Compare commits


21 Commits

  1. 56
  2. 2
  3. 141
  4. 202
  5. 25
  6. 8
  7. 1
  8. 3
  9. 7
  10. 8
  11. 1
  12. 3
  13. 2


@ -106,11 +106,16 @@ body {
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margin-top: 1em;
margin-top: .7em;
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@ -636,7 +645,9 @@ header {// {{{
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color: $base-blue;
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color: black;
display: inline;
.project-link {
@ -677,7 +688,8 @@ header {// {{{
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color: black;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.2em;
margin-bottom: 5px;
@ -686,18 +698,26 @@ header {// {{{
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// color: black;
// color: $base-sky-blue;
color: $base-blue;
// color: $base-blue;
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
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font-size: 1.1em;
// font-size: 1.1em;
font-size: 1em;
// margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
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// font-size: .9em;
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color: $base-blue;
// color: $base-blue;
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.1em;
margin-bottom: 5px;
@ -803,16 +823,21 @@ header {// {{{ {// {{{
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// font-size: 3.2em;
font-size: 2.5em;
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color: $base05;
// margin-top: 1rem;
// margin-bottom: 0.75rem;
@include vert-margin-rem(.75);
@include a-color($base-sky-blue);
// @include a-color($base-sky-blue);
a {
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
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text-decoration: underline;
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@ -978,7 +1003,8 @@ article.single section.body h5 { color: #515151; }
article.single section.body h6 { color: #747369; }
// article.single section.body a,a:visited { color: #a06700; }
article.single section.body a,a:visited { color: $base-sky-blue; }
// article.single section.body a,a:visited { color: $base-sky-blue; }
// article.single section.body a,a:visited { color: $base-sky-blue; }
/* Article Elements */


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 654fe2678f10c18da2673e86aeaf1a9b55c54218
Subproject commit f07869796d6289112a4d88373b7440bf62314ff9


