Mobile-responsive personal website, generated using Hugo.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
599 B

  1. baseURL: http://localhost:1313/
  2. # baseURL:
  3. # baseURL: /home/kevin/coding/mf-site/public
  4. languageCode: en-us
  5. title: Kevin Mok's Website
  6. # theme: base16
  7. enableRobotsTXT: true
  8. pygmentsUseClassic: true
  9. params:
  10. author: Kevin Mok
  11. description: I'm a Computer Science (CS) student at the University of Toronto and an avid Linux/FOSS user. Come check out my personal site!
  12. menu:
  13. main:
  14. - name: resume
  15. url: /resume
  16. weight: 5
  17. - name: posts/
  18. url: /posts
  19. weight: 6
  20. # - name: credits
  21. # url: /credits
  22. # weight: 10
  23. # - name: config
  24. # url: /config