout"
gchon "git checkout -b"
gf "git fetch origin"
gcln "git clone"
gchp "git cherry-pick"
gchpc "git cherry-pick --continue"
# assume file unchanged
gunc "git update-index --assume-unchanged"
# }}} git #
# coding projs {{{ #
# coding_dir="~/coding"
zm "chezmoi"
za "chezmoi add"
zar "chezmoi add -r"
ze "chezmoi edit"
zp "chezmoi -v apply"
rgt "rg TODO"
# trapbot {{{ #
# tb "$cd_coding_dir/trapbot"
# vtb "$cd_coding_dir/trapbot && ni"
# ptb "python"
# rtb "$cd_coding_dir/trapbot && python"
# }}} trapbot #
# spotify-lib-vis {{{ #
# spv_dir="$coding_dir""/spotify-lib-vis"
# svl "f $spv_dir/src/login"
# sva "f $spv_dir/src/api"
# svg "f $spv_dir/src/graphs"
# svscs "f $spv_dir/src/static/scss"
# svcss "f $spv_dir/src/spotifyvis/static/scss"
# start spv server from dir
# pg "sudo systemctl start postgresql.service && systemctl status postgresql.service"
ssv "bash ../bin/activate && python runserver"
# start spv server outside dir
# open spv db in psql
spvdb "psql -d spotifyvis -U django"
mig "python makemigrations && python migrate --run-syncdb && ssv"
cldb "python flush --no-input && ssv"
# django shell
djs "python shell"
# update pip
upip "pip list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U"
# update pip req's.
ureq "pip freeze > requirements.txt"
# show last history scan
hlg "cat $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log | tail -n 1"
# scan history
# hs "$spv_dir/src/ && cat $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log | tail -n 1"
# scan cron log for hs cmd
crnl "grep \"(kevin) CMD\" /var/log/syslog | tail -n 1 && hlg"
# removes all but newest file
# rmol "ls -t | tail -n +2 | xargs rm -- && l"
snw "spotify-now -i '%artist - %title'"
# }}} spotify-lib-vis #
shc "shellcheck"
pdl "pdflatex"
tcl "tex-clean"
# mfs
mfs "nvim /home/kevin/coding/best-mf-site-personal/index.html"
ht "python3 -m http.server"
# j "jekyll"
# js "jekyll serve"
h "hugo"
he "hugo serve -D --disableFastRender"
ss "ssh kevin@"
ssb "ssh-bandit"
rt "python ~/coding/rt-scraper/"
# }}} coding projs #
# school {{{ #
wlf "watson log --all --tag=final"
wrf "watson report --all --tag=final"
# 369 {{{ #
ssc "ssh"
ma "printf '\033c' && bear make"
mc "bear make clean"
mca "bear make clean && printf '\033c' && bear make"
rmc "rm compile_commands.json"
rms "rm swapfile.*"
wl6 "watson log --all --project=369 --tag=a4"
wr6 "watson report --all --project=369 --tag=a4"
um6 "sudo umount /mnt/369-a4"
# a2 {{{ #
mcr "bear make clean && printf '\033c' && bear make && ./carsim light 1 20"
# mr "printf '\033c' && make && ./carsim stop 10 20"
# mr "printf '\033c' && bear make && ./carsim light 1 20"
# "valgrind --tool=helgrind ./carsim stop 10 50 > helgrind.txt 2>&1 && valgrind --tool=helgrind ./carsim light 10 50 >> helgrind.txt 2>&1"
# lk "valgrind --leak-check=yes ./carsim stop 10 20"
lk "valgrind --leak-check=yes ./carsim light 1 1"
# hl "valgrind --tool=helgrind ./carsim stop 10 20"
hl "valgrind --tool=helgrind ./carsim light 10 20"
# }}} a2 #
# a1
# sa "ssh k@"
# cpi "scp interceptor.c kevin@"
# cpti "gcc -m32 -o test_intercept test_intercept.c && scp test_intercept k@"
# }}} 369 #
# 309{{{
wl0 "watson log --all --project=309 --tag=phase2"
wr0 "watson report --all --project=309 --tag=phase2"
# apps
nd "node"
ndm "nodemon"
knd "killall node"
mg "mongo"
# server
0ht "cd ~/school/309-proj && python3 -m http.server"
mgd "mongod --dbpath mongo-data"
# nds "killall node && nodemon server.js"
nds "nodemon server.js"
# heroku
hr "heroku"
hrs "heroku local web"
hrt "heroku ps"
hrl "heroku logs --dyno web -n 1500 | rg up | awk '{ system(\"date -d \" \$1); \$1 = \"\"; print \$0 }' | paste -s -d' \n'"
