# vim: fdm=marker ft=fish.go-template # login to X [[[ # {{ if eq .chezmoi.username "kevin" }} if status is-login if test -z "$DISPLAY" -a $XDG_VTNR = 1 exec startx -- -keeptty end end set -x GPG_TTY (tty) {{ end }} # ]]] login to X # # universal var's [[[ # set -U fish_greeting {{ if eq .chezmoi.hostname "nzxt" }} set -U spv_dir "/home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis" set -U mfs_dir "/home/kevin/coding/mf-site" source /home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/scripts/api-keys-fish.sh abbr hum "cd $mfs_dir && hugo serve -D --disableFastRender" {{ end }}#]]] # system [[[ set -x HASTE_SERVER https://pste.gq {{ if eq .chezmoi.hostname "nzxt" }} # set -x CALCURSE_CALDAV_PASSWORD (pass show technology/linux/baikal | head -n1) {{ end }} set -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib64 set -x GOPATH ~/go # set -x PATH $GRAALVM_BIN $PATH ~/.local/bin ~/scripts ~/scripts/colors ~/go/bin ~/.minetest/minetest/bin ~/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin set -x PATH $PATH ~/.local/bin ~/scripts ~/scripts/colors $GOPATH/bin ~/.minetest/minetest/bin ~/.gem/ruby/*/bin ~/.yarn/bin set -x PKG_CONFIG_PATH $PKG_CONFIG_PATH /usr/lib/pkgconfig # Java [[[ # set -x GRAALVM_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0 set -x GRAALVM_BIN $GRAALVM_HOME/bin set -x JAVA_HOME $GRAALVM_HOME # set -x JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk # set -x JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk # for shared libs set -x PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin $PATH # ]]] Java # # system ]]] # space prompt[[[ # set SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ORDER time user dir host git package node docker ruby golang php rust haskell julia aws conda pyenv kubecontext exec_time line_sep battery jobs exit_code vi_mode char set SPACEFISH_ADD_NEWLINE false set SPACEFISH_PROMPT_ORDER vi_mode dir git pyenv exec_time jobs exit_code line_sep char set SPACEFISH_DIR_PREFIX '' set SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC 0 set SPACEFISH_DIR_TRUNC_REPO false set SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_INSERT '' set SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_NORMAL '[n] ' set SPACEFISH_VI_MODE_SUFFIX '' #]]] # pass[[[ set -x PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME 120 set -xU XSET_RATE 90 set -xU XSET_DELAY 200 {{ if and (eq .chezmoi.hostname "x1-carbon") (not (eq .chezmoi.username "root")) }} xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE {{ end }}#]]] # [[[ universal var's # set -xU BROWSER "firefox" # set -U BROWSER "chromium" set -xU FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND "find ." set -x LAPTOP_IP "" set -x PHONE_IP "" set -x PIXEL_IP "" set -x WORK_LAPTOP_IP "kmok@" {{ if eq .chezmoi.hostname "nzxt" }} # set -x CALCURSE_CALDAV_PASSWORD (pass show technology/linux/baikal | head -n1) set -x JENKINS_TOKEN 114a1b2e8693b57fa6f4bce88e2deee8cc status --is-interactive; and source (pyenv init -|psub) {{ end }} set -xU MINIKUBE_IP "" set -xU LOCAL_KOGITO_SERVICE_PORT "32000" # set -xU LOCAL_KOGITO_SERVICE_URL "$MINIKUBE_IP:$LOCAL_KOGITO_SERVICE_PORT" set -x FLASK_DEBUG 1 set -x DB_NAME "covid_monitor" set -x FULLNODE_API_INFO wss://api.chain.love set -x IPAD_IMG 17 # ]]] universal var's # # fish-specific [[[ # fish_vi_key_bindings set -x EDITOR nvim set -x VISUAL nvim set -U fish_help_browser firefox builtin cd $last_dir && ls > /dev/null # builtin cd $last_dir