Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
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Kevin Mok de1dc7bab8
Replace .homedir with ~, .os with linux
5 years ago
chezmoi Replace .homedir with ~, .os with linux 5 years ago
i3 Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago
i3blocks Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago
mpv Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago
neofetch Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago
nvim Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago
private_fish Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago
ranger Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago
zathura Set permissions to 700 (for chezmoi) 5 years ago