Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
1.3 KiB

  1. # vim: fdm=marker ft=sh.go-template syntax=sh
  2. # sys [[[ #
  3. bg ~/Pictures/Backgrounds
  4. cf ~/.config
  5. d ~/Downloads
  6. D ~/Documents
  7. fo ~/.config/fish
  8. k ~/
  9. lc ~/linux-config
  10. lf /mnt/linux-files
  11. lfv /mnt/linux-files/Videos
  12. me /run/media/{{ }}
  13. o /
  14. p ~/.password-store
  15. P ~/Pictures
  16. sw ~/.local/share/nvim/swap/
  17. tm /tmp
  18. # ]]] sys #
  19. # cdn [[[ #
  20. b1 ~/coding/mf-site/themes/base16
  21. 2d ~/coding/godot-demos/2d-plat
  22. ad ~/coding/ada-mario-prep
  23. cn ~/coding
  24. ib ~/linux-config/i3blocks/.config/i3blocks/scripts
  25. j ~/Documents/journal
  26. lh ~/Documents/listening-history
  27. mm ~/coding/move-mouse-with-head
  28. ms ~/coding/mf-site
  29. mh ~/coding/mf-site/layouts
  30. # mg ~/coding/best-mf-site-personal
  31. ra ~/.config/ranger
  32. sr ~/linux-config/scripts
  33. snp ~/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips
  34. sv ~/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src
  35. svg ~/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/graphs/static/graphs/scripts
  36. swa ~/.local/share/nvim/swap
  37. tx ~/linux-config/txt
  38. wd ~/.config/watson
  39. wo ~/Documents/workout-logs/11
  40. # ]]] cdn #
  41. # sch [[[ #
  42. lt ~/school/latex-notes
  43. # 309 [[[ #
  44. sc ~/school
  45. 0c ~/school/309-proj/css
  46. 0d ~/school/309
  47. 0j ~/school/309-proj/public/js
  48. 0l ~/school/309/l
  49. 0p ~/school/309-proj
  50. 0m ~/school/309-proj/mongo
  51. e4 ~/school/309/e4
  52. # ]]] 309 #
  53. 6 ~/school/369
  54. 6l ~/school/369/notes/lectures
  55. hp ~/school/hps
  56. # ]]] sch #