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934 lines
22 KiB
934 lines
22 KiB
# vim: fdm=marker syntax=sh
# system [[[
# basic [[[ #
# clear screen
c "printf '\033c'"
d "cd ~/Downloads && printf '\033c'"
hst "history"
# nft "printf '\033c' && neofetch | lolcat"
nft "printf '\033c' && neofetch"
fi "fish"
# reload urxvt
ru "xrdb ~/.Xresources && grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/ | cut -d\' -f2 | xargs wal -i > /dev/null"
dua "du -ah --apparent-size | sort -h"
# list file sizes in megabytes with depth 1
# duh "sudo du -d 1 -h --apparent-size | sort -h"
# dum "sudo du -d 1 -m --apparent-size | sort -h"
duh "du -d 1 -h --apparent-size | sort -h"
dum "du -d 1 -m --apparent-size | sort -h"
# m "man"
td "tldr"
whi "whereis"
# ]]] basic #
# display [[[ #
# nvt "nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode='DVI-I-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On}, HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +3840+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On}'"
xr "xrandr"
{{ if eq .chezmoi.fullHostname "nzxt" }}
xrn "xrandr --output HDMI-0 --rotate normal && grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/ | cut -d\' -f2 | xargs wal -i > /dev/null"
xrr "xrandr --output HDMI-0 --rotate right && grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/ | cut -d\' -f2 | xargs wal -i > /dev/null"
{{ end }}
{{ if eq .chezmoi.fullHostname "x1-carbon" }}
xro "xrandr --output HDMI2 --off"
xrr "xrandr --output HDMI2 --auto --right-of eDP1 --scale 1.33x1.33"
xrm "xrandr --output HDMI2 --auto --same-as eDP1 --scale 1.33x1.33"
xrs "xrandr -s 0"
{{ end }}
# ]]] display #
ngb "sudo nvim /etc/default/grub"
mgb "sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
# a "bat"
ba "bat"
# ba "bat *"
awkp "awk -F',' '{print \$0}'"
fde "fd -e"
grep "grep --color=auto -n"
grpr "grep -r"
rgc "rg -S"
rge "rg -t"
# pk "pkill -f"
cld "colordiff -wy --suppress-common-lines"
mkpk "makepkg -sri"
ex "chmod +x"
lns "ln -s"
src "source"
# systemctl [[[ #
ct "sudo systemctl"
cte "sudo systemctl enable"
ctd "sudo systemctl daemon-reload"
ctdi "sudo systemctl disable"
cta "sudo systemctl start"
cts "sudo systemctl stop"
ctt "sudo systemctl status"
# ctr "sudo systemctl restart"
ctltd "sudo systemctl status dhcpcd"
ctlas "sudo systemctl start sshd"
nct "sudo netctl"
nctf "sudo ip link set dev wlp3s0 down"
nctr "sudo systemctl restart netctl-auto@wlp4s0.service"
# ]]] systemctl #
# ssh [[[ #
cpssh "ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/"
xcssh "bat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -selection clipboard"
# digital ocean
ssd "mosh --ssh='ssh -p 399' kevin@ tmux a"
sdh "mosh --ssh='ssh -p 399' kevin@ htop"
scd "scp -P 399 kevin@"
sfd "sftp -rP 399 kevin@"
# phone
ssp "mosh --ssh='ssh -p 8022' $PHONE_IP"
scpp "scp -P 8022 $PHONE_IP:"
sfp "sftp -rP 8022 $PHONE_IP"
rsp "rsync --ignore-existing -Ptre 'ssh -p 8022' $PHONE_IP:"
# test server sites
# svp "firefox"
# postgres ssh tunnel
sdt "ssh kevin@ -L 5433:localhost:5432"
# ]]] ssh #
wh "watch"
w60 "watch -n60 '"
ct "crontab"
cte "crontab -e"
wm "sudo wifi-menu"
# mounting [[[ #
udm "udisksctl mount -b"
