Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
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alsa-utils autoconf automake bash bc bison broadcom-wl bzip2 chromium chromium-widevine cmake colordiff coreutils cryptsetup device-mapper dhcpcd dialog diffutils dmenu e2fsprogs fakeroot feh file filesystem findutils flex fzf gawk gcc gcc-libs gdb gettext git glibc grep grub gscreenshot gzip htop i3-gaps i3blocks i3status imwheel inetutils iniparser iproute2 iputils jfsutils less lib32-nvidia-utils licenses linux linux-firmware linux-headers logrotate lolcat lsof lvm2 make man-db man-pages mdadm nano neofetch neovim netctl noto-fonts ntfs-3g nvidia pacman patch pciutils perl pkgconf procps-ng psmisc pulseaudio python-dbus python-pip python-pywal python-setuptools ranger redshift reiserfsprogs rxvt-unicode-pixbuf s-nail sed shadow spotify st sudo sysfsutils sysstat systemd-sysvcompat tar texinfo ttf-dejavu udiskie udisks2 unzip usbutils util-linux vi w3m which wireless_tools wpa_supplicant xclip xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-synaptics xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-void xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-video-ati xf86-video-dummy xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-intel xf86-video-nouveau xf86-video-openchrome xf86-video-qxl xf86-video-vesa xf86-video-vmware xf86-video-voodoo xfsprogs xorg-bdftopcf xorg-iceauth xorg-luit xorg-mkfontdir xorg-mkfontscale xorg-server xorg-sessreg xorg-smproxy xorg-x11perf xorg-xbacklight xorg-xcmsdb xorg-xcursorgen xorg-xdpyinfo xorg-xdriinfo xorg-xev xorg-xgamma xorg-xhost xorg-xinit xorg-xinput xorg-xkbevd xorg-xkbutils xorg-xkill xorg-xlsatoms xorg-xlsclients xorg-xpr xorg-xprop xorg-xrandr xorg-xrefresh xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot xorg-xvinfo xorg-xwd xorg-xwininfo xorg-xwud zathura zathura-pdf-poppler zsh