Browse Source


Kevin Mok 6 years ago
Signed by: Kevin-Mok GPG Key ID: AEA75288DC135CF5
  1. 84
  2. 59
  3. 16
  4. 5
  5. 10
  6. 4
  7. 3
  8. 3
  9. 1
  10. 28
  11. 1
  12. 3
  13. 2
  14. 1
  15. 10
  16. 6
  17. 37
  18. 3


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# system {{{ # # system {{{ #
# clear screen # clear screen
cs "printf '\033c'"
c "printf '\033c'"
hst "history" hst "history"
nf "printf '\033c' && neofetch | lolcat" nf "printf '\033c' && neofetch | lolcat"
fi "fish" fi "fish"
@ -9,18 +9,21 @@ fi "fish"
ru "xrdb ~/.Xresources" ru "xrdb ~/.Xresources"
# list file sizes in megabytes with depth 1 # list file sizes in megabytes with depth 1
dum "sudo du -d 1 -B M" dum "sudo du -d 1 -B M"
tl "tldr"
vgb "sni /etc/default/grub" vgb "sni /etc/default/grub"
mkgb "sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" mkgb "sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
grep "grep --color=auto"
rg "grep -nr"
grep "grep --color=auto -n"
rg "grep -r"
# pk "pkill -f" # pk "pkill -f"
cld "colordiff -y --suppress-common-lines"
mkpk "makepkg -sri" mkpk "makepkg -sri"
mkex "chmod 777" mkex "chmod 777"
# systemctl
# systemctl {{{ #
ctl "sudo systemctl" ctl "sudo systemctl"
ctle "sudo systemctl enable" ctle "sudo systemctl enable"
ctld "sudo systemctl disable" ctld "sudo systemctl disable"
@ -29,6 +32,8 @@ ctls "sudo systemctl stop"
ctlt "sudo systemctl status" ctlt "sudo systemctl status"
ctlr "sudo systemctl restart" ctlr "sudo systemctl restart"
# }}} systemctl #
wm "sudo wifi-menu" wm "sudo wifi-menu"
# mounting # mounting
@ -37,9 +42,7 @@ udmb "udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdc2"
udu "udisksctl unmount -b" udu "udisksctl unmount -b"
udub "udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sdc2" udub "udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sdc2"
tc "touch"
# }}} command line related #
to "touch"
# directory-related {{{ # # directory-related {{{ #
l "ls -a" l "ls -a"
@ -71,7 +74,8 @@ s "systemctl suspend"
sd "sudo shutdown 0" sd "sudo shutdown 0"
reb "sudo shutdown -r 0" reb "sudo shutdown -r 0"
lo "i3-msg exit" lo "i3-msg exit"
x "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate 200 60"
x "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate 200 70"
X "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate 200 70"
# }}} power options # # }}} power options #
@ -84,7 +88,8 @@ vlh "alsamixer -c 2"
# aptr "sudo apt remove" # aptr "sudo apt remove"
# aptu "sudo apt upgrade" # aptu "sudo apt upgrade"
# pacman
# pacman {{{ #
pc "sudo pacman -S" pc "sudo pacman -S"
pcr "sudo pacman -Rs" pcr "sudo pacman -Rs"
pcud "sudo pacman -Sy" pcud "sudo pacman -Sy"
@ -94,6 +99,8 @@ xpc "pacman -Qqe > ~/linux-config/txt/nzxt-pkgs.txt"
# tri "trizen -S --noconfirm" # tri "trizen -S --noconfirm"
tri "trizen -S" tri "trizen -S"
# }}} pacman #
# internet # internet
pgo "ping -c 3" pgo "ping -c 3"
dh "sudo dhcpcd" dh "sudo dhcpcd"
@ -120,13 +127,14 @@ chr "google-chrome"
# h "htop -s PERCENT_MEM" # h "htop -s PERCENT_MEM"
# hc "htop -s PERCENT_CPU" # hc "htop -s PERCENT_CPU"
r "ranger" r "ranger"
mr "man ranger"
mra "man ranger"
clc "cloc ." clc "cloc ."
n "nvim" n "nvim"
sn "sudo nvim" sn "sudo nvim"
fh "feh" fh "feh"
sx "sxiv" sx "sxiv"
sxg "sxiv -a"
sxa "sxiv -a"
wg "wego"
wp "grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/" wp "grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/"
# rsl "java -jar ~/Downloads/RuneLite.jar" # rsl "java -jar ~/Downloads/RuneLite.jar"
@ -158,25 +166,50 @@ yu "echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
p3 "python3" p3 "python3"