udmi "ifuse /mnt/ipad"
udmb "udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdc2"
udu "udisksctl unmount -b"
udub "udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sdc2"
udui "umount /mnt/ipad"
# ]]] mounting #
tch "touch"
vd "vidir --verbose"
# directory-related [[[ #
{{ if not (eq .linux_os "termux") }}
l "lsd -F --group-dirs first"
la "lsd -AF --group-dirs first"
ll "lsd -lF --group-dirs first --size short"
llr "lsd -lF --group-dirs first --size short -tr"
lla "lsd -AlF --group-dirs first --size short"
{{ else }}
l "ls"
la "ls -a"
ll "ls -l"
lla "ls -al"
{{ end }}
cwd "echo (pwd) | xclip -selection clipboard"
smv "sudo mv"
f "cd"
fz "fzf -e"
fbg "cd ~/Pictures/Backgrounds && ranger --selectfile (fzf -e --delimiter '/' --with-nth -1)"
fnd "find . -type f -name"
p "pwd"
rmr "rm -rf"
# rmd "rm ~/Downloads/*"
rmw "rm ~/.local/share/nvim/swap/"
md "mkdir -p"
rsy "rsync --ignore-existing -Ptr"
# list all (un)mounted drives
lhd "sudo fdisk -l"
# get disc space for mounted drives
# ds "df -h | tee >(head -n 1) >(grep sd) >/dev/null"
ds "df -h | head -n 1 && df -h | grep sd"
chownw "sudo chown -R kevin:wheel"
chwnm "sudo chown -R kevin:wheel /run/media/{{ .chezmoi.username }}"
# cd into backup folder and show backup sizes
lbu "cd /run/media/kevin/backup-hd/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}/tar && lsd -l"
# ]]] directory-related #
# power options [[[ #
s "systemctl suspend"
xx "exit"
so "xset dpms force off"
sd "tmux kill-server; systemctl poweroff"
rb "tmux kill-server; systemctl reboot"
lgo "i3-msg exit"
x "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
X "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
{{ if eq .chezmoi.fullHostname "x1-carbon" }}
xl "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap-laptop && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
XL "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap-laptop && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE"
bt "~/linux-config/dot_config/i3blocks/scripts/executable_battery"
{{ end }}
# ]]] power options #
# sound [[[ #
{{ if eq .chezmoi.fullHostname "nzxt" }}
vlm "alsamixer -c 0"
vlh "alsamixer -c 2"
{{ else }}
vlm "alsamixer -c 1"
{{ end }}
# ]]] sound #
# pkg management [[[ #
{{ if eq .linux_os "arch" }}#[[[
# pacman [[[ #
# pc "sudo pacman -S"
# pcq "sudo pacman -Qi"
# pcr "sudo pacman -Rns"
# pcud "sudo pacman -Sy"
# pcug "sudo pacman -Syu"
# xpc "pacman -Qqne > ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}-pkgs.txt && pacman -Qqme > ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/{{ .chezmoi.fullHostname }}-aur.txt "
# ]]] pacman #
# tri "trizen -S --noconfirm"
tri "trizen -S --noedit"
# yay [[[ #
# install
ya "yay -S --answerclean=None --answerdiff=None --answeredit=None"
# info
yaq "yay -Qi"
# list files
yal "yay -Ql"
# remove
yar "yay -Rns"
# search
yas "yay -Qs"
# sync
yau "yay -Sy"
# sync and download
yadl "yay -Syuw --answerclean=None --answerdiff=None --answeredit=None"
# sync and update
yaug "yay -Syu --answerclean=None --answerdiff=None --answeredit=None"
# ]]] yay #
{{ else if eq .linux_os "termux" }}#[[[
pki "pkg install"