@ -6,20 +6,43 @@ draft: false
{{% resume/section "Work Experience" %}}<!--- {{{ -->
{{% resume/work-experience name="Red Hat"
title="Cloud/Software Engineer Intern" date="May 2020 — Aug 2021" %}}
- Reduced deployment time by **66%** by [implementing ability]( to
deploy locally-compiled binaries onto **Kubernetes**/**OpenShift**
using only command-line (**GoLang** used for this and below).
- Implemented ability for Kubernetes operator to fetch data
from a deployed service and update config with data.
- Added startup probes to handle starting legacy application containers that require additional startup time.
- Refactored probes to [have default values]( assigned based on
deployed YAML while also fixing reconciliation issues.
- Rewrote the **Jenkins** nightly pipeline to run [in a GitHub
using a trigger keyword.
- Wrote [documentation]( on how to get started with the project to onboard new
developers and mentored the incoming intern.
title="Cloud/Software Engineer Intern" languages="Kubernetes, GoLang, Jenkins" date="May 2020 — Aug 2021" %}}
- **Reduced deployment time by 66%** by implementing a
[solution]( for deploying locally-compiled binaries onto
Kubernetes/OpenShift via command-line, **cutting average
deployment times from 45 minutes to 15 minutes**.
(**Kubernetes/GoLang** used for this and three below).
- **Eliminated 80% of manual configuration errors** by enabling
the Kubernetes operator to automatically fetch data from
deployed services and update configurations, **deprecating
legacy startup scripts and reducing overall startup time
by 40%**.
- **Improved application stability** by introducing startup
probes for legacy applications with longer boot times,
**resulting in a 50% reduction in startup-related failures
and downtime during production launches**.
- **Enhanced system reliability** by refactoring probes to
[assign default values]( dynamically based on deployed YAML
files and fixing reconciliation issues, **increasing probe accuracy by 30%** and preventing misconfigurations.
- **Increased CI pipeline efficiency** by rewriting the
**Jenkins (Groovy)** [nightly pipeline]( to run in a GitHub PR
environment, allowing for automated testing of all
team-submitted PRs prior to merging, **reducing manual
intervention by 60%**.
- **Demonstrated leadership and collaboration** by actively
contributing to Agile sprint planning in a 12-member team,
driving improvement in sprint velocity through
optimized task delegation and idea generation.
- **Increased project reproducibility** by taking initiative to
write a [reusable GitHub parameters file]( for the pipeline,
**enabling 100% reusability** and ensuring consistent pipeline
setups across different environments.
- **Streamlined developer onboarding** by authoring
comprehensive [project documentation]( and mentoring an
incoming intern, **reducing onboarding time by 50%** and
enhancing new team members' productivity within their
first sprint.
{{% /resume/section %}}<!--- }}} -->
@ -27,78 +50,52 @@ title="Cloud/Software Engineer Intern" date="May 2020 — Aug 2021" %}}
<!--- AWS {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="AWS/Kubernetes/Terraform"
url="" date="May 2024" show="true" %}}
- Deployed [various web apps]( using **Docker** (Compose) on an
**AWS EC2** Debian/**Linux** server.
- Created **Kubernetes** [manifest files]( to quickly recreate my server setup
with persistent storage/restarts and open ports.
- Created **Terraform** [files](
to deploy an AWS EC2 instance and Docker containers.
- Used Amazon Route 53's DNS and **NGINX** to route
subdomains to each web application.
- Used AWS security groups to allow inbound HTTPS traffic.
- Used Amazon EBS snapshots to regularly back up server.
- Wrote a **JavaScript** [server script] and [systemd service][systemd service]/[timer]
to display the uptime of my pages every hour.
[server script]:
[systemd service]:
{{% resume/project name="AWS Server"
url="" languages="AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform" date="May 2024" show="true" %}}
- **Deployed and maintained [multiple web applications](**
using **Docker Compose** on **AWS EC2 Debian/Linux servers**,
ensuring consistent environments for applications handling
**over 2,000+ monthly requests**.
- **Automated AWS infrastructure provisioning** by writing
[**Terraform** files]( to deploy AWS EC2 instances and Docker
containers, **accelerating deployment times by 80%** and
providing an easily reproducible infrastructure setup.
- **Improved web application accessibility** by
configuring **AWS Route 53**’s DNS and **NGINX** to route
subdomains to individual web apps, **enabling seamless
navigation between apps**.
- **Built a uptime monitoring system** by writing a
[JavaScript script]( and setting up a systemd
service/timer to check and display page uptime,
**ensuring near real-time monitoring and reducing downtime
time by 95%**.
- **Optimized cloud security** by configuring AWS security
groups to allow inbound HTTPS traffic, **improving system
accessibility while maintaining secure data transmission**,
resulting in a **50% reduction in data interference
- **Enhanced data resilience** by automating regular backups
using Amazon EBS snapshots, ensuring **99.9% uptime and data
integrity** by creating consistent and reliable backups,
**reducing potential data loss by 95%** in disaster scenarios.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- AWS }}} -->
<!--- Rarity Surf {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Rarity Surf"
date="Oct 2021" show="true" %}}
- Web app to give rarity rankings to NFT's within minutes of their metadata being revealed and check which are listed (based on rarity and price filters) on the OpenSea marketplace using their API.
- Reverse engineered the ranking algorithm to match the
leading rarity ranking site's rankings (scraped using
Selenium) with a **discrepancy of <0.25%**.
- Used app to frontrun purchases of **top 5%** rarity NFT's
against competing buyers.
- Wrote **Django (Python)** backend to fetch metadata from IPFS, store rarity rankings in PostgreSQL and serve rarity data using GraphQL.
- Wrote **React** frontend with hooks to dynamically load rarity data. Styled with Tailwind.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- Rarity Surf }}} -->
<!--- Astronofty {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Astronofty"
url="" date="Jan 2023"
show="true" %}}
- Created for a 36 hour hackathon (UofTHacks X) where it [**came 2nd overall**](
- Created and deployed a smart contract with **Solidity** on
the Ethereum blockchain to create/buy/sell NFT's
using MetaMask.
- Wrote a **React** hook to fetch and show listed NFT's, NFT details and owned NFT's.
- Used API to synchronously upload images and metadata to IPFS.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- Astronofty }}} -->
{{% /resume/section %}}<!--- }}} -->
{{% resume/section skills %}}<!--- {{{ -->
AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), **JavaScript**, **React**, **Python**, Go(Lang), Bash, Solidity, C, **Django**, Node.js, Jenkins, PostgreSQL,
MongoDB, **Linux**, **Git**, **Command Line**
AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), Jenkins, Groovy, Go(Lang), Bash, **Linux**, **JavaScript**, **React**, **Python**, **Django**, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Solidity, C, **Git**, **Command Line**
{{% /resume/section %}}<!--- }}} -->
{{% resume/section education %}}<!--- {{{ -->
{{% resume/education name="University of Toronto"
title="Computer Science Specialist — 3.84 GPA (CS). Graduated with High Distinction." date="2018 — 2023" %}}
{{% resume/education name="University of Toronto (St. George)"
title="Computer Science Specialist — 3.84 GPA (CS). Graduated with High Distinction." date="2019 — 2024" %}}
{{% /resume/section %}}<!--- }}} -->


