Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
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1 year ago
2 years ago
1 year ago
  1. # vim: fdm=marker ft=sh.go-template syntax=sh
  2. # sys [[[ #
  3. 3 ~/linux-config/dot_config/i3/config.tmpl
  4. 3b ~/linux-config/dot_config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf.tmpl
  5. a ~/linux-config/aliases/key_aliases.tmpl
  6. ak ~/linux-config/dot_ssh/authorized_keys-all
  7. d ~/linux-config/aliases/key_dirs.tmpl
  8. dw ~/dwm/config.def.h
  9. f ~/linux-config/aliases/key_files.tmpl
  10. fh ~/.local/share/fish/fish_history
  11. hc ~/Documents/hevin/
  12. n ~/linux-config/dot_vimrc.tmpl
  13. pkg ~/linux-config/txt/pacman-pkgs/pacman-pkgs.txt
  14. r ~/linux-config/dot_config/ranger/rc.conf.tmpl
  15. sr ~/linux-config/configs/ranger/shortcuts.conf
  16. ss ~/.shortcuts
  17. st ~/st/config.def.h
  18. # t ~/linux-config/dot_tmux.conf
  19. u ~/linux-config/dot_Xresources.tmpl
  20. x ~/linux-config/dot_config/fish/
  21. xi ~/linux-config/dot_xinitrc
  22. y ~/.zshrc
  23. z ~/linux-config/aliases/zsh_aliases
  24. {{ if and (eq .chezmoi.username "root") (eq .linux_os "debian") }}
  25. ng /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  26. {{ end }}
  27. # ]]] sys #
  28. # cdn [[[ #
  29. ap ~/.task/
  30. at ~/.task/
  31. bid ~/Documents/journal/todo/
  32. cc ~/linux-config/private_dot_calcurse/conf
  33. ci ~/linux-config/txt/
  34. cm ./commit-msg.txt
  35. cmt /tmp/commit-msg.txt
  36. el ~/Documents/twitch-emotes/
  37. h ~/.habitctl/log
  38. hh ~/.habitctl/habits
  39. hlg ~/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/api/management/commands/update-history.log
  40. id ~/Documents/journal/todo/
  41. ig ./.gitignore
  42. jt ~/Documents/journal/todo/24/
  43. k ~/linux-config/dot_config/kitty/kitty.conf
  44. lh ~/Documents/listening-history/polarbier.csv
  45. mc ~/coding/mf-site/assets/sass/main.scss
  46. mi ~/coding/mf-site/
  47. ne ~/linux-config/configs/neofetch/config.conf
  48. re
  49. rda ~/Documents/red-discord-bot/repos/gobcog-kevin/adventure/
  50. rdc ~/Documents/red-discord-bot/
  51. sl ~/Documents/sleep/
  52. td
  53. tg ~/.config/watson/tags_cache
  54. tt txt/
  55. tm ~/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
  56. tp /tmp/
  57. tw ~/linux-config/dot_taskrc
  58. w ~/.config/watson/state.tmp
  59. wh ~/Documents/journal/todo/
  60. wt ~/.config/watson/state.tmp
  61. # ]]] cdn #
  62. # sch [[[ #
  63. 4d ~/school/494/design/
  64. 4dme ~/school/494/design/meetings/
  65. 4dmd ~/school/494/design/provotu/
  66. pvc ~/coding/dao-voting/provotum-v2/contracts/contracts/FiniteField/Ballot.sos
  67. # ]]] sch #
  68. # gaming [[[ #
  69. bn ~/Documents/discord-burners/
  70. cmr ~/Documents/codm/
  71. cra ~/Documents/red-discord-bot/repos/gobcog-kevin/adventure/data/default/attribs.json
  72. crm ~/Documents/red-discord-bot/repos/gobcog-kevin/adventure/data/default/monsters.json
  73. fn ~/Documents/fortnite/notes/
  74. fb ~/Documents/fortnite/notes/
  75. fw ~/Documents/fortnite/notes/
  76. fp ~/Documents/fortnite/notes/
  77. fv ~/Documents/fortnite/notes/
  78. mta ~/.minetest/clientmods/custom_aliases/init.lua
  79. cmr ~/Documents/codm/
  80. nb ~/Documents/chat/discord/
  81. pk ~/Downloads/pokecord/
  82. sdv ~/Documents/stardew-valley-sdv/
  83. tc /mnt/linux-files/Videos/yt/fortnite/clips/twitch-clip-downloader/clips.txt
  84. tdb ~/Documents/journal/todo/
  85. # ]]] gaming #
  86. # pey [[[ #
  87. dv ~/coding/devops-sre-knowledge/
  88. j Jenkinsfile.
  89. jd Jenkinsfile.deploy
  90. klg ~/coding/kogito/shared-libraries/vars/githubscm.groovy
  91. klm ~/coding/kogito/shared-libraries/vars/maven.groovy
  92. kob ~/coding/kogito-operator-onboarding/
  93. kpr ~/coding/kogito/kogito-pipelines/
  94. krt /home/kevin/coding/kogito/kogito-runtimes/jenkins-spock-tests/src/test/vars/JenkinsfilePromote.groovy
  95. rd ~/Documents/red-hat/
  96. rm ~/Documents/red-hat/
  97. rt ~/Documents/red-hat/
  98. lip ~/Documents/linkedin/
  99. # ]]] pey #
  100. ej ~/Documents/emojis/
  101. nf ~/Documents/twitter/
  102. ra ~/Documents/chat/reddit/
  103. ds ~/Documents/nft/
  104. wd ~/Documents/journal/personal/
  105. wo ~/Documents/workout-logs/7/
  106. str ~/Documents/workout-logs/