py "python" py "python"
# watson {{{ #
w "watson" w "watson"
wa "watson start" wa "watson start"
we "watson edit" we "watson edit"
wl "watson log" wl "watson log"
# wlm "watson log --project coding --tag mfs"
wr "watson report"
ws "watson stop" ws "watson stop"
wse "watson stop && watson edit"
wsl "watson stop && watson log"
wt "watson status" wt "watson status"
# }}} watson #
# }}} applications # # }}} applications #
# git {{{ # # git {{{ #
# aliases {{{
gstr "git config credential.helper store" gstr "git config credential.helper store"
g "git" g "git"
# add {{{ #
# branch {{{ #
gb "git branch"
gba "git branch --no-merged && echo '' && git branch --merged"
gbu "git branch --no-merged"
gbm "git branch --merged"
# }}} branch #
gr "git remote"
# add/remove {{{ #
ga "git add -A . && git status -u" ga "git add -A . && git status -u"
gac "git add -A . && git commit -S" gac "git add -A . && git commit -S"
# unsigned commt # unsigned commt
gacu "git add -A . && git commit" gacu "git add -A . && git commit"
grm "git rm"
grmf "git rm -f"
grmc "git rm --cached"
grmfc "git rm -f --cached"
# }}} add # # }}} add #
# diff/log {{{ # # diff/log {{{ #
@ -201,16 +234,19 @@ gls "git ls-tree HEAD --name-only"
# push {{{ # # push {{{ #
gst "git stash" gst "git stash"
gstl "git stash list"
gstp "git stash pop" gstp "git stash pop"
gc "git commit -S" gc "git commit -S"
gcu "git commit" gcu "git commit"
gcam "git add -A . && git commit --amend --no-edit -S"
gca "git add -A . && git commit --amend --no-edit -S"
gcam "git add -A . && git commit --amend -S"
# gcamp "git add -A . && git commit --amend --no-edit -S && gpsf" # gcamp "git add -A . && git commit --amend --no-edit -S && gpsf"
psgi "git add . && git commit -m 'Update' -S && git push" psgi "git add . && git commit -m 'Update' -S && git push"
gps "git push" gps "git push"
gpsn "git push --set-upstream origin master"
# gpsn "git push --set-upstream origin master"
gpsn "eval (git push 2>&1 | tail -n 2)"
gpsf "git push --force" gpsf "git push --force"
gclear "git stash clear" gclear "git stash clear"
@ -223,17 +259,14 @@ grbc "git rebase --continue"
crm "mrk" crm "mrk"
# aliases }}}
gcho "git checkout" gcho "git checkout"
gchon "git checkout -b" gchon "git checkout -b"
gf "git fetch"
gcln "git clone" gcln "git clone"
gchp "git cherry-pick" gchp "git cherry-pick"
gchpc "git cherry-pick --continue" gchpc "git cherry-pick --continue"
# }}} merge repos #
# assume file unchanged # assume file unchanged
gunc "git update-index --assume-unchanged" gunc "git update-index --assume-unchanged"
@ -296,7 +329,7 @@ hps "python3 -m http.server"
# j "jekyll" # j "jekyll"
# js "jekyll serve" # js "jekyll serve"
h "hugo" h "hugo"
he "hugo serve --disableFastRender"
he "hugo serve -D --disableFastRender"
ss "ssh kevin@" ss "ssh kevin@"
@ -305,10 +338,17 @@ ss "ssh kevin@"
# school {{{ # # school {{{ #
# 369 # 369
# a2
m "printf '\033c' && bear make"
mc "bear make clean"
mcr "bear make clean && printf '\033c' && bear make && ./carsim light 10 50"
mr "printf '\033c' && make && ./carsim stop 1 4"
# mr "printf '\033c' && bear make && ./carsim light 1 50"
hl "valgrind --tool=helgrind ./carsim stop 10 50 > helgrind.txt 2>&1 && valgrind --tool=helgrind ./carsim light 10 50 >> helgrind.txt 2>&1"
# a1
# sa "ssh k@" # sa "ssh k@"
# cpi "scp interceptor.c kevin@" # cpi "scp interceptor.c kevin@"
# cpti "gcc -m32 -o test_intercept test_intercept.c && scp test_intercept k@" # cpti "gcc -m32 -o test_intercept test_intercept.c && scp test_intercept k@"
m "printf '\033c' && make"
mc "make clean"
# }}} school # # }}} school #