gpsh "git push heroku"
0c "node collections.js"
# }}}
# }}} school #


@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
# vim: fdm=indent
# system
# clear screen
cs "printf '\033c'"
hst "history"
nf "printf '\033c' && neofetch | lolcat"
fi "fish"
# reload urxvt
ru "xrdb ~/.Xresources"
# list file sizes in megabytes with depth 1
duh "sudo du -d 1 -h --apparent-size | sort -hr"
dum "sudo du -d 1 -m --apparent-size | sort -hr"
m "man"
tl "tldr"
nvt "nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode='DVI-I-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On}, HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +3840+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On}'"
vgb "sudo nvim /etc/default/grub"
mkgb "sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
b "bat"
ba "bat *"
grep "grep --color=auto -n"
grr "grep -r"
# pk "pkill -f"
cld "colordiff -wy --suppress-common-lines"
mkpk "makepkg -sri"
ex "chmod 777"
ex "chmod 777"
# systemctl #
ctl "sudo systemctl"
ctle "sudo systemctl enable"
ctld "sudo systemctl disable"
ctla "sudo systemctl start"
ctls "sudo systemctl stop"
ctlt "sudo systemctl status"
ctltd "sudo systemctl status dhcpcd"
ctlr "sudo systemctl restart"
wm "sudo wifi-menu"
# mounting
udm "udisksctl mount -b"
udmb "udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdc2"
udu "udisksctl unmount -b"
udub "udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sdc2"
tc "touch"
vdr "vidir"
# directory-related #
ls "lsd"
l "lsd -a"
ll "lsd -al"
smv "sudo mv"
f "cd"
fz "fzf"
fnd "find . -type f -name"
rmr "rm -rf"
rmd "rm ~/Downloads/*"
rmw "rm ~/.local/share/nvim/swap/"
md "mkdir -p"
rsy "rsync -Pr"
# list all (un)mounted drives
lhd "sudo fdisk -l"
# get disc space for mounted drives
# ds "df -h | tee >(head -n 1) >(grep sd) >/dev/null"
ds "df -h | head -n 1 && df -h | grep sd"
chownw "sudo chown -R {{ }}:wheel"
chwnm "sudo chown -R {{ }}:wheel /run/media/{{ .chezmoi.username }}"
# cd into backup folder and show backup sizes
nbu "cd /run/media/{{ }}/backup-hd/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}/tar && lsd -l"
# directory-related #
# power options #
s "systemctl suspend"
so "xset dpms force off"
sd "systemctl poweroff"
rb "systemctl reboot"
lo "i3-msg exit"
x "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
X "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
# sound
vlm "alsamixer -c 0"
vlh "alsamixer -c 2"
# apt
# apti "sudo apt install"
# aptr "sudo apt remove"
# aptu "sudo apt upgrade"
# pacman #
# pc "sudo pacman -S"
# pcq "sudo pacman -Qi"
# pcr "sudo pacman -Rns"
# pcud "sudo pacman -Sy"
# pcug "sudo pacman -Syu"
# xpc "pacman -Qqne > ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}-pkgs.txt && pacman -Qqme > ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}-aur.txt "
# tri "trizen -S --noconfirm"
tri "trizen -S --noedit"
# install
ya "yay -S --answerdiff=N --answeredit=N"
# info
yaq "yay -Qi"
# remove
yar "yay -Rns"
# sync
yaud "yay -Sy"
# sync and update
yaug "yay -Syu"
# export packages
xya "yay -Qqne > ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}-pkgs.txt && yay -Qqme > ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}-aur.txt "
py "python"
pipi "sudo pip install"
# internet
pg "ping -c 3 -W 1"
dh "sudo dhcpcd"
kdh "sudo killall dhcpcd"
rdh "sudo killall dhcpcd && sudo dhcpcd"
id "identify"
# rz "source ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/aliases/zsh_aliases"
# system
chr "google-chrome"
# applications #
# silent="> /dev/null 2>&1& "
clc "cloc ."
