Removed old swap key lines from config and added dir/script to symlink
xkb file to lc dir. Fixes issue of having to release keys when starting
terminal with xmodmap.
Some were modified from original but can't be bothered to check which.
'backlight' is custom. Changed both PC/laptop i3blocks config to
reference new i3blocks-scripts location.
system: Fixed keyboard repeat rate for PC/laptop.
Git: Added amending commit and forcing push aliases.
i3: Changed '$mod+F[1-3]' mappings to just 'F[1-3]'.
Resolves#21 and closes#30. Combined all alias files, converted them into
proper Zsh formatting and reorganized them into better sections. Installed Oh
My Zsh and then sourced the combined aliases file (zsh_aliases) from .zshrc.
Also made URL's clickable in urxvt and briefly commented purpose of all Vim