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# copy this into ~/.config/fish/completions/ to enable autocomplete for the watson time tracker # copy this into ~/.config/fish/completions/ to enable autocomplete for the watson time tracker
function __fish_watson_needs_sub -d "provides a list of sub commands" function __fish_watson_needs_sub -d "provides a list of sub commands"
set cmd (commandline -opc) set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -eq 1 -a $cmd[1] = 'watson' ] if [ (count $cmd) -eq 1 -a $cmd[1] = 'watson' ]
@ -19,12 +19,61 @@ function __fish_watson_using_command -d "determine if watson is using the passed
return 1 return 1
end end
function __fish_watson_set_cache_vars -d "set vars used for caches"
if test -n "$WATSON_DIR"
set -g _watson_dir $WATSON_DIR
# TODO: set dir for Darwin (not sure how to do regex in fish) #
set -g _watson_dir "$HOME/.config/watson"
set -g _watson_frame_file "$_watson_dir/frames"
set -g _watson_projects_cache "$_watson_dir/projects_cache"
set -g _watson_tags_cache "$_watson_dir/tags_cache"
set -g _watson_frames_cache "$_watson_dir/frames_cache"
function __get_date_num -d "return last modified time of file"
date -r $argv[1] +%s
function __fish_watson_check_if_refresh_cache -d "see if cache file needs refreshing"
if begin not test -e $argv[1];
or test (__get_date_num $_watson_frame_file) \
-gt (__get_date_num $argv[1]); end
return 1
return 0
function __fish_watson_get_projects -d "return a list of projects" function __fish_watson_get_projects -d "return a list of projects"
command watson projects
__fish_watson_check_if_refresh_cache $_watson_projects_cache
if test $status -eq 1
command watson projects | tee $_watson_projects_cache
cat $_watson_projects_cache
end end
function __fish_watson_get_tags -d "return a list of tags" function __fish_watson_get_tags -d "return a list of tags"
command watson tags
__fish_watson_check_if_refresh_cache $_watson_tags_cache
if test $status -eq 1
command watson tags | tee $_watson_tags_cache
cat $_watson_tags_cache
function __fish_watson_get_frames -d "return a list of frames" #TODO, use watson logs to get more info
__fish_watson_check_if_refresh_cache $_watson_frames_cache
if test $status -eq 1
command watson frames | tee $_watson_frames_cache
cat $_watson_frames_cache
end end
function __fish_watson_has_project -d "determine if watson is using a passed command and if it has a project" function __fish_watson_has_project -d "determine if watson is using a passed command and if it has a project"
@ -51,10 +100,6 @@ function __fish_watson_has_from -d "determine if watson is using a passed comman
return 1 return 1
end end
function __fish_watson_get_frames -d "return a list of frames" #TODO, use watson logs to get more info
command watson frames
function __fish_watson_needs_project -d "check if we need a project" function __fish_watson_needs_project -d "check if we need a project"
set cmd (commandline -opc) set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -ge 2 -a $cmd[1] = 'watson' ] if [ (count $cmd) -ge 2 -a $cmd[1] = 'watson' ]