cv "cava"
dg "dragon-drag-and-drop -x"
fh "feh"
gpd "gpg --decrypt"
gpe "gpg --encrypt --recipient"
htc "htop -s PERCENT_CPU"
htm "htop -s PERCENT_MEM"
kd "killall Discord && killall Discord"
kt "killall thunderbird"
mp "mpv --volume=50"
mra "man ranger"
n "nvim"
p3 "python3"
pdft "pdftotext"
pipes " -t 3"
py "python"
r "ranger"
rx "redshift -x"
sn "sudo nvim"
sx "sxiv"
sxa "sxiv -a"
sxt "sxiv -t *"
vmd "vimdiff"
wg "wego"
wp "grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/"
zt "zathura --fork"
lz "unzip -l"
# rsl "java -jar ~/Downloads/RuneLite.jar"
# swex "sudo nohup ~/Downloads/swex.appimage $silent"
# pass #
ps "pass"
psc "pass -c"
pse "pass edit"
psi "pass insert -m"
psg "pass generate -c"
pss "pass show"
xc "xclip -selection clipboard"
yh "echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
yg "xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/gmail"
yt "xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/trapbot"
yu "echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
w "watson"
wa "watson start"
wae "watson start && watson edit"
we "watson edit"
wl "watson log --day"
wla "watson log --all --tag="
ww "watson log"
# wlm "watson log --project coding --tag mfs"
wr "watson report --day"
wrw "watson report"
wre "watson restart"
wree "watson restart && watson edit"
ws "watson status && watson stop"
wse "watson stop && watson edit"
wsc "watson cancel"
wsl "watson stop && watson log --day"
wt "watson status"
# applications #
g "git"
# git #
gstr "git config credential.helper store"
# branch #
gb "git branch"
gbd "git branch -D"
gba "git branch --no-merged && echo '' && git branch --merged"
gbu "git branch --no-merged"
gbm "git branch --merged"
gmg "git merge"
gmgt "git mergetool"
gr "git remote -v"
gro "git remote show origin"
# add/remove #
ga "git add -A && git status -u"
gac "git add -A && git commit -S"
gaf "git add -f"
# unsigned commt
gacu "git add -A && git commit"
grm "git rm"
grmf "git rm -f"
grmc "git rm --cached"
grmfc "git rm -f --cached"
grmor "rm (fd -e orig --no-ignore -H)"
# add #
gd "git difftool -w --tool=vimdiff"
# diff/log #
gdc "git difftool -w --cached --tool=vimdiff"
gdl "git diff -w"
gdlc "git diff --cached -w"
gdh "git diff --cached -w HEAD~1"
gds "git diff --stat"
gl "git log"
gsl "git shortlog"
# diff/log #
gs "git status -u"
# update #
gchom "git checkout master"
gchnw "git checkout -b wip"
gchw "git checkout wip"
gheadm1 "git reset --hard HEAD~1"
# show files in git repo
# gls "git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only"
gls "git ls-tree HEAD --name-only"
# push #
gst "git stash"
gstl "git stash list"
gstp "git stash pop"
gc "git commit -S"
gcu "git commit"
gca "git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit -S"
gcam "git add -A && git commit --amend -S"
# gcamp "git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit -S && gpsf"
psgi "git add -A && git commit -m 'Update' -S && git push"
gps "git push"
gpsi "git config credential.helper store && git push"
# gpsn "git push --set-upstream origin master"
gpsn "eval (git push 2>&1 | tail -n 2)"
gpsf "git push --force"
gclear "git stash clear"
gpl "git pull --rebase"
grba "git rebase --abort"
grbc "git rebase --continue"
crm "mrk"
gcho "git checkout"
gchon "git checkout -b"
gf "git fetch origin"
gcln "git clone"
gchp "git cherry-pick"
gchpc "git cherry-pick --continue"
# assume file unchanged
gunc "git update-index --assume-unchanged"
# git #
rgt "rg TODO"
# coding projs #
## chezmoi
zm "chezmoi"
za "chezmoi add"
zar "chezmoi add -r"
zd "chezmoi data"
ze "chezmoi edit"
zp "chezmoi -v apply"
ssv "bash ../bin/activate && python runserver"
# spotify-lib-vis #
# start spv server outside dir
# open spv db in psql
spvdb "psql -d spotifyvis -U django"
mig "python makemigrations && python migrate --run-syncdb && ssv"
cldb "python flush --no-input && ssv"
# django shell
djs "python shell"
# update pip
upip "pip list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U"
