Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
393 B

6 years ago
  1. alsa-utils
  2. bc
  3. chromium
  4. cloc
  5. compton
  6. dhcpcd
  7. dialog
  8. dmenu
  9. fakeroot
  10. feh
  11. findutils
  12. fzf
  13. git
  14. grep
  15. grub
  16. htop
  17. i3-gaps
  18. i3blocks
  19. i3status
  20. imwheel
  21. less
  22. linux
  23. linux-firmware
  24. linux-headers
  25. lolcat
  26. make
  27. neofetch
  28. noto-fonts
  29. neovim
  30. ntfs-3g
  31. netctl
  32. pacman
  33. perl
  34. pulseaudio
  35. python-pip
  36. python-pywal
  37. python-setuptools
  38. python-dbus
  39. ranger
  40. redshift
  41. sed
  42. sudo
  43. tar
  44. udisks2
  45. unzip
  46. vi
  47. wireless_tools
  48. wpa_supplicant
  49. xclip
  50. zsh