bind \ce edit_command_buffer bind \cr forward-word # chezmoi apply {{ if not (eq .linux_os "termux") }} ~/scripts/sync-shortcuts {{ end }} # source ~/.config/fish/key_abbr.fish > /dev/null set -U fish_fxn_dir "{{ .chezmoi.homeDir }}/linux-config/dot_config/fish/functions" # set -U fish_fxn_dir "~/.config/fish/functions" abbr ff "cd $fish_fxn_dir" for fxn in (find $fish_fxn_dir -name '*.fish') source $fxn end abbr ab "abbr" abbr abe "abbr -e" abbr hm "history merge" abbr hs "history search --show-time" # abbr rfc "chezmoi apply && source ~/.config/fish/config.fish" abbr f. "cd .." abbr f.. "cd ../.." abbr hsm "history merge" abbr nxv "$EDITOR ~/.config/fish/fish_variables" abbr xf "fish_config" # ]]] fish-specific # # fxn abbr's [[[ # abbr ! "sudo !!" # task [[[ # abbr aan "task-anno ''" abbr ae "task-edit" abbr adl "task-delete" abbr adn "task-done" abbr adu "task-due" abbr adr "task-due-rm" abbr an "task-next" abbr anr "task-next-rm" abbr ant "task-notes" abbr apr "task-mod-pri" abbr aprl "task-mod-pri L" abbr aprm "task-mod-pri M" abbr aprn "task-mod-pri ''" abbr aprh "task-mod-pri H" abbr apj "task-mod-proj" abbr asr "task-start" abbr at "task-mod-tag" abbr atj "task-mod-tag jira" abbr aw "task-wait" abbr ax "task-context" # ]]] task # abbr ag "grep-aliases" abbr bk "buku-fzf" abbr bkf "buku-fzf fq" abbr bq "benq-brightness" abbr bn "discord-burner" abbr bun "backup nzxt" abbr bupp "backup-phone-pics" abbr ca "cad-to-us" abbr cccs "sync-alt-cal class" abbr cl "clip" abbr cli "clip-ipad" abbr cpc "copy cat" abbr cpe "copy echo" abbr cpp "copy echo (pwd)" abbr cff "create-fish-function" abbr ctr "systemctl-restart" abbr def "define" abbr drs "dump-rarity-check" abbr ens "enable-site" abbr ev "evince-silent" abbr ff "fzf-cd" # abbr fbg "find-bg" # abbr fr "fzf-ranger" abbr fv "fzf-vim" abbr fvft "find-vim-filetype" abbr gif "video-to-gif" # git [[[ # abbr gcamp "git-amend-push" abbr gclg "git-clone-gitea" abbr gdf "git-diff-files" abbr gpsd "git-push-diff-name" abbr gpsi "git-push-initial" abbr gpsmt "git-push-multiple" abbr gpng "git-push-new-gitea" abbr gpngg "git-push-new-gitea gitea" abbr gremotes "git-mult-remotes" abbr grmb "git-delete-branch" abbr gro "git-replace-origin" abbr grog "git-replace-origin-gitea" abbr gsmb "git-submodule-branch" # ]]] git # abbr i "sxiv-silent" abbr lo "libreoffice-silent" abbr ma "man-vim task" abbr mat "math" abbr mi "mpv-ipad" abbr mn "man-vim" abbr mdf "mkdir-cd" abbr mtm "maven-test-method" abbr pgr "grep-pdf" abbr pgrf "grep-pdf-file" abbr pst "pastebin" abbr qh "qalc-history" abbr qu "qalc-update" abbr re "reminder ''" abbr rf "refresh-config" abbr rl "readlink-cp" abbr rds "redshift-set" abbr rmi "rm-ipad" abbr rsi "rsync-ipad-vid" abbr scf "scp-vid fn" abbr sma "smol-add" abbr smd "smol-delete" abbr sml "smol-slist" abbr smr "smol-replace" abbr shrm "shred-rm" abbr shs "scan-history" abbr svp "server-pages" abbr ta "tmux-attach" abbr taa "tmux-attach atx" abbr taf "tmux-attach fn" abbr tam "tmux-attach misc" abbr tan "tmux-attach nft" abbr tan2 "tmux-attach nft-2" abbr tao "tmux-attach obs" abbr thes "thesaurus" # abbr usc "us-to-cad" abbr us "us-to-cad" abbr ut "unix-timestamp" abbr uzr "unzip-rm" abbr vsnp "vim-snippet" abbr wga "wget-all" abbr wag "watson-add-game" abbr waf "watson-add-game fortnite" abbr wap "watson-add-game pokemon-go" abbr wgn "wget-name" abbr xya "export-pkgs" # school [[[ # # ]]] school # # ]]] fxn abbr's # # task sync > /dev/null 2>&1 # ~/scripts/xmodmap-custom