pkli "pkg list-installed"
pku "pkg uninstall"
pks "pkg search"
xpk "pkg list-installed | awk -F/ '{print \$1}' > ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/txt/termux-pkgs.txt"
{{ end }}#]]]
# apt [[[ #
{{ if and (eq .chezmoi.username "root") (eq .linux_os "debian") }}
ap "apt install"
apr "apt remove"
apu "apt upgrade"
{{ end }}
# ]]] apt #
# ]]] pkg management #
# python [[[ #
py "python"
py2 "python2"
# pyt "printf '\033c' && pytest -vvs"
pyt "clear && tmux clear-history && pytest -vvs"
pyts "clear && tmux clear-history && pytest -vv"
pyu "python -m unittest"
pipi "pip install --user"
spipi "sudo pip install"
# ]]] python #
# internet [[[ #
pg2 "ping -c 2 -W 1"
pgc "ping"
dh "sudo dhcpcd"
kdh "sudo killall dhcpcd"
rdh "sudo killall dhcpcd && sudo dhcpcd"
wgt "wget"
{{ if and (eq .chezmoi.username "root") (eq .linux_os "debian") }}
nt "nginx -t"
{{ end }}
# ]]] internet #
whc "which"
fl "file"
id "identify"
# rz "source ~/{{ .chezmoi.os }}-config/aliases/zsh_aliases"
mst "sudo rm ~/st/config.h && sudo bear make -C ~/st install"
# mst "sudo ~/st/"
# system ]]]
# applications [[[ #
# silent="> /dev/null 2>&1& "
13 "rot13"
am "antimicro"
# task [[[ #
a "task"
aa "task add"
aab "task add proj:pey +bot"
aal "task add proj:lnx"
aam "task add proj:ms"
aamy "task add proj:mny"
aap "task add proj:"
# aacm "task add proj:codm"
aacr "task add proj:crim"
aaj "task add proj:pey +jira []"
aapp "task add proj:pogo"
aas "task add proj:sch"
aay "task add proj:pey"
ac "task context"
acn "task context none && task"
ach "task context home && task"
aco "task context out && task"
acp "task context pey && task"
acnp "task context not-pey && task"
acs "task context sch && task"
af "task proj:"
afcm "task proj:codm"
afcr "task proj:crim"
afs "task proj:sch"
afy "task proj:pey"
aj "task +jira"
apl "task completed"
al "task limit:15"
alg "task log"
ans "task +next"
ao "taskopen -A"
asm "task summary"
awt "task waiting"
ay "task sync"
# ]]] task #
# buku [[[ #
# b "buku"
bd "buku -za '"
bdb "sqlitebrowser ~/.local/share/buku/bookmarks.db &"
bh "buku -h | bat"
bi "buku --immutable 1 -zu"
bo "buku -o"
bp "buku -p"
br "buku -zd"
brp "buku --replace"
bs "buku --deep -n5 -s"
bsq "sqlitebrowser ~/.local/share/buku/bookmarks.db &"
bsv "bukuserver run --host --port 5001"
bt "buku --deep -n5 -t"
bu "buku -zu"
but "buku -zu --tag"
bw "buku --immutable 1 -zw -1"
# ]]] buku #
cc "calcurse"
ccc "calcurse -D ~/.calcurse/alt-cals/class"
cci "calcurse -i"
ccs "calcurse-caldav"
chr "google-chrome"
clc "cloc ."
cv "cava"
dg "dragon-drag-and-drop -x"
ffx "firefox"
fh "feh"
fi "fish"
gpd "gpg --decrypt"
gpe "gpg --encrypt --recipient"
gtm "gotop -m"
h "habitctl log"
# hbe "habitctl edit"
# hbeh "habitctl edith"
htc "htop -s PERCENT_CPU"
htm "htop -s PERCENT_MEM"
# i "sxiv"
ia "sxiv -a"
it "sxiv -t *"
kill "kill -9"
ka "killall"
kd "killall Discord && killall Discord"
ke "killall electron"
kf "killall firefox"
kag "killall gopls"
kai "killall imwheel && imwheel"
kt "killall thunderbird"
lo "libreoffice"
# mpv "mpv --volume=50"
m "mpv"
mpl "mpv --loop"
msf "mpv --sub-file="
mra "man ranger"
# mt "minetest"
n "nvim"
nm "nomacs ."
