# imports {{{ # import requests import math import os import json
from django.db.models import Count, F, Max from django.http import JsonResponse from django.core import serializers from django.utils import timezone from .models import * from . import views from login.models import User from pprint import pprint from dateutil.parser import parse from datetime import datetime
HISTORY_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player/recently-played'
# }}} imports #
# console_logging = True console_logging = False artists_genre_processed = 0 features_processed = 0
# update_track_genres {{{ #
def update_track_genres(user_obj): """Updates user_obj's tracks with the most common genre associated with the
songs' artist(s).
:user_obj: User object who's tracks are being updated.
:returns: None
tracks_processed = 0 user_tracks = Track.objects.filter(users__exact=user_obj) for track in user_tracks: # just using this variable to save another call to db track_artists = track.artists.all() # set genres to first artist's genres then find intersection with others shared_genres = track_artists.first().genres.all() for artist in track_artists: shared_genres = shared_genres.intersection(artist.genres.all()) shared_genres = shared_genres.order_by('-num_songs')
undefined_genre_obj = Genre.objects.get(name="undefined") most_common_genre = shared_genres.first() if shared_genres.first() is \ not undefined_genre_obj else shared_genres[1] track.genre = most_common_genre if most_common_genre is not None \ else undefined_genre_obj track.save() tracks_processed += 1
if console_logging: print("Added '{}' as genre for song #{} - '{}'".format( track.genre, tracks_processed, track.name, ))
# }}} update_track_genres #
# save_track_obj {{{ #
def save_track_obj(track_dict, artists, user_obj): """Make an entry in the database for this track if it doesn't exist already.
:track_dict: dictionary from the API call containing track information. :artists: artists of the song, passed in as a list of Artist objects. :user_obj: User object for which this Track is to be associated with.
:returns: (The created/retrieved Track object, created)
track_query = Track.objects.filter(id__exact=track_dict['id']) if len(track_query) != 0: return track_query[0], False else: # check if track is simple or full, simple Track object won't have year # if 'album' in track_dict: try: new_track = Track.objects.create( id=track_dict['id'], year=track_dict['album']['release_date'].split('-')[0], popularity=int(track_dict['popularity']), runtime=int(float(track_dict['duration_ms']) / 1000), name=track_dict['name'], ) # else: except KeyError: new_track = Track.objects.create( id=track_dict['id'], popularity=int(track_dict['popularity']), runtime=int(float(track_dict['duration_ms']) / 1000), name=track_dict['name'], )
# have to add artists and user_obj after saving object since track needs to # have ID before filling in m2m field for artist in artists: new_track.artists.add(artist) # print(new_track.name, artist.name) if user_obj != None: new_track.users.add(user_obj) new_track.save() return new_track, True
# }}} save_track_obj #
# get_audio_features {{{ #
def get_audio_features(headers, track_objs): """Creates and saves a new AudioFeatures objects for the respective
track_objs. track_objs should contain the API limit for a single call (FEATURES_LIMIT) for maximum efficiency.
:headers: headers containing the API token :track_objs: Track objects to associate with the new AudioFeatures object :returns: None """
track_ids = str.join(",", [track_obj.id for track_obj in track_objs]) params = {'ids': track_ids} features_response = requests.get("https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-features", headers=headers, params={'ids': track_ids} ).json()['audio_features'] # pprint.pprint(features_response)
useless_keys = [ "key", "mode", "type", "liveness", "id", "uri", "track_href", "analysis_url", "time_signature", ] for i in range(len(track_objs)): if features_response[i] is not None: # Data that we don't need cur_features_obj = AudioFeatures() cur_features_obj.track = track_objs[i] for key, val in features_response[i].items(): if key not in useless_keys: setattr(cur_features_obj, key, val) cur_features_obj.save()
if console_logging: global features_processed features_processed += 1 print("Added features for song #{} - {}".format( features_processed, track_objs[i].name))
# }}} get_audio_features #
# process_artist_genre {{{ #
def process_artist_genre(genre_name, artist_obj): """Increase count for correspoding Genre object to genre_name and add that
Genre to artist_obj.
:genre_name: Name of genre. :artist_obj: Artist object to add Genre object to. :returns: None
genre_obj, created = Genre.objects.get_or_create(name=genre_name, defaults={'num_songs':1}) if not created: genre_obj.num_songs = F('num_songs') + 1 genre_obj.save() artist_obj.genres.add(genre_obj) artist_obj.save()
# }}} process_artist_genre #
# add_artist_genres {{{ #
def add_artist_genres(headers, artist_objs): """Adds genres to artist_objs and increases the count the respective Genre
object. artist_objs should contain the API limit for a single call (ARTIST_LIMIT) for maximum efficiency.
:headers: For making the API call. :artist_objs: List of Artist objects for which to add/tally up genres for.
:returns: None
artist_ids = str.join(",", [artist_obj.id for artist_obj in artist_objs]) params = {'ids': artist_ids} artists_response = requests.get('https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/', headers=headers, params={'ids': artist_ids}, ).json()['artists'] for i in range(len(artist_objs)): if len(artists_response[i]['genres']) == 0: process_artist_genre("undefined", artist_objs[i]) else: for genre in artists_response[i]['genres']: process_artist_genre(genre, artist_objs[i]) # print(artist_objs[i].name, genre)
if console_logging: global artists_genre_processed artists_genre_processed += 1 print("Added genres for artist #{} - {}".format( artists_genre_processed, artist_objs[i].name))
# }}} add_artist_genres #
# get_artists_in_genre {{{ #
def get_artists_in_genre(user, genre, max_songs): """Return count of artists in genre.