@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ set -x GPG_TTY (tty)
# }}} login to X # # }}} login to X #
# input # input
xset r rate 200 70
fish_vi_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings
set -x EDITOR nvim set -x EDITOR nvim
set -x VISUAL nvim set -x VISUAL nvim
builtin cd $last_dir builtin cd $last_dir
bind \ce edit_command_buffer
# fish-specific # fish-specific
source /home/kevin/.config/fish/ source /home/kevin/.config/fish/
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ abbr f.. "cd ../.."
# spv # spv
set -U spv_dir "/home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis" set -U spv_dir "/home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis"
set -U mfs_dir "/home/kevin/coding/mf-site"
source $spv_dir/src/ source $spv_dir/src/
# set -U PATH /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/bin/site_perl /usr/bin/vendor_perl /usr/bin/core_perl /home/kevin/linux-config/scripts # set -U PATH /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/bin/site_perl /usr/bin/vendor_perl /usr/bin/core_perl /home/kevin/linux-config/scripts
@ -35,9 +36,22 @@ set -x PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME 120
# fxn abbr's # fxn abbr's
abbr ag "grep-aliases" abbr ag "grep-aliases"
abbr ev "evince-silent" abbr ev "evince-silent"
# git {{{ #
abbr gcamp "git-amend-push" abbr gcamp "git-amend-push"
abbr gdf "git-diff-files" abbr gdf "git-diff-files"
abbr gpsmt "git-push-multiple" abbr gpsmt "git-push-multiple"
abbr grmb "git-delete-branch"
# }}} git #
abbr hs "scan-history" abbr hs "scan-history"
abbr ut "unix-timestamp" abbr ut "unix-timestamp"
abbr z "zathura-silent" abbr z "zathura-silent"
set -U BROWSER "chromium"
abbr hm "cd $mfs_dir && hugo serve -D --disableFastRender"
abbr ga2 "gdb-a2"
abbr grc "grep-c"
abbr grh "grep-headers"
abbr cs "carsim"


@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
function carsim
printf '\033c'
# and ./carsim stop $argv[1] $argv[2]
and ./carsim light $argv[1] $argv[2]


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function gdb-a2
gdb -ex "b safeStopSign.c:40" -ex "b safeStopSign.c:44" -ex "run" \
# gdb -ex "run" \
# -ex "p cur_lane_queue.count" \
# -ex "p cur_front->car->index" \
# -ex "p cur_front->car" \
--args ./carsim stop 1 4
# --args ./carsim light 1 4
# gdb -ex "b safeStopSign.c:86" -ex "run" --args ./carsim stop 1 10


@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
function git-delete-branch
git push origin --delete $argv[1]
and git branch -D $argv[1]


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
function grep-c
grep -nr --include \*.c $argv[1] ./


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
function grep-headers
grep --color=auto -nr --include \*.h $argv[1] ./


@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
function scan-history function scan-history
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
and systemctl status postgresql.service
and $spv_dir/src/ and $spv_dir/src/
and cat $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log | tail -n 1 and cat $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log | tail -n 1
end end


