# Large - resume - make old proj's displayable - change to km.com URL's - change URL param to repo name - spv - screenshots - setup instructions - open SoundCloud issue about API - ADA vid/pics - image tagger - executable - articles (ideas) - screenshots gallery - infinite scroll - loop through URL sections - JS snippets? - rewrite CSS in Sass - push to base16 repo - terminal simulator for site - cd/ls diff. pages # Medium - socials in footer - icons - GitHub - Fosstodon - email - tooltip pop-up with email and clipboard button/link - [Pure CSS Tooltips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAeQ8CqrGDY) - use position element - [Copying Text to Clipboard in HTML & JavaScript](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHg6jQajaMs) - [Native Browser Copy To Clipboard](https://css-tricks.com/native-browser-copy-clipboard/) - pages - fav. apps - linux config - credits - contact? - site stats - size - load time # Tiny - SEO - add/redirect aliases - be more specific with robots.txt when have content - create different size images for SVG - https://www.sitepoint.com/svg-good-for-website-performance/ ## Archived - about/homepage - typing animation - linux screenshot - fade between two - tux icon