# update pip req's.
ureq "pip freeze > requirements.txt"
# show last history scan
hlg "cat $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log | tail -n 1"
# scan history
# hs "$spv_dir/src/ && cat $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log | tail -n 1"
# scan cron log for hs cmd
crnl "grep \"({{ }}) CMD\" /var/log/syslog | tail -n 1 && hlg"
# removes all but newest file
# rmol "ls -t | tail -n +2 | xargs rm -- && l"
snw "spotify-now -i '%artist - %title'"
shc "shellcheck"
pdl "pdflatex"
tcl "tex-clean"
# mfs
mfs "nvim {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/best-mf-site-personal/index.html"
ht "python3 -m http.server"
# j "jekyll"
# js "jekyll serve"
h "hugo"
he "hugo serve -D --disableFastRender"
ss "ssh {{ }}@"
ssb "ssh-bandit"
rt "python ~/coding/rt-scraper/"
# coding projs #
wlf "watson log --all --tag=final"
wrf "watson report --all --tag=final"
# school #
# 369 #
ssc "ssh"
ma "printf '\033c' && bear make"
mc "bear make clean"
mca "bear make clean && printf '\033c' && bear make"
rmc "rm compile_commands.json"
rms "rm swapfile.*"
wl0 "watson log --all --project=309 --tag=phase2"
wr0 "watson report --all --project=309 --tag=phase2"
# 309
# apps
nd "node"
ndm "nodemon"
knd "killall node"
mg "mongo"
# server
0ht "cd ~/school/309-proj && python3 -m http.server"
mgd "mongod --dbpath mongo-data"
# nds "killall node && nodemon server.js"
nds "nodemon server.js"
# heroku
hr "heroku"
hrs "heroku local web"
hrt "heroku ps"
hrl "heroku logs --dyno web -n 1500 | rg up | awk '{ system(\"date -d \" \$1); \$1 = \"\"; print \$0 }' | paste -s -d' \n'"
gpsh "git push heroku"
0c "node collections.js"
# school #


@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# sys {{{ *
# vim: fdm=marker
bg /home/kevin/Pictures/Backgrounds
cf /home/kevin/.config
d /home/kevin/Downloads
D /home/kevin/Documents
fo /home/kevin/.config/fish
k /home/kevin/
lf /mnt/linux-files
lfv /mnt/linux-files/Videos
me /run/media/kevin
o /
p /home/kevin/.password-store
P /home/kevin/Pictures
sw ~/.local/share/nvim/swap/
tm /tmp
z /home/kevin/linux-config
# }}} sys *
# cdn {{{ *
b1 /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/themes/base16
cn /home/kevin/coding
ib /home/kevin/linux-config/i3blocks/.config/i3blocks/scripts
j /home/kevin/Documents/journal
lh /home/kevin/Documents/listening-history
ms /home/kevin/coding/mf-site
mh /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/layouts
# mg /home/kevin/coding/best-mf-site-personal
ra /home/kevin/.config/ranger
sr /home/kevin/linux-config/scripts
snp /home/kevin/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips
sv /home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src
swa /home/kevin/.local/share/nvim/swap
tx /home/kevin/linux-config/txt
wd /home/kevin/.config/watson
wo /home/kevin/Documents/workout-logs/11
# }}} cdn *
# sch {{{ *
lt /home/kevin/school/latex-notes
# 309{{{
sc /home/kevin/school
0c /home/kevin/school/309-proj/css
0d /home/kevin/school/309
0j /home/kevin/school/309-proj/public/js
0l /home/kevin/school/309/l
0p /home/kevin/school/309-proj
0m /home/kevin/school/309-proj/mongo
e4 /home/kevin/school/309/e4
# }}}
6 /home/kevin/school/369
6l /home/kevin/school/369/notes/lectures
hp /home/kevin/school/hps
# }}} sch *


@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# vim: fdm=indent
# sys *
bg {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Pictures/Backgrounds
c {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config
cf {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.config
d {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Downloads
D {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents
fo {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.config/fish
k {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/
lf /mnt/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-files
lfv /mnt/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-files/Videos
me /run/media/{{ }}
o /
p {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.password-store
P {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Pictures
sw {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.local/share/nvim/swap/
tm /tmp
# sys *
b1 {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/mf-site/themes/base16
# cdn *
cn {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding
ib {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/i3blocks/.config/i3blocks/scripts
j {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents/journal
lh {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents/listening-history
ms {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/mf-site
mh {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/mf-site/layouts
# mg {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/best-mf-site-personal
ra {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.config/ranger
sr {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/scripts
snp {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips
sv {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src
swa {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.local/share/nvim/swap
tx {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt
wd {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.config/watson
wo {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents/workout-logs/11
# cdn *
lt {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/latex-notes
# sch *
# 309
sc {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school
0c {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/css
0d {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309
0j {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/public/js
0l {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309/l
0p {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj
0m {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/mongo
e4 {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309/e4
