{{% resume/project name="Spotify Graphs" url="https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/spotify-lib-vis" date="June 2018 — July 2018" show="true" %}} - Implemented base functionality of scanning tracks and listening history from user's library using Spotify API and organized data into **PostgreSQL** database with **Django** backend. - Created and tested various relational database schemas to maximize efficiency for use cases. - Produced bubble chart and (stacked) bar chart using [**d3**] [d3 graph examples] to visualize the artists, genres and features of tracks in library. [d3 graph examples]: https://github.com/d3/d3/wiki/Gallery {{% /resume/project %}} {{% resume/project name="Grocery Finder" url="https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/grocery-finder" date="Feb. 2019 — Apr. 2019" show="true" %}} - Proof of concept for web app that finds the ideal supermarket based on your cart. - Designed responsive front-end layout using **Bootstrap**. - Implemented REST API functionality on backend using **Node.js** and **MongoDB**. - Setup deployment on [**Heroku**][Grocery Finder Heroku]. - Led team of 4 as project leader to prioritize and delegate tasks while also implementing a majority of the core features. - Performed code review for team members' pull requests. [Grocery Finder Heroku]: http://www.grocery-finder.ml {{% /resume/project %}} {{% resume/project name="Personal Server" url="https://kevin-mok.com/server/" date="Aug. 2019 — present" %}} - Deployed various web apps with backends such as Node, PHP and Python using **NGINX** on a **Debian** server. - Monitor system resources and perform system maintenance using tmux. - Wrote [**Node.js** script][server script] and [**systemd** service][systemd service]/[timer] to check and display the uptime of my pages every hour. [server script]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-status.js [systemd service]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.service [timer]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.timer {{% /resume/project %}} {{% resume/project name="ParsaFood" url="https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/ParsaFood" date="Feb. 2018" show="true" %}} - **Android** app that reads ingredient labels and detects any dietary restrictions/allergies. - Designed user interface and linked various functionality together. - Made during a 24-hour [food-themed hackathon][Platterz Hackathon event] in a group with two other members. Came in 2nd place and won an [Oculus Rift][Oculus Rift Amazon]. [Parsafood repo]: https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/ParsaFood [Platterz Hackathon event]: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/platterz-hackathon-tickets-42682237722 [Oculus Rift Amazon]: https://www.amazon.ca/Oculus-Rift-Windows-VR-Headset/dp/B00VF0IXEY/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1520422949&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=oculus+rift&psc=1 {{% /resume/project %}}