in_lab=false cd_school="d ~/Documents/School/notes"
# Lab Setup/Aliases {{{ if [ $(whoami) == "mokkar" ]; then TERM=xterm-256color xmodmap -e "clear Lock" in_lab=true cd_school="d ~";
ff() { firefox $1 ; } zip() { tar -zcvf $1.tar.gz $1/ ; } alias nau="nautilus ." fi # }}}
# General {{{ alias sch="$cd_school" alias 236="$cd_school/236" alias psy="$cd_school/psy" alias rml="rm *.aux *.log *.pdf" pdl() { pdflatex $1 ; } cptp() { cp *template.tex cp-template.tex chmod 600 cp-template.tex date=`date +%-m-%d` mv cp-template.tex "$date".tex } # }}}
# 136 {{{ alias 136="$cd_school/136" alias 136l="$cd_school/136/lecture" alias pr3="$cd_school/136/par/3" # }}}
# 209 {{{ alias ll="ls -l"
# General {{{ cd_209="d ~/Documents/School/209"; alias 209="$cd_209" alias 9r="$cd_209/mokkar" alias l6="$cd_209/mokkar/lab6" alias 9a="$cd_209/mokkar/a2" # alias cdf="ssh -t mokkar@cdf.utoronto.ca '. ./.bashrc; bash -l'" alias cdf="echo \". ./.bashrc\"&& ssh mokkar@cdf.utoronto.ca" mkex() { chmod 777 $1 ; } # }}}
# {{{ Compilation Functions # compile without running c9() { gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o "${1%.*}.out" "$1" -lm ; }
# compile all without running c9a() { for file in *; do if [[ $file = *.c ]]; then gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -g -o "${file%.*}".out "$file" fi done }
# compile and run c9r() { c9 $1 && ./"${1%.*}.out" ; }
# compile and run with input c9i() { c9 $1 && ./"${1%.*}.out" < $2 ; }
# compile and run with input file run() { while read line; do # ./$1.out $line echo ./$1.out $line done < $1.in } # temp deb() { gdb ./print_ptree.out < "$1" } # }}} # }}}
alias 36a="$cd_school/236/a1"