np "nvim --"
ndu "ncdu"
p3 "python3"
pdft "pdftotext"
pipes " -t 3"
pcp "pycp"
pmv "pymv"
py "python"
q "qalc '"
qg "qalculate-gtk"
r "ranger"
rbg "ranger --selectfile (grep wallpaper ~/.cache/wal/ | cut -d\' -f2)"
# rgc "printf '\033c' && rg"
# rgc "printf '\033c' && rg"
rgc "clear && tmux clear-history && rg -S"
rx "redshift -x"
scm "sc-im"
sn "sudo nvim"
sqlb "sqlitebrowser"
# ss "mosh"
stp "termdown"
# sw "swex"
t "tmux"#[[[
# ta "tmux a -t"
tabu "tmux a -t backup || tmux new -s backup"
tacf "tmux a -t config || tmux new -s config"
tacm "tmux a -t codm || tmux new -s codm"
tacr "tmux a -t crimson || tmux new -s crimson"
taf "tmux a -t fortnite || tmux new -s fortnite"
taj "tmux a -t journal || tmux new -s journal"
tarh "tmux a -t red-hat || tmux new -s red-hat"
tar2 "tmux a -t red-hat-2 || tmux new -s red-hat-2"
tas "tmux a -t school || tmux new -s school"
tas2 "tmux a -t school-2 || tmux new -s school-2"
tal "tmux a"
tc "clear && tmux clear-history"
tk "tmux kill-session -t"
tks "tmux kill-server"
tl "tmux ls"
tn "tmux new -s"
tnb "tmux new -s backup"
usn "usernames --num 20"
vmd "vimdiff"
wc "wc -l"
wch "weechat"
wg "wego"
# wg "curl -L"
wgm "curl -L"
wgt "curl -L"
yt "youtube-dl"
z "zathura --fork"
lz "unzip -l"
trl "tar tvzf"
trx "tar xvzf"
# pass [[[ #
# p "pass"
pc "pass -c"
pe "pass edit"
pi "pass insert -m"
pg "pass generate -c"
ps "pass show"
xc "xclip -selection clipboard"
yh "echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
yg "xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/gmail"
ytb "xclip -selection clipboard ~/.password-store/social/trapbot"
yu "echo '' | xclip -selection clipboard"
# ]]] pass #
# watson [[[ #
w "watson"
# start [[[ #
wa "watson start"
wacm "watson start fun +cod-mobile"
wae "watson start && watson edit"
wad "watson add"
we "watson edit"
wre "watson restart"
wree "watson restart && watson edit"
# ]]] start #
# stop [[[ #
ws "watson status && watson stop"
wse "watson stop && watson edit"
wsc "watson cancel"
wsl "watson stop && watson log --day"
wt "watson status"
# ]]] stop #
# log/report [[[ #
wl "watson log -Gcd"
wla "watson log -Gcap"
wlat "watson log -GcaT"
ww "watson log -Gc"
wwa "watson log -Gc | bat"
wr "watson report -Gcd"
wra "watson report -Gcap"
wram "watson report -Gca | rg -S '^\w.*-\s\d*h' | sort -t' ' -hk3 | sed 's/ - /,/' | xsv table"
wrat "watson report -GcaT"
wrf "watson report -Gc --from ''"
wrm "watson report -GcmT"
wrw "watson report -Gc"
# ]]] log/report #
# ]]] watson #
# ]]] applications #
# git [[[ #
g "git"
gi "git init"
gib "git init --bare"
gstr "git config credential.helper store"
gstrp "git config credential.helper store && git push"
# branch [[[ #
gb "git branch"
gbd "git branch -D"
gba "git branch --no-merged && echo '' && git branch --merged"
gbu "git branch --no-merged"
gbm "git branch --merged"
gbr "git branch -m"
gsm "git submodule"
gsma "git submodule add"
gsmi "git submodule init"
gsmp "git submodule foreach git pull"
gsmu "git submodule update --recursive --remote"
gmg "git merge"
gmga "git merge --abort"
gmgs "git merge --squash"
gmgts "git merge -X theirs"
gmgt "git mergetool"
gr "git remote -v"
gra "git remote add origin"
grao "git remote add orig"
grag "git remote add gitea ssh://"
grr "git remote remove origin"
gru "git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master"
# ]]] branch #
# add/remove [[[ #
ga "git add -A && git status -u"
gac "git add -A && git commit -S"
gaf "git add -f"
gal "git lfs track"
# unsigned commt
gacu "git add -A && git commit"