@ -1,35 +1,154 @@
<!--- CSC369 {{{ -->
<!--- {{{ Red Hat -->
- Reduced deployment time by **66%** by [implementing ability]( to
deploy locally-compiled binaries onto **Kubernetes**/**OpenShift**
using only command-line (**Kubernetes/GoLang** used for this and three below).
- Implemented ability for Kubernetes operator to fetch data
from a deployed service and update config with data to
deprecate reliance on startup script.
- Added startup probes to handle starting legacy application containers that require additional startup time.
- Refactored probes to [have default values]( assigned based on
deployed YAML while also fixing reconciliation issues.
- Rewrote the **Jenkins (Groovy)** [nightly pipeline]( to run in a GitHub
PR using a trigger keyword to test all the team's submitted PR's
before merging to the main branch.
- Took on tasks and contributed ideas in **Agile sprint** planning meetings in a team of 12 people.
- Took initiative to write [file](
to define the GitHub parameters for the above pipeline so that it
can be recreated easily.
- Took initiative to write [documentation]( on how to get started with the project to onboard new
developers and mentored the incoming intern.
<!--- }}} Red Hat -->
<!--- Rarity Surf {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Rarity Surf"
languages="Python, JavaScript, React, Django"
date="Oct 2021" show="true" %}}
- **Developed a full-stack web application** to generate rarity
rankings for NFT's integrated with OpenSea's API,
enabling users to **quickly identify rare NFT's** and check
their listing status, **improving market research efficiency by 80%**.
- **Reverse engineered a proprietary ranking algorithm** to
mirror the leading rarity ranking site’s results,
**achieving 99.75% accuracy** by
utilizing data scraping techniques [with Selenium](,
increasing the platform's trustworthiness among users.
- **Optimized purchasing strategy** by leveraging the app to
frontrun competitors in purchasing top 0.5% rarity NFTs,
**boosting acquisition success rate by 90%** and allowing
users to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
- **Architected a robust Django (Python) [backend](** to fetch and process
NFT metadata from IPFS, store rarity rankings in
**PostgreSQL**, and serve the data via GraphQL API, **ensuring low-latency access and scaling to handle 2,000+ concurrent requests**.
- **Developed a dynamic React [frontend](** using hooks to load
rarity data in real-time, styled with Tailwind for
mobile responsiveness, **improving user experience
and reducing frontend load times by 70%**.
{{% resume/project name="Custom Kernel Module"
url="" date="Jan. 2022" show="true" %}}
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- Rarity Surf }}} -->
<!--- Rarity Surf (short) {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Rarity Surf"
languages="Python, JavaScript, React, Django"
date="Oct 2021" show="true" %}}
- **Architected a robust Django (Python) [backend](** store NFT rarity rankings in
**PostgreSQL** and serve the data via GraphQL API, **ensuring low-latency access and scaling to handle 2,000+ concurrent requests**.
- **Developed a dynamic React [frontend](** using hooks to load
rarity data in real-time, styled with Tailwind for
mobile responsiveness, **improving user experience
and reducing frontend load times by 70%**.
- Wrote and installed a [custom Linux kernel module]( in **C**.
- Intercepted pre-existing system calls using
custom kernel module by sending commands to
- Monitored specific process ID's in my system
call to intercept their system calls.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- CSC369 }}} -->
<!--- Rarity Surf (short) }}} -->
<!--- Spotify Graphs {{{ -->
<!--- Astronofty {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Astronofty"
url="" languages="JavaScript, React, Solidity" date="Jan 2023"
show="true" %}}
- Created for a 36 hour hackathon (UofTHacks X) where it [**came 2nd overall**](
- Created and deployed a smart contract with **Solidity** on
the Ethereum blockchain to create/buy/sell NFT's.
- Wrote **React** [components]( to synchronously upload images and metadata to IPFS and fetch and show NFT's.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- Astronofty }}} -->
<!--- AWS {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="AWS Server"
url="" languages="AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform" date="May 2024" show="true" %}}
- **Deployed and maintained multiple web applications**
using **Docker Compose** on **AWS EC2 Debian/Linux servers**,
ensuring consistent environments for applications handling
**over 2,000+ monthly requests**.
- **Streamlined infrastructure management** by creating
Kubernetes manifest files to easily recreate server setups
with persistent storage, automatic restarts, and open
ports, **reducing the need for manual configuration**.
- **Automated AWS infrastructure provisioning** by writing
**Terraform** files to deploy **EC2** instances and Docker
containers, **accelerating deployment times by 80%** and
providing an easily reproducible infrastructure setup for
future projects.
- **Improved web application accessibility** by
configuring **AWS Route 53**’s DNS and **NGINX** to route
subdomains to individual web apps, **enabling seamless
navigation between apps**.
- **Built a uptime monitoring system** by writing a
[JavaScript script]( and setting up a systemd
service/timer to check and display page uptime,
**ensuring near real-time monitoring and reducing downtime
time by 95%**.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- AWS }}} -->
<!--- Astronofty (extended) {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Astronofty"
url="" languages="JavaScript, React, Solidity" date="Jan 2023"
show="true" %}}
- **Secured [2nd place]( overall out of 150+ teams** at UofTHacks
X, a 36-hour hackathon, for developing a blockchain-based
NFT marketplace app.
- **Built and optimized React (JavaScript) [components](** to synchronously
upload images and metadata to IPFS, **enhancing user engagement by 40%** during the demo,
and ensuring real-time NFT data retrieval, achieving a **75% improvement in loading times**.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- Astronofty }}} -->
<!--- {{{ Spotify Graphs -->
{{% resume/project name="Spotify Graphs"
url="" date="June 2018 — July 2018"
url="" date="June 2020 "
languages="Python, Django, PostgreSQL"
show="true" %}}
- Implemented base functionality of scanning tracks and listening
history from user's library using Spotify API and organized data
into **PostgreSQL** database with **Django** backend.
- Web app to visualize user's library and listening
history from Spotify.
- [Fetched and organized]( user data from Spotify API into PostgreSQL database with **Django (Python)** backend.
- Created and tested various relational database schemas to maximize
efficiency for use cases.
- Produced bubble chart and (stacked) bar chart using [**d3**]
[d3 graph examples] to visualize the artists, genres and features of
tracks in library.
[d3 graph examples]:
- Generated various charts to visualize the artists and genres
of tracks in library.
{{% /resume/project %}}
@ -56,24 +175,21 @@ show="true" %}}
<!--- Grocery Finder }}} -->
<!--- DigitalOcean {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Personal Server"
url="" date="Aug. 2019 — present" %}}
<!--- CSC369 {{{ -->
- Deployed various web apps with backends such as Node, PHP and Python using
**NGINX** on a **Debian** server.
- Monitor system resources and perform system maintenance using tmux.
- Wrote [**Node.js** script][server script] and [**systemd** service][systemd service]/[timer]
to check and display the uptime of my pages every hour.
{{% resume/project name="Custom Kernel Module"
url="" date="Jan. 2022" show="true" %}}
[server script]:
[systemd service]:
- Wrote and installed a [custom Linux kernel module]( in **C**.
- Intercepted pre-existing system calls using
custom kernel module by sending commands to
- Monitored specific process ID's in my system
call to intercept their system calls.
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- DigitalOcean Droplet }}} -->
<!--- CSC369 }}} -->
<!--- ParsaFood {{{ -->
@ -96,3 +212,23 @@
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- ParsaFood }}} -->
<!--- DigitalOcean {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Personal Server"
url="" date="Aug. 2019 — present" %}}
- Deployed various web apps with backends such as Node, PHP and Python using
**NGINX** on a **Debian** server.
- Monitor system resources and perform system maintenance using tmux.
- Wrote [**Node.js** script][server script] and [**systemd** service][systemd service]/[timer]
to check and display the uptime of my pages every hour.
[server script]:
[systemd service]:
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!--- DigitalOcean Droplet }}} -->


