#!/bin/zsh setup_marble=false linux_config_dir=/home/kevin/linux-config dot_dir=$linux_config_dir/dotfiles pc=$(hostname) # Get directory variables from script. # List of dotfiles I want to link to system. dotfiles=(bashrc gitconfig inputrc imwheelrc vimrc Xmodmap Xresources zshrc) cd $dot_dir for dotfile in $dotfiles; do # Remove system dotfile. rm ~/."$dotfile" # Link dotfile in repository to system dotfile. cp "$dot_dir"/"$dotfile" ~/."$dotfile" done # marble mouse {{{ # if [[ "$setup_marble" = true ]]; then config_file_name="10-evdev.conf" sys_layout_file="/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/$config_file_name" config_dir="$linux_config_dir/x/marble-mouse" # Remove system file. sudo rm -rf "$sys_layout_file" # Link config file in repository to system config location. sudo cp "$config_dir"/"$config_file_name" "$sys_layout_file" fi # }}} marble mouse #