@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# startup {{{ # # startup {{{ #
set $browser "firefox"
# set $browser "firefox"
set $browser "chromium"
set $def_term "urxvt" set $def_term "urxvt"
# set $runelite "java -jar ~/Downloads/RuneLite.jar"
set $swex "sudo ~/Downloads/swex.appimage"
exec redshift -O 2000 exec redshift -O 2000
# exec redshift -O 3000 # exec redshift -O 3000
# random bg # random bg
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ exec compton
exec wal -i "$HOME/Pictures/Backgrounds/dim/non-editing" exec wal -i "$HOME/Pictures/Backgrounds/dim/non-editing"
exec imwheel exec imwheel
exec xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap exec xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
exec xset r rate 200 70
exec xrdb ~/.Xresources exec xrdb ~/.Xresources
exec --no-startup-id start-pulseaudio-x11 exec --no-startup-id start-pulseaudio-x11
exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'workspace $ws2; exec $def_term' exec --no-startup-id i3-msg 'workspace $ws2; exec $def_term'
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ bindsym Mod4+a exec studio
# bindsym Mod4+2 exec xdotool click --repeat 10 --delay 100 1 # bindsym Mod4+2 exec xdotool click --repeat 10 --delay 100 1
# bindsym Mod4+3 exec xdotool click --repeat 20 --delay 100 1 # bindsym Mod4+3 exec xdotool click --repeat 20 --delay 100 1
# bindsym $mod+control+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal # bindsym $mod+control+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
bindsym $mod+control+Return exec $def_term
# bindsym $mod+control+Return exec $def_term
bindsym control+Return exec $def_term
bindsym Mod4+c exec $browser bindsym Mod4+c exec $browser
bindsym Mod4+f exec firefox bindsym Mod4+f exec firefox
bindsym Mod4+$mod+f exec echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard bindsym Mod4+$mod+f exec echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ bindsym Mod4+t exec xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/trapbot
bindsym Mod4+u exec echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard bindsym Mod4+u exec echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard
bindsym Mod4+$mod+u exec pass -c uoft/acorn bindsym Mod4+$mod+u exec pass -c uoft/acorn
# bindsym Mod4+x exec $swex # bindsym Mod4+x exec $swex
# bindsym Mod4+x exec xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
bindsym Mod4+x exec xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate 200 70
bindsym Mod4+z exec cliqz bindsym Mod4+z exec cliqz
# bindsym Print exec gscreenshot # bindsym Print exec gscreenshot
bindsym Print --release exec "scrot -s /tmp/screenshot-$(date +%F_%T).png -e 'xclip -selection c -t image/png < $f'" bindsym Print --release exec "scrot -s /tmp/screenshot-$(date +%F_%T).png -e 'xclip -selection c -t image/png < $f'"
@ -97,6 +98,9 @@ bindsym Shift+F0 exec xbacklight -set 100
# }}} menu # # }}} menu #
# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position # Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier $mod floating_modifier $mod
for_window [class="Peek"] floating enable
# }}} applications # # }}} applications #
# changing/focusing/moving windows {{{ # # changing/focusing/moving windows {{{ #
@ -134,7 +138,8 @@ bindsym $mod+b split h
# split in vertical orientation # split in vertical orientation
bindsym $mod+v split v bindsym $mod+v split v
bindsym control+Shift+x kill
# bindsym control+Shift+x kill
bindsym shift+x kill
# }}} changing/focusing/moving windows # # }}} changing/focusing/moving windows #
# container display {{{ # # container display {{{ #
@ -203,7 +208,8 @@ set $ws2 "2 "
workspace $ws2 output $samsung workspace $ws2 output $samsung
bindsym $mod+F2 workspace $ws2; exec $def_term bindsym $mod+F2 workspace $ws2; exec $def_term
set $ws3 "3 "
# set $ws3 "3 "
set $ws3 "3 "
workspace $ws3 output $benq workspace $ws3 output $benq
bindsym $mod+F3 workspace $ws3; exec $browser bindsym $mod+F3 workspace $ws3; exec $browser
@ -331,10 +337,10 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcu
# }}} reload config # # }}} reload config #
# resizing windows {{{ # # resizing windows {{{ #
bindsym $mod+control+h resize grow width 3 px or 3 ppt
bindsym $mod+control+k resize grow height 3 px or 3 ppt
bindsym $mod+control+j resize shrink height 3 px or 3 ppt
bindsym $mod+control+l resize shrink width 3 px or 3 ppt
bindsym $mod+control+h resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+control+k resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+control+j resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+control+l resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt
# }}} resizing windows # # }}} resizing windows #
# gaps {{{ # # gaps {{{ #


@ -0,0 +1 @@


@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ source /home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/
export GPG_TTY=$(tty) export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
source /home/kevin/.key_aliases
source /home/kevin/.shortcuts
#exec fish #exec fish
source /home/kevin/.key_aliases


@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
stow git i3 i3blocks input neofetch ranger shell vim x
stow git i3 i3blocks input neofetch ranger shell vim x zathura


