- Web app to give rarity rankings to NFT's within minutes of their metadata being revealed and check which are listed (based on rarity and price filters) on the OpenSea marketplace using their API.
- Reverse engineered the ranking algorithm to match the
leading rarity ranking site's rankings (scraped using
Selenium) with a **discrepancy of <0.25%**.
- Used app to frontrun purchases of **top 5%** rarity NFT's
against competing buyers.
- Wrote **Django** backend to fetch metadata from IPFS, store rarity rankings in PostgreSQL and serve rarity data using GraphQL.
- Wrote **React** frontend with hooks to dynamically load rarity data. Styled with Tailwind.
- Wrote and installed a custom Linux kernel module in **C**.
- Web app to give rarity rankings to NFT's within minutes of their metadata being revealed and check which are listed (based on rarity and price filters) on the OpenSea marketplace using their API.
- Reverse engineered the ranking algorithm to match the
leading rarity ranking site's rankings (scraped using
Selenium) with a **discrepancy of <0.25%**.
- Used app to frontrun purchases of **top 5%** rarity NFT's
against competing buyers.
- Wrote **Django (Python)** backend to fetch metadata from IPFS, store rarity rankings in PostgreSQL and serve rarity data using GraphQL.
- Wrote **React** frontend with hooks to dynamically load rarity data. Styled with Tailwind.