glf "git lfs"
glfi "git lfs install"
glfp "git lfs pull"
glft "git lfs track *"
gm "git mv"
grm "git rm"
grmf "git rm -f"
grmc "git rm --cached"
grmfc "git rm -f --cached"
grmor "rm (fd -e orig --no-ignore -H)"
# ]]] add/remove #
# diff/log [[[ #
gd "git diff -w"
gdc "git diff --cached -w"
gdh "git diff --cached -w HEAD~1"
# gds "git diff --stat"
# gdsc "git diff --stat --cached -w"
gds "git diff --stat --cached -w"
gdt "git difftool -w --tool=vimdiff"
gdtc "git difftool -w --cached --tool=vimdiff"
gl "git log -5"
gl1 "git log --oneline"
gl1x "git log --oneline -1 | xclip -selection clipboard"
gla "git log"
glm "git log master"
gqs "git-quick-stats -T"
# gsl "git shortlog"
gsh "git show"
gshh "git show HEAD"
# ]]] diff/log #
# pull [[[ #
gcl "git clone"
gs "git status -u"
gf "git fetch"
gfa "git fetch --all"
gfo "git fetch orig"
gch "git checkout"
gchn "git checkout -b"
gchm "git checkout master"
gchnw "git checkout -b wip"
gchw "git checkout wip"
gchh "git checkout HEAD --"
# grss "git reset --soft HEAD~1"
# grs "git reset --hard"
# grso "git reset --hard origin/master"
# grsh "git reset --hard HEAD"
# grsh1 "git reset --hard HEAD~1"
grs "git reset --soft"
grsh1 "git reset --soft HEAD~1"
grso "git reset --soft orig/master"
grsh "git reset --hard"
grsho "git reset --hard origin/master"
grshh "git reset --hard HEAD"
grshh1 "git reset --hard HEAD~1"
# show files in git repo
# gls "git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only"
gls "git ls-tree HEAD --name-only"
gchp "git cherry-pick"
gchpt "git cherry-pick --strategy=recursive -X theirs"
gchpc "git cherry-pick --continue"
gst "git stash push -m ''"
gstl "git stash list"
gstp "git stash pop"
gsts "git stash show stash@\{0\} -p"
gstcl "git stash clear"
gpl "git pull --rebase"
gplo "git fetch orig && git pull --rebase . orig/master"
grb "git rebase -i"
grba "git rebase --abort"
grbc "git rebase --continue"
grl "git reflog"
grlc "git checkout HEAD@{1}"
# ]]] pull #
# push [[[ #
gc "git commit -S"
gcu "git commit"
gca "git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit -S"
gcam "git add -A && git commit --amend -S"
gcap "git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit -S && git push --force"
psgi "git add -A && git commit -m 'Update' -S && git push"
gps "git push"
gpso "git push origin"
gpsoh "git push -f origin HEAD:"
gpsg "git push gitea"
gpsd "git push origin --delete"
# gpsi "git config credential.helper store && git push"
# gpsn "git push --set-upstream origin master"
gpsn "eval (git push 2>&1 | tail -n 2)"
gpsf "git push --force"
# assume file unchanged
gunc "git update-index --assume-unchanged"
# ]]] push #
# ]]] git #
# coding projs [[[ #
tld "tldr"
# fsl "zathura --fork ~/coding/fastest-languages.pdf"
fsl "bat ~/Documents/fastest-languages/"
rgt "rg TODO"
# make [[[ #
# ma "printf '\033c' && bear make"
# mc "bear make clean"
# mca "bear make clean && printf '\033c' && bear make"
# rmc "rm compile_commands.json"
# ]]] make #
# chezmoi [[[ #
zm "chezmoi"
za "chezmoi add"
zar "chezmoi add -r"
zd "chezmoi data"
zdf "chezmoi diff"
zp "chezmoi -v apply"
# ]]] chezmoi #
# spotify-lib-vis [[[ #
# start spv server outside dir
ssv "source ../bin/ && python runserver"
# open spv db in psql
spvdb "psql -d spotifyvis -U django"
mig "python makemigrations && python migrate --run-syncdb && ssv"
cldb "python flush --no-input && ssv"
# django shell
djs "python shell"
# update pip
upip "pip list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U"
