Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
  1. alsa-utils
  2. android-file-transfer
  3. ansible
  4. apache
  5. arch-install-scripts
  6. asciidoctor
  7. asciinema
  8. asp
  9. audacity
  10. autoconf
  11. automake
  12. avidemux-cli
  13. avidemux-qt
  14. aws-cli
  15. baka-mplayer
  16. bash
  17. bash-bats
  18. bat
  19. bc
  20. bear
  21. biber
  22. bison
  23. bookworm
  24. breeze
  25. broadcom-wl
  26. browserpass
  27. bzip2
  28. calcurse
  29. certbot
  30. chezmoi
  31. chromium
  32. cloc
  33. cmake
  34. cmatrix
  35. code
  36. colordiff
  37. cool-retro-term
  38. coreutils
  39. cowsay
  40. cronie
  41. cryptsetup
  42. cscope
  43. dash
  44. dateutils
  45. dbeaver
  46. dbus-python
  47. deluge
  48. deluge-gtk
  49. device-mapper
  50. dhcpcd
  51. dialog
  52. diffutils
  53. discord
  54. dmenu
  55. docker
  56. docker-compose
  57. doxygen
  58. dunst
  59. e2fsprogs
  60. ecryptfs-utils
  61. electrum
  62. element-desktop
  63. emacs
  64. encfs
  65. evince
  66. fakeroot
  67. fbreader
  68. fd
  69. feh
  70. ffmpegthumbnailer
  71. figlet
  72. file
  73. filesystem
  74. findutils
  75. firefox
  76. fish
  77. flex
  78. flowblade
  79. fortune-mod
  80. fzf
  81. gawk
  82. gcc
  83. gcc-libs
  84. gdb
  85. geckodriver
  86. gettext
  87. gimp
  88. git
  89. git-lfs
  90. gitui
  91. glibc
  92. go-ethereum
  93. gpac
  94. gradle
  95. grep
  96. grub
  97. gzip
  98. handbrake
  99. handbrake-cli
  100. hdf5
  101. helm
  102. hexyl
  103. highlight
  104. htop
  105. hub
  106. hugo
  107. i3status
  108. ifuse
  109. imv
  110. imwheel
  111. inetutils
  112. iniparser
  113. inkscape
  114. inotify-tools
  115. intellij-idea-community-edition
  116. iperf
  117. iproute2
  118. iputils
  119. irrlicht
  120. jdk-openjdk
  121. jenkins
  122. jfsutils
  123. jp2a
  124. jre-openjdk-headless
  125. junit
  126. kdenlive
  127. keepass
  128. kitty
  129. kubectl
  130. kubectx
  131. less
  132. lib32-nvidia-utils
  133. libimobiledevice
  134. libolm
  135. libreoffice-still
  136. libvirt
  137. licenses
  138. linux
  139. linux-firmware
  140. linux-headers
  141. linux-lts
  142. linux-lts-headers
  143. lmms
  144. logrotate
  145. lolcat
  146. lsd
  147. lsof
  148. luit
  149. lvm2
  150. lxappearance
  151. maim
  152. make
  153. man-db
  154. man-pages
  155. mdadm
  156. mediainfo
  157. meld
  158. mencoder
  159. minikube
  160. mono
  161. mosh
  162. mpv
  163. mtpfs
  164. nano
  165. ncdu
  166. neofetch
  167. neomutt
  168. neovim
  169. netctl
  170. networkmanager
  171. networkmanager-openvpn
  172. nload
  173. nmap
  174. nnn
  175. noto-fonts
  176. npm
  177. ntfs-3g
  178. ntp
  179. numlockx
  180. nvidia-dkms
  181. nvidia-settings
  182. obs-studio
  183. openapi-generator
  184. openssh
  185. openvpn
  186. os-prober
  187. otf-ipafont
  188. p7zip
  189. pacman
  190. pacman-contrib
  191. pass
  192. patch
  193. pciutils
  194. pcmanfm
  195. pdfgrep
  196. peek
  197. perl
  198. perl-file-mimeinfo
  199. perl-image-exiftool
  200. picom
  201. pkgconf
  202. podman
  203. postgresql
  204. procps-ng
  205. psmisc
  206. pulseaudio
  207. pycharm-community-edition
  208. pyenv
  209. pyside2
  210. python-elementpath
  211. python-numpy
  212. python-pandas
  213. python-pip
  214. python-praw
  215. python-prettytable
  216. python-pynvim
  217. python-pywal
  218. python-ruamel-yaml
  219. python-setuptools
  220. qalculate-gtk
  221. qemu-desktop
  222. qrencode
  223. qt5-3d
  224. qt5-charts
  225. qt5-connectivity
  226. qt5-datavis3d
  227. qt5-doc
  228. qt5-examples
  229. qt5-gamepad
  230. qt5-graphicaleffects
  231. qt5-imageformats
  232. qt5-lottie
  233. qt5-networkauth
  234. qt5-purchasing
  235. qt5-quickcontrols
  236. qt5-quickcontrols2
  237. qt5-remoteobjects
  238. qt5-script
  239. qt5-scxml
  240. qt5-serialbus
  241. qt5-serialport
  242. qt5-speech
  243. qt5-tools
  244. qt5-translations
  245. qt5-virtualkeyboard
  246. qt5-wayland
  247. qt5-webengine
  248. qt5-webglplugin
  249. qt5-websockets
  250. qt5-webview
  251. qt5-xmlpatterns
  252. racket
  253. ranger
  254. rclone
  255. redis
  256. redshift
  257. reiserfsprogs
  258. ripgrep
  259. rsync
  260. s-nail
  261. scrcpy
  262. scrot
  263. sdcv
  264. sed
  265. shadow
  266. shellcheck
  267. sl
  268. smartmontools
  269. spatialindex
  270. sqlitebrowser
  271. sshfs
  272. sshpass
  273. steam
  274. steam-native-runtime
  275. stow
  276. subtitleeditor
  277. sudo
  278. sxiv
  279. sysfsutils
  280. sysstat
  281. systemd-sysvcompat
  282. tar
  283. task
  284. tcpdump
  285. termdown
  286. texinfo
  287. texlive-bibtexextra
  288. the_silver_searcher
  289. thunderbird
  290. tidy
  291. time
  292. tk
  293. tmux
  294. tor
  295. traceroute
  296. transmission-cli
  297. transmission-gtk
  298. ttf-dejavu
  299. ttf-font-awesome
  300. ttf-hack
  301. ttf-joypixels
  302. ttf-ubuntu-font-family
  303. udisks2
  304. unrar
  305. unzip
  306. usbutils
  307. util-linux
  308. valgrind
  309. vi
  310. vim
  311. virtualbox
  312. vlc
  313. vtk
  314. w3m
  315. which
  316. wine
  317. wireless_tools
  318. wireshark-qt
  319. wpa_supplicant
  320. xautomation
  321. xbindkeys
  322. xclip
  323. xdotool
  324. xf86-input-evdev
  325. xf86-input-synaptics
  326. xf86-input-vmmouse
  327. xf86-input-void
  328. xf86-video-amdgpu
  329. xf86-video-ati
  330. xf86-video-dummy
  331. xf86-video-fbdev
  332. xf86-video-intel
  333. xf86-video-openchrome
  334. xf86-video-qxl
  335. xf86-video-vesa
  336. xf86-video-vmware
  337. xf86-video-voodoo
  338. xfsprogs
  339. xorg-bdftopcf
  340. xorg-iceauth
  341. xorg-mkfontscale
  342. xorg-server
  343. xorg-sessreg
  344. xorg-smproxy
  345. xorg-x11perf
  346. xorg-xbacklight
  347. xorg-xcmsdb
  348. xorg-xcursorgen
  349. xorg-xdpyinfo
  350. xorg-xdriinfo
  351. xorg-xev
  352. xorg-xgamma
  353. xorg-xhost
  354. xorg-xinit
  355. xorg-xinput
  356. xorg-xkbevd
  357. xorg-xkbutils
  358. xorg-xkill
  359. xorg-xlsatoms
  360. xorg-xlsclients
  361. xorg-xpr
  362. xorg-xprop
  363. xorg-xrandr
  364. xorg-xrefresh
  365. xorg-xset
  366. xorg-xsetroot
  367. xorg-xvinfo
  368. xorg-xwd
  369. xorg-xwininfo
  370. xorg-xwud
  371. xournalpp
  372. xsv
  373. yad
  374. zathura
  375. zathura-pdf-mupdf
  376. zbar
  377. zip
  378. zsh