Mobile-responsive personal website, generated using Hugo.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. <!--- CSC369 {{{ -->
  2. {{% resume/project name="Custom Kernel Module"
  3. url="" date="Jan. 2022" show="true" %}}
  4. - Wrote and installed a [custom Linux kernel module]( in **C**.
  5. - Intercepted pre-existing system calls using
  6. custom kernel module by sending commands to
  7. userspace.
  8. - Monitored specific process ID's in my system
  9. call to intercept their system calls.
  10. {{% /resume/project %}}
  11. <!--- CSC369 }}} -->
  12. <!--- Spotify Graphs {{{ -->
  13. {{% resume/project name="Spotify Graphs"
  14. url="" date="June 2018 — July 2018"
  15. show="true" %}}
  16. - Implemented base functionality of scanning tracks and listening
  17. history from user's library using Spotify API and organized data
  18. into **PostgreSQL** database with **Django** backend.
  19. - Created and tested various relational database schemas to maximize
  20. efficiency for use cases.
  21. - Produced bubble chart and (stacked) bar chart using [**d3**]
  22. [d3 graph examples] to visualize the artists, genres and features of
  23. tracks in library.
  24. [d3 graph examples]:
  25. {{% /resume/project %}}
  26. <!--- Spotify Graphs }}} -->
  27. <!--- Grocery Finder {{{ -->
  28. {{% resume/project name="Grocery Finder"
  29. url="" date="Feb. 2019 — Apr. 2019"
  30. show="true" %}}
  31. - Proof of concept for web app that finds the ideal supermarket based on your cart.
  32. - Designed responsive front-end layout using **Bootstrap**.
  33. - Implemented REST API functionality on backend using **Node.js** and
  34. **MongoDB**.
  35. - Setup deployment on [**Heroku**][Grocery Finder Heroku].
  36. - Led team of 4 as project leader to prioritize and delegate tasks while
  37. also implementing a majority of the core features.
  38. - Performed code review for team members' pull requests.
  39. [Grocery Finder Heroku]:
  40. {{% /resume/project %}}
  41. <!--- Grocery Finder }}} -->
  42. <!--- DigitalOcean {{{ -->
  43. {{% resume/project name="Personal Server"
  44. url="" date="Aug. 2019 — present" %}}
  45. - Deployed various web apps with backends such as Node, PHP and Python using
  46. **NGINX** on a **Debian** server.
  47. - Monitor system resources and perform system maintenance using tmux.
  48. - Wrote [**Node.js** script][server script] and [**systemd** service][systemd service]/[timer]
  49. to check and display the uptime of my pages every hour.
  50. [server script]:
  51. [systemd service]:
  52. [timer]:
  53. {{% /resume/project %}}
  54. <!--- DigitalOcean Droplet }}} -->
  55. <!--- ParsaFood {{{ -->
  56. {{% resume/project name="ParsaFood"
  57. url="" date="Feb. 2018"
  58. show="true" %}}
  59. - **Android** app that reads ingredient labels and detects any dietary
  60. restrictions/allergies.
  61. - Designed user interface and linked various functionality together.
  62. - Made during a 24-hour [food-themed hackathon][Platterz Hackathon event]
  63. in a group with two other members. Came in 2<sup>nd</sup> place and won
  64. an [Oculus Rift][Oculus Rift Amazon].
  65. [Parsafood repo]:
  66. [Platterz Hackathon event]:
  68. [Oculus Rift Amazon]:
  69. {{% /resume/project %}}
  70. <!--- ParsaFood }}} -->