@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/home/kevin/.cache /home/kevin/.cache
/home/kevin/.local/share/Steam /home/kevin/.local/share/Steam
/home/kevin/VirtualBox VMs /home/kevin/VirtualBox VMs
/lost+found /lost+found
/mnt /mnt


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cf /home/kevin/.config
lc /home/kevin/linux-config/ lc /home/kevin/linux-config/
d /home/kevin/Downloads d /home/kevin/Downloads
D /home/kevin/Documents D /home/kevin/Documents
fc /home/kevin/.config/fish
fo /home/kevin/.config/fish
ff /home/kevin/linux-config/fish/.config/fish/functions ff /home/kevin/linux-config/fish/.config/fish/functions
fs /home/kevin/linux-config/fish/.config/fish fs /home/kevin/linux-config/fish/.config/fish
k /home/kevin/ k /home/kevin/
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ me /run/media/kevin
o / o /
p /home/kevin/.password-store p /home/kevin/.password-store
P /home/kevin/Pictures P /home/kevin/Pictures
t /tmp
# }}} sys * # }}} sys *
@ -24,8 +25,9 @@ cn /home/kevin/coding
ib /home/kevin/linux-config/configs/i3blocks-scripts ib /home/kevin/linux-config/configs/i3blocks-scripts
j /home/kevin/Documents/journal j /home/kevin/Documents/journal
lh /home/kevin/Documents/listening-history lh /home/kevin/Documents/listening-history
mh /home/kevin/coding/mf-site
ms /home/kevin/coding/best-mf-site-personal
ms /home/kevin/coding/mf-site
mh /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/layouts
# mg /home/kevin/coding/best-mf-site-personal
ra /home/kevin/.config/ranger ra /home/kevin/.config/ranger
sr /home/kevin/linux-config/scripts sr /home/kevin/linux-config/scripts
snp /home/kevin/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips snp /home/kevin/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ wo /home/kevin/Documents/workout-logs/11
sc /home/kevin/school sc /home/kevin/school
0 /home/kevin/school/309 0 /home/kevin/school/309
e1 /home/kevin/school/309/e1
e2 /home/kevin/school/309/e2
6 /home/kevin/school/369 6 /home/kevin/school/369
a2 /home/kevin/school/369/a2/a2 a2 /home/kevin/school/369/a2/a2
hp /home/kevin/school/hps hp /home/kevin/school/hps


@ -23,12 +23,14 @@ cm ./commit-msg.txt
hlg /home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log hlg /home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log
id /home/kevin/coding/project-ideas/ id /home/kevin/coding/project-ideas/
ig ./.gitignore ig ./.gitignore
jn /home/kevin/Documents/journal/todo/
jn /home/kevin/Documents/journal/todo/
jt /home/kevin/Documents/journal/todo/ jt /home/kevin/Documents/journal/todo/
lh /home/kevin/Documents/listening-history/polarbier.csv lh /home/kevin/Documents/listening-history/polarbier.csv
mc /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/assets/sass/main.scss
mi /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/
ne /home/kevin/linux-config/configs/neofetch/config.conf ne /home/kevin/linux-config/configs/neofetch/config.conf
re re
tm /home/kevin/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets tm /home/kevin/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
wt /home/kevin/.config/watson/state.tmp
# }}} cdn * # }}} cdn *