# update pip req's.
ureq "pip freeze > requirements.txt"
# show last history scan
hlg "psql -U postgres -d spotifyvis -a -f /home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/scripts/queries/history.sql | rg 2020 | tac"
slg "tail -n 5 $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log"
# scan history
# hs "$spv_dir/src/ && cat $spv_dir/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log | tail -n 1"
# removes all but newest file
# rmol "ls -t | tail -n +2 | xargs rm -- && l"
# snw "spotify-now -i '%artist - %title'"
svd "pg_dump spotifyvis > spotifyvis.bak"
# ]]] spotify-lib-vis #
shc "shellcheck"
tll "tllocalmgr"
tli "tllocalmgr install"
# tlh "tllocalmgr texhash"
pdl "pdflatex"
tcl "tex-clean"
# grocery-finder [[[ #
wl0 "watson log --all --project=309 --tag=phase2"
wr0 "watson report --all --project=309 --tag=phase2"
# server [[[ #
no "node"
ndm "nodemon"
knd "killall node"
mg "mongo"
0ht "cd ~/school/309-proj && python3 -m http.server"
mgd "mongod --dbpath mongo-data"
# nds "killall node && nodemon server.js"
nds "nodemon server.js"
# ]]] server #
# heroku [[[ #
hr "heroku"
hrs "heroku local web"
hrt "heroku ps"
hrl "heroku logs --dyno web -n 1500 | rg up | awk '{ system(\"date -d \" \$1); \$1 = \"\"; print \$0 }' | paste -s -d' \n'"
gpsh "git push heroku"
0c "node collections.js"
# ]]] heroku #
# ]]] 309 #
# mfs [[[ #
pyh "python -m http.server"
# j "jekyll"
# js "jekyll serve"
hu "hugo"
hg "hugo serve --disableFastRender"
hgp "hugo server -D --disableFastRender --bind --baseURL ''"
# ]]] mfs #
ssb "ssh-bandit"
rt "python ~/coding/rt-scraper/!"
