Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

30 lines
1.2 KiB

# Shell rc file (i.e. bash vs. zsh, etc.)
# Config locations
# Output locations
# Remove
rm -f "$ranger_shortcuts" 2>/dev/null
echo "alias \\" > "$shell_shortcuts"
# Ensure text of argument 1 exists in the file argument 2
ensure() { (grep "$1" "$2")>/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "$1" >> "$2" ;}
ensure "source $shell_shortcuts" "$shellrc"
ensure "source $HOME/.config/ranger/shortcuts.conf" "$HOME/.config/ranger/rc.conf"
# Format the `folders` file in the correct syntax and sent it to all three configs.
sed "s/#.*$//;/^$/d" "$folders" | tee >(awk '{print $1"=\"f "$2"\" \\"}' >> "$shell_shortcuts") \
| awk '{print "map f"$1" cd "$2"\nmap t"$1" tab_new "$2"\nmap m"$1" shell mv -v %s "$2"\nmap Y"$1" shell cp -rv %s "$2}' >> "$ranger_shortcuts"
# Format the `configs` file in the correct syntax and sent it to both configs.
sed "s/#.*$//;/^$/d" "$configs" | tee >(awk '{print "v"$1"=\"$EDITOR "$2"\" \\"}' >> "$shell_shortcuts") \
| awk '{print "map v"$1" shell $EDITOR "$2}' >> "$ranger_shortcuts"