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  1. ---
  2. title: "Server Apps"
  3. date: 2024-06-10
  4. draft: false
  5. layout: single
  6. js: ["server-table"]
  7. ---
  8. Here is a list of apps that I am running on my [AWS EC2][AWS EC2 info]
  9. Debian instance/[DigitalOcean
  10. droplet][do-droplet] using Docker (Compose) and my [Terraform
  11. files](
  12. I also have [Kubernetes manifest files](
  13. that can recreate this server setup. Their statuses are updated every hour using a
  14. [Node.js script][update-script] and a [systemd service]/[timer].
  15. [AWS EC2 info]:!4422!3!472464674288!e!!g!!aws%20ec2!11346198414!112250790958
  16. [do-droplet]:
  17. [systemd service]:
  18. [timer]:
  19. [update-script]: