Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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6 years ago
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6 years ago
  1. acestream-engine
  2. antimicro
  3. arno-iptables-firewall
  4. aurvote
  5. buku
  6. chatterino2-appimage
  7. chromium-widevine
  8. colorpicker
  9. dragon-drag-and-drop-git
  10. ffcast
  11. flashplugin
  12. flashplugin-focusfix
  13. git-quick-stats
  14. github-cli-bin
  15. github-markdown-toc
  16. go-lint-git
  17. gotop-bin
  18. i3-gaps
  19. i3blocks-git
  20. insomnia-bin
  21. instant-markdown-d
  22. jmtpfs
  23. k3s-bin
  24. kind
  25. libavutil-52
  26. linux-nzxt
  27. linux-nzxt-headers
  28. lua-cjson
  29. mcomix
  30. md2pdf
  31. mono-basic
  32. nerd-fonts-dejavu-complete
  33. nerd-fonts-hack
  34. nomacs
  35. nordvpn-bin
  36. nvm
  37. nx3-all
  38. openshift-source-to-image
  39. pandoc
  40. peaclock
  41. pfetch-git
  42. pgadmin4
  43. pick-colour-picker
  45. protonvpn-cli
  46. pycp
  47. python-discord
  48. python-selenium
  49. python-tinydb
  50. qdirstat
  51. qt5-styleplugins
  52. rancher-k3d-bin
  53. robo3t-bin
  54. rot13
  55. runelite
  56. rxvt-unicode-pixbuf-patched
  57. sc-im
  58. shadowfox-updater
  59. simple-mtpfs
  60. slack-desktop-dark
  61. solidity
  62. spotify
  63. spotify-now-git
  64. steamos-xpad-dkms
  65. surf
  66. systemd-numlockontty
  67. tasksh
  68. texlive-core
  69. texlive-local-adjustbox
  70. texlive-local-algorithmicx
  71. texlive-local-algorithms
  72. texlive-local-capt-of
  73. texlive-local-collectbox
  74. texlive-local-comment
  75. texlive-local-csquotes
  76. texlive-local-elocalloc
  77. texlive-local-enumitem
  78. texlive-local-environ
  79. texlive-local-fontawesome
  80. texlive-local-footmisc
  81. texlive-local-forest
  82. texlive-local-gfsdidot
  83. texlive-local-ifmtarg
  84. texlive-local-inlinedef
  85. texlive-local-multirow
  86. texlive-local-numprint
  87. texlive-local-pgfopts
  88. texlive-local-pgfplots
  89. texlive-local-preprint
  90. texlive-local-quoting
  91. texlive-local-relsize
  92. texlive-local-siunitx
  93. texlive-local-sourcesanspro
  94. texlive-local-tcolorbox
  95. texlive-local-tikz-qtree
  96. texlive-local-titlesec
  97. texlive-local-tkz-base
  98. texlive-local-tkz-euclide
  99. texlive-local-trimspaces
  100. texlive-local-was
  101. texlive-local-xifthen
  102. timetrace
  103. tor-browser
  104. ttf-times-new-roman
  105. urxvt-resize-font-git
  106. vidir
  107. weechat-vimode-git
  108. wkhtmltopdf
  109. wpa_actiond
  110. xf86-input-keyboard
  111. xf86-input-mouse
  112. xvkbd
  113. yay-bin
  114. youtube-dl-git
  115. youtube-viewer
  116. zoom
  117. zulip-desktop-git