@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Red Hat
1. Reduced deployment time by 66% by implementing ability to deploy locally-compiled binaries onto Kubernetes/OpenShift using only command-line (Kubernetes/GoLang used for this and three below).
2. Implemented ability for Kubernetes operator to fetch data from a deployed service and update config with data to deprecate reliance on startup script.
3. Added startup probes to handle starting legacy application containers that require additional startup time.
4. Refactored probes to have default values assigned based on deployed YAML while also fixing reconciliation issues.
5. Rewrote the Jenkins (Groovy) nightly pipeline to run in a GitHub PR using a trigger keyword to test all the team’s submitted PR’s before merging to the main branch.
6. Took on tasks and contributed ideas in Agile sprint planning meetings in a team of 12 people.
7. Took initiative to write file to define the GitHub parameters for the above pipeline so that it can be recreated easily.
8. Took initiative to write documentation on how to get started with the project to onboard new developers and mentored the incoming intern.
# Rarity Surf
1. Web app to give rarity rankings to NFT’s and check which are listed on the OpenSea marketplace using their API.
2. Reverse engineered the ranking algorithm to match the leading rarity ranking site’s rankings (scraped using Selenium) with a discrepancy of <0.25%.
3. Used app to frontrun purchases of top 0.5% rarity NFT’s against competing buyers.
4. Wrote Django (Python) backend to fetch metadata from IPFS, store rarity rankings in PostgreSQL and serve rarity data using GraphQL.
5. Wrote React frontend with hooks to dynamically load rarity data. Styled with Tailwind.
1. Deployed various web apps using Docker (Compose) on an AWS EC2 Debian/Linux server.
2. Created Kubernetes manifest files to quickly recreate my server setup with persistent storage/restarts and open ports.
3. Created Terraform files to deploy an AWS EC2 instance and Docker containers.
4. Used Amazon Route 53’s DNS and NGINX to route subdomains to each web application.
5. Used AWS security groups to allow inbound HTTPS traffic.
6. Used Amazon EBS snapshots to regularly back up server.
6. Wrote a JavaScript server script and systemd service/timer to display the uptime of my pages every hour.


