@ -29,29 +29,6 @@ title="Cloud/Software Engineer Intern" languages="Kubernetes, GoLang, Jenkins" d |
{{% resume/section projects %}}<!--- {{{ --> |
<!--- AWS {{{ --> |
{{% resume/project name="AWS Server" |
url="https://kevin-mok.com/server/" languages="AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker" date="May 2024" show="true" %}} |
- Deployed [various web apps](https://kevin-mok.com/server/) using **Docker** (Compose) on an |
**AWS EC2** Debian/**Linux** server. |
- Created **Kubernetes** [manifest files](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/aws-minicube) to quickly recreate my server setup |
with persistent storage/restarts and open ports. |
- Created **Terraform** [files](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/terraform-deploys/tree/main) |
to deploy an AWS EC2 instance and Docker containers. |
- Used Amazon Route 53's DNS and **NGINX** to route |
subdomains to each web application. |
- Wrote a **JavaScript** [server script] and [systemd service][systemd service]/[timer] |
to display the uptime of my pages every hour. |
[server script]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-status.js |
[systemd service]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.service |
[timer]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.timer |
{{% /resume/project %}} |
<!--- AWS }}} --> |
<!--- Rarity Surf {{{ --> |
{{% resume/project name="Rarity Surf" |
@ -86,19 +63,42 @@ show="true" %}} |
<!--- Astronofty }}} --> |
<!--- AWS {{{ --> |
{{% resume/project name="AWS Server" |
url="https://kevin-mok.com/server/" languages="AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker" date="May 2024" show="true" %}} |
- Deployed [various web apps](https://kevin-mok.com/server/) using **Docker** (Compose) on an |
**AWS EC2** Debian/**Linux** server. |
- Created **Kubernetes** [manifest files](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/aws-minicube) to quickly recreate my server setup |
with persistent storage/restarts and open ports. |
- Created **Terraform** [files](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/terraform-deploys/tree/main) |
to deploy an AWS EC2 instance and Docker containers. |
- Used Amazon Route 53's DNS and **NGINX** to route |
subdomains to each web application. |
- Wrote a **JavaScript** [server script] and [systemd service][systemd service]/[timer] |
to display the uptime of my pages every hour. |
[server script]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-status.js |
[systemd service]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.service |
[timer]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.timer |
{{% /resume/project %}} |
<!--- AWS }}} --> |
{{% /resume/section %}}<!--- }}} --> |
{{% resume/section skills %}}<!--- {{{ --> |
AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), Jenkins, Groovy, Go(Lang), Bash, **Linux**, **JavaScript**, **React**, **Python**, **Django**, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Solidity, C, **Git**, **Command Line** |
**JavaScript**, **React**, **Python**, **Django**, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Bash, **Git**, **Linux**, **Command Line**, Go(Lang), AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), Jenkins, Groovy, Solidity, C |
{{% /resume/section %}}<!--- }}} --> |
{{% resume/section education %}}<!--- {{{ --> |
{{% resume/education name="University of Toronto" |
title="Computer Science Specialist — 3.84 GPA (CS). Graduated with High Distinction." date="2018 — 2023" %}} |
title="Computer Science Specialist — 3.84 GPA (CS). Graduated with High Distinction." date="2019 — 2024" %}} |
{{% /resume/section %}}<!--- }}} --> |