6 {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/369
6l {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/369/notes/lectures
hp {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/hps
# sch *


@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# sys {{{ *
3 ~/linux-config/dot_config/i3/config
a ~/linux-config/key_aliases
d ~/linux-config/key_dirs
f ~/linux-config/key_files
i /home/kevin/.config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf
p /home/kevin/linux-config/txt/pacman-pkgs/pacman-pkgs.txt
r /home/kevin/.config/ranger/rc.conf
sr /home/kevin/linux-config/configs/ranger/shortcuts.conf
ss /home/kevin/.shortcuts
u /home/kevin/.Xresources
v /home/kevin/.vimrc
x ~/linux-config/dot_config/private_fish/
y /home/kevin/.zshrc
z /home/kevin/linux-config/aliases/zsh_aliases
# }}} sys *
# cdn {{{ *
cm /tmp/commit-msg.txt
cmd ./commit-msg.txt
hlg /home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log
id /home/kevin/coding/project-ideas/
ig ./.gitignore
jn /home/kevin/Documents/journal/todo/
jt /home/kevin/Documents/journal/todo/
lh /home/kevin/Documents/listening-history/polarbier.csv
mc /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/assets/sass/main.scss
mi /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/
ne /home/kevin/linux-config/configs/neofetch/config.conf
tm /home/kevin/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
wh /home/kevin/Documents/journal/todo/
wt /home/kevin/.config/watson/state.tmp
# }}} cdn *
# sch {{{ *
# 309 {{{ *
0c /home/kevin/school/309-proj/sass/main.scss
0h /home/kevin/school/309-proj/public/js/helpers.js
0i /home/kevin/school/309-proj/public/index.html
0m /home/kevin/school/309-proj/public/js/main.js
0f /home/kevin/school/309-proj/public/js/food.js
0s /home/kevin/school/309-proj/server.js
0t /home/kevin/school/309-proj/public/js/stores.js
0k /home/kevin/school/309-proj/json/
# }}} 309 *
# }}} sch *


@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# vim: fdm=indent
# sys *
3 ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/dot_config/i3/config
a ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/key_aliases.tmpl
d ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/key_dirs.tmpl
f ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/key_files.tmpl
i {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf
p {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/pacman-pkgs/pacman-pkgs.txt
r {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.config/ranger/rc.conf
sr {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/configs/ranger/shortcuts.conf
ss {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.shortcuts
u {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.Xresources
v {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.vimrc
x ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/dot_config/private_fish/
y {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.zshrc
z {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/aliases/zsh_aliases
# sys *
cm /tmp/commit-msg.txt
# cdn *
ci {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/
cmd ./commit-msg.txt
hlg {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log
id {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/project-ideas/
ig ./.gitignore
jn {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents/journal/todo/
jt {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents/journal/todo/
lh {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents/listening-history/polarbier.csv
mc {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/mf-site/assets/sass/main.scss
mi {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/coding/mf-site/
ne {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/configs/neofetch/config.conf
tm {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
wh {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/Documents/journal/todo/
wt {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/.config/watson/state.tmp
# cdn *
0c {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/sass/main.scss
# sch *
# 309 *
0h {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/public/js/helpers.js
0i {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/public/index.html
0m {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/public/js/main.js
0f {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/public/js/food.js
0s {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/server.js
0t {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/public/js/stores.js
0k {{ .chezmoi.homedir }}/school/309-proj/json/{{ }}.md
# sch *


@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ sed "s/\s*#.*$//;/^\s*$/d" "$key_files" | tee \
>(awk '{print "abbr v"$1, "\"$EDITOR "$2"\""}' >> "$fish_abbr") \ >(awk '{print "abbr v"$1, "\"$EDITOR "$2"\""}' >> "$fish_abbr") \
| awk '{print "map v"$1" shell $EDITOR "$2}' >> "$ranger_mappings" | awk '{print "map v"$1" shell $EDITOR "$2}' >> "$ranger_mappings"
sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/^[ \t#].*/d' "$key_aliases" | sort | tee \
sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/[ ]*#.*/d' "$key_aliases" | sort | tee \
>(awk '{printf "abbr " $1; $1 = ""; print $0; }' >> "$fish_abbr") \ >(awk '{printf "abbr " $1; $1 = ""; print $0; }' >> "$fish_abbr") \
| awk '{ | awk '{
printf $1; printf $1;
@ -62,4 +62,4 @@ sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/^[ \t#].*/d' "$key_aliases" | sort | tee \
printf "="; printf "=";
printf gensub(" ", "", 1, $0); printf gensub(" ", "", 1, $0);
print " \\"; print " \\";
}' >> "$aliases"
}' >> "$aliases"


@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
# chezmoi # chezmoi
- edit chez dir files?
- root
- shortcut script
- fish config template
- nvim setup - nvim setup
- fish config
- home dir var
- merge laptop - merge laptop
- home server
- lab
- template bash file
# Other
- nnn - nnn
- spotify blocklet - escape chars. - spotify blocklet - escape chars.