title="Cloud/Software Engineer Intern" date="May 2020 — Aug 2021" %}}
- Reduced deployment time by **66%** by implementing ability to
- Reduced deployment time by **66%** by [implementing ability](https://github.com/apache/incubator-kie-kogito-operator/commit/175a6356c5474f2360ccb8ae835e0b9b2d653cf1) to
- Implemented ability for Kubernetes operator to fetch data
from a deployed service and update config with data.
- Added startup probes to handle starting legacy application containers that require additional startup time.
- Refactored probes to have default values assigned based on
- Refactored probes to [have default values](https://github.com/apache/incubator-kie-kogito-operator/commit/af4977af228ec8648be28779259d4552246b656f) assigned based on
deployed YAML while also fixing reconciliation issues.
- Automated the promotion and release process
as part of the **Jenkins** release pipeline.
- Wrote documentation on how to get started with the project to onboard new
as part of the **Jenkins**[release pipeline](https://github.com/apache/incubator-kie-kogito-pipelines/commit/4c83f1aecdea2c1ba2796b79839a90d4083dce88).
- Wrote [documentation](https://github.com/apache/incubator-kie-kogito-operator/blob/1534c03d1d26bec08a16608a775782bf8b305de9/docs/GUIDE_FOR_KOGITO_DEVS.md) on how to get started with the project to onboard new