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# DevOps
AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), Jenkins, Groovy, Go(Lang), Bash, **Linux**, **JavaScript**, **React**, **Python**, **Django**, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Solidity, C, **Git**, **Command Line**
# Web Dev
**JavaScript**, **React**, **Python**, **Django**, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Bash, **Git**, **Linux**, **Command Line**, Go(Lang), AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), Jenkins, Groovy, Solidity, C
# Python
**Python**, **Django**, **Linux**, **Git**, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker (Compose), Ansible, Jenkins, Selenium, Terraform, Go(Lang), PostgreSQL, **Command Line**, Groovy, Bash, **JavaScript**, **React**, Node.js, MongoDB, Solidity, C


@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
<div class="container">
<!-- <span class="copyright">&copy; {{ .Site.LastChange.Year }} {{ .Site.Title }} - <a rel="license" href="">CC BY 4.0</a></span> -->
<div id="footer-row" class="row justify-content-center">
<span id="footer-content" class="name">
<span id="copyright" class="col-xs-6">


@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=",700" type="text/css"> -->
<!-- <link rel='stylesheet' href='//'> -->
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" /> -->
<!-- href=""> -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "css/style.css" | relURL }}" type="text/css">
{{ $main_sass := resources.Get "sass/main.scss" }}
{{ $main_style := $main_sass | resources.ToCSS }}


@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
<h1 class="site-title">
<span class="surrounding">[</span><a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}"><span class="base08">K</span><span
class="base0f">e</span><span class="base09">v</span><span
class="base0a">i</span><span class="base0b">n </span><span
class="base0c">M</span><span class="base0d">o</span><span
class="base0e">k</span></a><span class="surrounding">] # _</span>
<span class="surrounding"></span><a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}">
<span>Kevin Mok</span>


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<div id="linkedin" class="col text-right">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<span class="url-info">
<img src="{{ "img/social/linkedin.svg" | relURL }}" alt="linkedin-icon">
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
<div id="website" class="col text-right">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<span class="url-info">
<img src="{{ "img/resume/link.svg" | relURL }}" alt="link-icon">
<img src="{{ "img/social/github.svg" | relURL }}" alt="link-icon">


@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
<h2 class="project-title">
{{ .Get "name" }}
<span><{{ .Get "languages" }}></span>
<div class="col-4 text-right date">{{ .Get "date" }}</div>


@ -11,4 +11,7 @@
<span class="position">
{{ .Get "title" }}
<span class="languages">
<{{ .Get "languages" }}>


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f96e4a7485601fe51a4171a83063f28e79a5a06a
Subproject commit 2acb4ee38c7f43222d53099ef8e7e83971c40990