@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ set $browser "chromium" |
set $def_term "urxvt" |
set $def_term "urxvt" |
# set $runelite "java -jar ~/Downloads/RuneLite.jar" |
# set $runelite "java -jar ~/Downloads/RuneLite.jar" |
set $swex "sudo ~/Downloads/swex.appimage" |
set $swex "sudo ~/Downloads/swex.appimage" |
exec redshift -O 2000 |
# exec redshift -O 2000 |
exec redshift -O 3000 |
# random bg |
# random bg |
exec compton |
exec compton |
exec wal -i "$HOME/Pictures/Backgrounds/dim" |
exec wal -i "$HOME/Pictures/Backgrounds/dim" |
@ -44,15 +45,19 @@ bindsym Print exec gscreenshot |
# }}} app shortcuts # |
# }}} app shortcuts # |
# redshift {{{ # |
# redshift {{{ # |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+1 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 1000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+2 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 1250 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+3 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 1500 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+4 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 2000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+5 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 2500 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+6 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 3000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+7 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 4000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+8 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 5000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+1 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 1250 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+2 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 2000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+3 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 3000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+4 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 4000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+5 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 5000 |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+grave exec redshift -x |
bindsym $mod+Mod4+grave exec redshift -x |
# old |
# bindsym $mod+Mod4+1 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 1000 |
# bindsym $mod+Mod4+3 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 1500 |
# bindsym $mod+Mod4+3 exec redshift -x && redshift -O 2500 |
# }}} redshift # |
# }}} redshift # |
# backlight {{{ # |
# backlight {{{ # |
@ -219,7 +224,9 @@ bindsym $mod+F9 workspace $ws9; exec $def_term |
set $ws10 "10 " |
set $ws10 "10 " |
assign [class="spotify"] $ws10 |
assign [class="spotify"] $ws10 |
workspace $ws10 output $samsung |
workspace $ws10 output $samsung |
bindsym $mod+F10 workspace $ws10; exec $def_term |
set $hp 2 |
bindsym Mod4+v workspace $ws10; exec urxvt -e alsamixer -c 0 |
bindsym Mod4+h workspace $ws10; exec urxvt -e alsamixer -c $hp |
bindsym Mod4+s workspace $ws10; exec spotify |
bindsym Mod4+s workspace $ws10; exec spotify |
set $ws11 "11 " |
set $ws11 "11 " |
@ -309,10 +316,11 @@ bindsym $mod+control+l resize shrink width 3 px or 3 ppt |
# remove window titlebars |
# remove window titlebars |
for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 3 |
for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 3 |
set $inner_gaps 35 |
set $inner_gaps 35 |
set $outer_gaps 5 |
set $outer_gaps -3 |
gaps inner $inner_gaps |
gaps inner $inner_gaps |
gaps outer $outer_gaps |
gaps outer $outer_gaps |
gaps bottom 0 |
# gaps inner 0 |
# gaps inner 0 |
# gaps outer 0 |
# gaps outer 0 |
@ -336,25 +344,34 @@ bindsym control+shift+0 gaps inner all set 0;gaps outer all set 0 |
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status |
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status |
# finds out, if available) |
# finds out, if available) |
set $sb_font Hack NF Bold |
set $sb_font Hack NF Bold |
set $grey #acc0cd |
set $black #000000 |
set $black #000000 |
set $white #ffffff |
set $white #ffffff |
# border color |
set $dark_grey #444c52 |
set $inactive_ws_bg #444c52 |
# set $inactive_ws_bg $white |
# set $inactive_ws_text #bcccd7 |
set $inactive_ws_text #838e96 |
# set $inactive_ws_trans c8 |
set $inactive_ws_trans 96 |
# set $active_ws_text $white |
set $active_ws_text #ffffff |
# benq bar {{{ # |
# benq bar {{{ # |
set $benq_bar_trans 64 |
# set $bar_trans 64 |
set $bar_trans 00 |
set $benq_ws_trans aa |
set $benq_ws_trans aa |
bar { |
bar { |
i3bar_command i3bar -t |
i3bar_command i3bar -t |
font pango:$sb_font 20 |
font pango:$sb_font 20 |
colors { |
colors { |
# 0 (transparent) -> 255 (opaque) in hex |
# 0 (transparent) -> 255 (opaque) in hex |
background $black$benq_bar_trans |
background $black$bar_trans |
# border, bg, text color |
# border, bg, text color |
focused_workspace $dark_grey $bg$benq_bar_trans $white |
inactive_workspace $dark_grey $black$benq_ws_trans $grey |
focused_workspace $inactive_ws_bg $bg $active_ws_text |
inactive_workspace $inactive_ws_bg $inactive_ws_bg$inactive_ws_trans $inactive_ws_text |
} |
} |
tray_output none |
tray_output none |
status_command i3blocks -c ~/.config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf |
status_command i3blocks -c ~/.config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf |
@ -367,17 +384,16 @@ bar { |
# sam bar {{{ # |
# sam bar {{{ # |
set $sam_bar_trans 99 |
set $sam_ws_trans b4 |
bar { |
bar { |
output $samsung |
output $samsung |
font pango:$sb_font 25 |
font pango:$sb_font 25 |
# output $benq |
# output $benq |
i3bar_command i3bar -t |
i3bar_command i3bar -t |
colors { |
colors { |
background $black$sam_bar_trans |
focused_workspace $dark_grey $bg$sam_bar_trans $white |
inactive_workspace $dark_grey $black$sam_ws_trans $grey |
background $black$bar_trans |
# border, bg, text color |
focused_workspace $inactive_ws_bg $bg $active_ws_text |
inactive_workspace $inactive_ws_bg $inactive_ws_bg$inactive_ws_trans $inactive_ws_text |
} |
} |
status_command i3blocks -c ~/.config/sam-i3blocks/sam-i3blocks.conf |
status_command i3blocks -c ~/.config/sam-i3blocks/sam-i3blocks.conf |
tray_output none |
tray_output none |