@ -29,29 +29,24 @@ title="Cloud/Software Engineer Intern" languages="Kubernetes, GoLang, Jenkins" d
{{% resume/section projects %}}<!-- - {{{ -->
<!-- - AWS {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="AWS Server"
url="https://kevin-mok.com/server/" languages="AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker" date="May 2024" show="true" %}}
<!-- - CSC369 {{{ -->
- Deployed [various web apps ](https://kevin-mok.com/server/ ) using **Docker** (Compose) on an
**AWS EC2** Debian/**Linux** server.
- Created **Kubernetes** [manifest files ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/aws-minicube ) to quickly recreate my server setup
with persistent storage/restarts and open ports.
- Created **Terraform** [files ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/terraform-deploys/tree/main )
to deploy an AWS EC2 instance and Docker containers.
- Used Amazon Route 53's DNS and **NGINX** to route
subdomains to each web application.
- Wrote a **JavaScript** [server script] and [systemd service][systemd service]/[timer]
to display the uptime of my pages every hour.
{{% resume/project name="Operating Systems Course"
url="https://kevin-mok.com/server/" date="Jan. 2022" show="true" %}}
[server script]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-status.js
[systemd service]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.service
[timer]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.timer
- Wrote and installed a [custom Linux kernel module ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/interceptor-kernel/blob/master/a1/interceptor.c ) in **C** .
- Intercepted pre-existing system calls using
custom kernel module by sending commands to
- Monitored specific process ID's in my system
call to intercept their system calls.
- Used mutex locks for [thread synchronization ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/thread-synchronization ) in **C** .
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!-- - AWS }}} -->
<!-- - CSC369 }}} -->
<!-- - Rarity Surf {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Rarity Surf"
@ -71,27 +66,36 @@ date="Oct 2021" show="true" %}}
<!-- - Rarity Surf }}} -->
<!-- - Astronofty {{{ -->
<!-- - AWS {{{ -->
{{% resume/project name="Astronofty"
url="https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/astronofty" languages="React, Solidity" date="Jan 2023"
show="true" %}}
{{% resume/project name="AWS Server"
url="https://kevin-mok.com/server/" languages="AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker" date="May 2024" show="true" %}}
- Deployed [various web apps ](https://kevin-mok.com/server/ ) using **Docker** (Compose) on an
**AWS EC2** Debian/**Linux** server.
- Created **Kubernetes** [manifest files ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/aws-minicube ) to quickly recreate my server setup
with persistent storage/restarts and open ports.
- Created **Terraform** [files ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/terraform-deploys/tree/main )
to deploy an AWS EC2 instance and Docker containers.
- Used Amazon Route 53's DNS and **NGINX** to route
subdomains to each web application.
- Wrote a **JavaScript** [server script] and [systemd service][systemd service]/[timer]
to display the uptime of my pages every hour.
- Created for a 36 hour hackathon (UofTHacks X) where it [**came 2nd overall** ](https://devpost.com/software/astronofty ).
- Created and deployed a smart contract with **Solidity** on
the Ethereum blockchain to create/buy/sell NFT's.
- Wrote **React** [components ](https://github.com/Kevin-Mok/astronofty/tree/main/src/components ) to synchronously upload images and metadata to IPFS and fetch and show NFT's.
[server script]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-status.js
[systemd service]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.service
[timer]: https://git.kevin-mok.com/Kevin-Mok/server-pages/src/branch/master/server-pages.timer
{{% /resume/project %}}
<!-- - Astronofty }}} -->
<!-- - AWS }}} -->
{{% /resume/section %}}<!-- - }}} -->
{{% resume/section skills %}}<!-- - {{{ -->
AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), Jenkins, Groovy, Go(Lang), Bash, **Linux** , **JavaScript** , **React** , **Python** , **Django** , Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Solidity, C , **Git** , **Command Line**
**Python**, **C** , PostgreSQL, AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), Jenkins, Groovy, Go(Lang), Bash, **Linux** , **JavaScript** , **React** , **Python** , **Django** , Node.js, MongoDB, Solidity, **Git** , **Command Line**
{{% /resume/section %}}<!-- - }}} -->