@ -26,9 +26,11 @@ set linespace=5
" }}} cursor indicator " " }}} cursor indicator "
set timeoutlen=500
" set timeoutlen=500
set timeoutlen=350
set hlsearch set hlsearch
set noswapfile set noswapfile
let maplocalleader="-"
" }}} set x=y " " }}} set x=y "
" commands for file types {{{ " " commands for file types {{{ "
@ -37,12 +39,14 @@ autocmd VimResized * wincmd =
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead .* set syntax=sh autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead .* set syntax=sh
filetype plugin on filetype plugin on
filetype indent on filetype indent on
autocmd FileType css,htmldjango,html,tex,markdown set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
autocmd FileType *css,htmldjango,html,tex,markdown,yaml set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead watson*.fish set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
autocmd BufRead commit-msg.txt set filetype=gitcommit tw=72 autocmd BufRead commit-msg.txt set filetype=gitcommit tw=72
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.md set filetype=markdown autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.md set filetype=markdown
autocmd Filetype markdown set textwidth=0 autocmd Filetype markdown set textwidth=0
" autocmd Filetype html set foldmarker=0 " autocmd Filetype html set foldmarker=0
autocmd Filetype c let maplocalleader="\\"
autocmd BufWritePost key_* !sync-shortcuts autocmd BufWritePost key_* !sync-shortcuts
autocmd VimLeave *.tex !tex-clean % autocmd VimLeave *.tex !tex-clean %
@ -165,11 +169,11 @@ Plug 'dag/vim-fish'
call plug#end() call plug#end()
" }}} vim-plug "
" colorscheme gotham256 " colorscheme gotham256
colorscheme wal colorscheme wal
" }}} vim-plug "
" Mappings {{{ " " Mappings {{{ "
" function keys {{{ " " function keys {{{ "
@ -213,12 +217,16 @@ nnoremap <leader>dg ggdG
nnoremap <leader>D "+dd nnoremap <leader>D "+dd
" delete entire buffer into system clipboard " delete entire buffer into system clipboard
nnoremap <leader>DA "+ggdG nnoremap <leader>DA "+ggdG
" find copied text
nnoremap <leader>f q/p<CR>
" find alias " find alias
nnoremap <leader>fa /^ <Left> nnoremap <leader>fa /^ <Left>
" find merge conflicts " find merge conflicts
nnoremap <leader>fc /[<>=\|]\{7\}<CR> nnoremap <leader>fc /[<>=\|]\{7\}<CR>
" reload folds " reload folds
nnoremap <leader>ff :set foldmethod=marker<CR> zM nnoremap <leader>ff :set foldmethod=marker<CR> zM
" find copied text
nnoremap <leader>ft /TODO<CR>
" toggle search highlighting " toggle search highlighting
nnoremap <leader>h :set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR> nnoremap <leader>h :set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>
" help " help
@ -252,6 +260,8 @@ vnoremap <leader>r q:is///g<ESC>3ha
nnoremap <leader>rv :source $MYVIMRC<CR> nnoremap <leader>rv :source $MYVIMRC<CR>
" replace in entire file " replace in entire file
nnoremap <leader>R q:i%s///g<ESC>2F/i nnoremap <leader>R q:i%s///g<ESC>2F/i
" sort lines until end of file
vnoremap <leader>s :sort<CR>
" run current file in shell " run current file in shell
nnoremap <leader>sh :!%:p<CR> nnoremap <leader>sh :!%:p<CR>
" sort lines until end of file " sort lines until end of file
@ -279,9 +289,17 @@ nnoremap <leader>z za
" }}} Mappings " " }}} Mappings "
" (tex) Local Mappings {{{ "
let maplocalleader="-"
autocmd Filetype c inoremap <localleader>s struct pixel
" Local Mappings {{{ "
autocmd Filetype c nnoremap <localleader>g :YcmCompleter GoTo<CR>
autocmd Filetype fish inoremap <localleader>1 $argv[1]
autocmd Filetype fish inoremap <localleader>2 $argv[2]
autocmd Filetype markdown nnoremap <localleader>x 0f[lrx
" nnoremap <localleader>x 0f[lrx
" tex {{{ "
autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>bt \bowtie autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>bt \bowtie
autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>c \checkmark autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>c \checkmark
@ -317,9 +335,6 @@ autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>Z \mathbb{Z}
autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>wx $w(x)$ autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>wx $w(x)$
autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>tx $t(x)$ autocmd Filetype tex inoremap <localleader>tx $t(x)$
autocmd Filetype md inoremap <localleader>x 0f[lRX
autocmd Filetype fish inoremap <localleader>1 $argv[1]
autocmd Filetype fish inoremap <localleader>2 $argv[2]
" }}} tex "
" }}} Local Mappings " " }}} Local Mappings "


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
set recolor true
set recolor-darkcolor "#dcdccc"
set recolor-lightcolor "#1f1f1f"