# ada-mario [[[ #
mm "printf '\033c' && bear make clean move_mouse_with_head && ./move_mouse_with_head"
med "printf '\033c' && bear make clean eye_detector && ./eye_detector"
mft "printf '\033c' && bear make clean face_detector && ./face_detector"
rft "~/coding/face-tracker/face_detector > /tmp/move_mouse_with_head.out"
gpsb "git push bitbucket"
# ]]] ada-mario #
sac "source ../../bin/"
dea "deactivate"
whe "watch echo"
nst "cp ~/Documents/workout-logs/ /tmp && nvim /tmp/"
# Red Discord bot
rde "pyenv shell red-discord-bot-test"
rbd "redbot --dev --debug"
# ]]] coding projs #
# games [[[ #
wlm "watson log --all --project=minetest"
# wrm "watson report --all --project=minetest"
wamv "watson start minetest +video"
# minetest [[[ #
mtg "minetest"
mts "minetestserver"
mtsc "minetestserver --gameid minetest --worldname Creative --terminal"
# mtsh "minetestserver --gameid minetest --worldname Hevin --config ~/.minetest/hevin.conf --terminal"
mtsh "minetestserver --gameid mineclone2 --worldname Hevin-MC --config ~/.minetest/hevin-mc.conf --terminal"
mtsv "minetestserver --gameid minimal --worldname Test --terminal"
# mtrsy "rsync -vr .minetest/ /mnt/linux-files/.minetest/"
# ]]] minetest #
tet "pandoc -f markdown -t html | xclip -selection clipboard"
shrg "printf '¯\\\\\\\\\\_(ツ)_/¯' | xclip -selection clipboard"
dcec "mono DiscordChatExporter.Cli.exe"
dcec "mono DiscordChatExporter.Cli.exe export -t $DISCORD_TOKEN -c"
ifm "sxiv ~/Documents/fortnite/maps/boat-campfire-slurp.png"
tw "twitchy"
twa "twitchy -a"
twd "twitchy -d"
tws "twitchy -s"
twf "watch -n300 'twitchy-game Fortnite'"
# mp "mpv --video-zoom=1.5"
# ufn "source && curl --request GET --url --header 'trn-api-key: 584d8eca-30d9-4119-92d8-5067dd301118' --cookie __cfduid=d4f0daac7eee3687b481bd55dcf00f3581581900091 > stats.json"
lob "lsd -F --group-dirs first 2020*.mkv"
wo "watch -n60 'lsd -lF --group-dirs first --size short 2020*.mkv'"
# ]]] games #
# school [[[ #
# basic
# wlf "watson log --all --tag=final"
# wrf "watson report --all --tag=final"
gpa "column -ts',' ~/Documents/"
ssc "mosh"
# ]]] school #
# red-hat [[[ #
vpu "nmcli con up id '1 - Red Hat Global VPN' --ask"
vpd "nmcli con down id '1 - Red Hat Global VPN'"
# laptop
# gcfr "git config '' && git config user.signingkey 10B001347552F396"
gchk "git checkout KOGITO-"
gch2 "git checkout KOGITO-2113"
loe "libreoffice ~/Documents/expenses/2020.ods &"
loi "libreoffice ~/Documents/expenses/investments.ods &"
ssw "mosh $WORK_LAPTOP_IP tmux a"
ssi "mosh $WORK_LAPTOP_IP -- tmux a -t weechat"
scw "scp $WORK_LAPTOP_IP:"
sfw "sftp $WORK_LAPTOP_IP"
fp "fpaste"
ghr "github-release"
# oc [[[ #
o "oc"
odc "oc describe pod"
odl "oc delete project"
og "oc get pods -w"
ol "oc logs"
on "oc new-project"
op "oc project"
opd "oc project default"
ot "oc status"
# ]]] oc #
# jenkins [[[ #
jk "java -jar ~/java/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8090 -auth kevin:$JENKINS_TOKEN"
jkb "java -jar ~/java/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8090 -auth kevin:$JENKINS_TOKEN build -s -v"
jkc "java -jar ~/java/jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8090 -auth kevin:$JENKINS_TOKEN console -f"
# ]]] jenkins #
# maven [[[ #
mvc "mvn clean"
# mvps "mvn package -DskipTests"
mvp "mvn package -DskipTests"
mvpr "mvn clean package -DskipTests && ./ start"
mvt "mvn test"
mvct "mvn clean test"
# ]]] maven #
mc "make clean"
mct "make clean test"
ml "make lint"
kg "kogito"
mk "minikube"
gor "go run"
got "go test"
gota "go test *"
mbc "make build-cli && scp build/_output/bin/kogito $WORK_LAPTOP_IP:/home/kmok/go/bin"
dk "docker"
dki "docker image"
dkis "docker images"
# ]]] red-hat #