:user: User object to return data for. :genre: genre to count artists for. :max_songs: max total songs to include to prevent overflow due to having multiple artists on each track.
:returns: dict of artists in the genre along with the number of songs they have. """
genre_obj = Genre.objects.get(name=genre) artist_counts = (Artist.objects.filter(track__users=user) .filter(genres=genre_obj) .annotate(num_songs=Count('track', distinct=True)) .order_by('-num_songs') ) processed_artist_counts = {} songs_added = 0 for artist in artist_counts: # hacky way to not have total count overflow due to there being multiple # artists on a track if songs_added + artist.num_songs <= max_songs: processed_artist_counts[artist.name] = artist.num_songs songs_added += artist.num_songs # processed_artist_counts = [{'name': artist.name, 'num_songs': artist.num_songs} for artist in artist_counts] # processed_artist_counts = {artist.name: artist.num_songs for artist in artist_counts} # pprint.pprint(processed_artist_counts) return processed_artist_counts
# }}} get_artists_in_genre #
# save_track_artists {{{ #
def save_track_artists(track_dict, artist_genre_queue, user_headers): """ Update artist info before creating Track so that Track object can
reference Artist object.
:track_dict: response from Spotify API for track :returns: list of Artist objects in Track
track_artists = [] for artist_dict in track_dict['artists']: artist_obj, artist_created = Artist.objects.get_or_create( id=artist_dict['id'], name=artist_dict['name'],) # only add/tally up artist genres if new if artist_created: artist_genre_queue.append(artist_obj) if len(artist_genre_queue) == views.ARTIST_LIMIT: add_artist_genres(user_headers, artist_genre_queue) artist_genre_queue[:] = [] track_artists.append(artist_obj)
return track_artists
# }}} save_track_artists #
# get_user_header {{{ #
def get_user_header(user_obj): """Returns the authorization string needed to make an API call.
:user_obj: User to return the auth string for. :returns: the authorization string used for the header in a Spotify API call.
seconds_elapsed = (timezone.now() - user_obj.access_obtained_at).total_seconds() if seconds_elapsed >= user_obj.access_expires_in: req_body = { 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': user_obj.refresh_token, 'client_id': os.environ['SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID'], 'client_secret': os.environ['SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET'] } token_response = requests.post('https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token', data=req_body).json() user_obj.access_token = token_response['access_token'] user_obj.access_expires_in = token_response['expires_in'] user_obj.save()
return {'Authorization': "Bearer " + user_obj.access_token}
# }}} get_user_header #
# save_history_obj {{{ #
def save_history_obj (user, timestamp, track): """Return (get/create) a History object with the specified parameters. Can't
use built-in get_or_create since don't know auto PK.
:user: User object History should be associated with :timestamp: time at which song was listened to :track: Track object for song :returns: History object
history_query = History.objects.filter(user__exact=user, timestamp__exact=timestamp) if len(history_query) == 0: history_obj = History.objects.create(user=user, timestamp=timestamp, track=track) else: history_obj = history_query[0]
return history_obj
# }}} save_history_obj #
# get_next_history_row {{{ #
def get_next_history_row(csv_reader, headers, prev_info): """Return formatted information from next row in history CSV file.
:csv_reader: TODO :headers: :prev_info: history_obj_info of last row in case no more rows :returns: (boolean of if last row, dict with information of next row)
try: row = next(csv_reader) # if Track.objects.filter(id__exact=row[1]).exists(): history_obj_info = {} for i in range(len(headers)): history_obj_info[headers[i]] = row[i] return False, history_obj_info except StopIteration: return True, prev_info
# }}} get_next_history_row #
# parse_history {{{ #
def parse_history(user_secret): """Scans user's listening history and stores the information in a
:user_secret: secret for User object who's library is being scanned. :returns: None """
user_obj = User.objects.get(secret=user_secret) payload = {'limit': str(views.USER_TRACKS_LIMIT)} last_time_played = History.objects.filter(user=user_obj).aggregate(Max('timestamp'))['timestamp__max'] if last_time_played is not None: payload['after'] = last_time_played.isoformat() artist_genre_queue = [] user_headers = get_user_header(user_obj) history_response = requests.get(HISTORY_ENDPOINT, headers=user_headers, params=payload).json()['items'] # pprint(history_response)
tracks_processed = 0
for track_dict in history_response: # don't associate history track with User, not necessarily in their # library # track_obj, track_created = save_track_obj(track_dict['track'], # track_artists, None) track_artists = save_track_artists(track_dict['track'], artist_genre_queue, user_headers) track_obj, track_created = save_track_obj(track_dict['track'], track_artists, None) history_obj = save_history_obj(user_obj, parse(track_dict['played_at']), track_obj) tracks_processed += 1
if console_logging: print("Added history track #{}: {}".format( tracks_processed, history_obj,))
if len(artist_genre_queue) > 0: add_artist_genres(user_headers, artist_genre_queue)
# TODO: update track genres from History relation # update_track_genres(user_obj)
print("Scanned {} history tracks for user {} at {}.".format( tracks_processed, user_obj.id, datetime.now()))
# }}} get_history #