Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
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  1. # vim: fdm=marker ft=sh.go-template syntax=sh
  2. # sys [[[ #
  3. bg ~/Pictures/Backgrounds
  4. cf ~/linux-config/dot_config
  5. cfg ~/.config
  6. cff ~/.config/fish
  7. ch ~/Documents/chat
  8. da /mnt/ipad/DCIM/101APPLE
  9. dl ~/Downloads
  10. # dw ~/dwm
  11. D ~/Documents
  12. # k ~/
  13. lc ~/linux-config
  14. lf /mnt/linux-files
  15. lf2 /mnt/linux-files-2
  16. lfp /mnt/linux-files/Pictures
  17. lfp2 /mnt/linux-files-2/Pictures
  18. lfv /mnt/linux-files/Videos
  19. lfv2 /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos
  20. lfv2s /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/shows
  21. lfy /mnt/linux-files/Videos/yt
  22. me /run/media/kevin
  23. o /
  24. pd ~/.password-store
  25. pfp ~/Pictures/profile-pics
  26. P ~/Pictures
  27. ssu ~/Pictures/screenshots/desktop/unsorted
  28. std ~/st
  29. # tm /tmp
  30. tm ~/tmp
  31. {{ if and (eq .chezmoi.username "root") (eq .linux_os "debian") }}
  32. ng /etc/nginx/sites-available
  33. # sv /etc/systemd/system
  34. {{ end }}
  35. # ]]] sys #
  36. # cdn [[[ #
  37. ad ~/.task
  38. bm ~/Documents/bookmarks
  39. ccd ~/.calcurse
  40. cms ~/Documents/codm/site
  41. cn ~/coding
  42. # dn ~/Downloads
  43. drk ~/coding/dark-sky
  44. ffx ~/linux-config/dot_config/fish/functions
  45. hbd ~/.habitctl
  46. ib ~/linux-config/dot_config/i3blocks/scripts
  47. mbd ~/coding/minikube
  48. pig ~/coding/pigallery
  49. mbk ~/coding/minikube-kompose
  50. ms ~/coding/mf-site
  51. msr ~/coding/mf-site/static/pdf
  52. pr ~/coding/pull-requests
  53. ra ~/linux-config/dot_config/ranger
  54. rd ~/Documents/red-discord-bot
  55. rda ~/Documents/red-discord-bot/repos/gobcog-kevin/adventure
  56. rdt ~/coding/discord-bots
  57. rdp ~/coding/discord-bots/pinky/cogs/CogManager/cogs/adventure
  58. sr ~/linux-config/scripts
  59. vsnps ~/.vim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips
  60. sw ~/.local/share/nvim/swap/
  61. tfd ~/coding/terraform
  62. ttd ~/.timetrace
  63. ttdr ~/.timetrace/records
  64. tx ~/linux-config/txt
  65. wd ~/.config/watson
  66. {{ if eq .chezmoi.hostname "nzxt" }}
  67. b1 ~/coding/mf-site/themes/base16
  68. 2d ~/coding/godot-demos/2d-plat
  69. ada ~/coding/ada-mario
  70. # ft ~/coding/face-tracker
  71. hv ~/Documents/hevin
  72. hvs ~/Documents/hevin/shopping
  73. j ~/Documents/journal
  74. jt ~/Documents/journal/todo/24
  75. # lh ~/Documents/listening-history
  76. mmd ~/coding/move-mouse-with-head
  77. mh ~/coding/mf-site/layouts
  78. ms ~/coding/mf-site
  79. msl ~/coding/mf-site/content/letter
  80. # mp ~/coding/mf-site/static/pdf
  81. pk ~/Documents/journal/packing-lists
  82. pn ~/coding/red-discord-bot
  83. # rs ~/coding/rarity-surf/backend/rarity_check/project
  84. rsf ~/coding/rarity-surf/frontend
  85. rsc ~/coding/rarity-surf/backend/rarity_check/project/management/commands
  86. # rsm ~/coding/rarity-surf/backend/rarity_check/project/migrations
  87. sl ~/Documents/sleep
  88. sv ~/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src
  89. svg ~/coding/spotify-lib-vis/src/graphs/static/graphs/scripts
  90. swd ~/coding/swex
  91. # tb ~/coding/trapbot/src/trapbot
  92. tb ~/coding/twitter-bot
  93. ur ~/coding/uranium-godot
  94. # wo ~/Documents/workout-logs
  95. # gaming [[[ #
  96. te ~/Pictures/twitch-emotes
  97. # mt ~/.minetest
  98. # mta ~/.minetest/clientmods/custom_aliases
  99. # mtc ~/.minetest/games/mineclone2/mods
  100. # mtm ~/.minetest/minetest
  101. # pk ~/Downloads/gba/mgba/pokemon/emerald/1
  102. # ]]] gaming #
  103. {{ end }}
  104. {{ if eq .chezmoi.hostname "x1-carbon" }}
  105. adb ~/coding/ada-mario/build
  106. adm ~/coding/ada-mario/media
  107. adp ~/coding/ada-mario-presentation
  108. ads ~/coding/ada-mario/scripts
  109. adP ~/Pictures/ada-mario
  110. {{ end }}
  111. # ]]] cdn #
  112. # gaming [[[ #
  113. lfo /mnt/linux-files/Videos/obs
  114. lfo2 /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/obs
  115. pxv /mnt/linux-files/Videos/pixel
  116. tk ~/Documents/totk
  117. tkp ~/Pictures/totk
  118. # codm [[[ #
  119. # cm ~/Documents/codm
  120. cs ~/Documents/codm/site
  121. csi ~/Documents/codm/site/static/images
  122. Css ~/Pictures/screenshots/mobile/codm
  123. # ]]] codm #
  124. # fortnite [[[ #
  125. fn ~/Documents/fortnite
  126. fnc /mnt/linux-files/Videos/yt/fortnite/clips/4
  127. fni /mnt/ipad/DCIM/100APPLE
  128. fnm ~/Documents/fortnite/pics/maps
  129. fnn ~/Documents/fortnite/notes
  130. fnp ~/Documents/fortnite/pics
  131. fns ~/Documents/fortnite/stats/api
  132. fnsp ~/Documents/fortnite/stats/pics
  133. fnv /mnt/linux-files/Videos/personal-fortnite-games/review
  134. fnv2 /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/ipad/fortnite/name
  135. tcd /mnt/linux-files/Videos/yt/fortnite/clips/twitch-clip-downloader
  136. # ]]] fortnite #
  137. pgv /mnt/linux-files/Videos/pokemon-go
  138. tr ~/.local/share/Terraria
  139. dc ~/Documents/chat/discord
  140. twt ~/Documents/twitter
  141. sdv ~/Documents/stardew-valley-aha
  142. wo ~/Documents/workout-logs/7
  143. dap /mnt/linux-files-2/Pictures/ipad
  144. dau /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/ipad/unsorted
  145. sdvm ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew\ Valley/Mods/
  146. sdvss ~/.local/share/StardewValley/Screenshots/
  147. sdvsv ~/.config/StardewValley/Saves/Hevintales_355084144/
  148. sdvsvg ~/Documents/stardew-valley-sdv-saves/hevintales
  149. snp ~/Documents/marvel-snap
  150. snpv /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/ipad/marvel-snap
  151. # ]]] gaming #
  152. # pey [[[ #
  153. atx ~/Documents/ataraxy-venture
  154. em ~/Documents/emails
  155. li ~/Documents/linkedin
  156. lim ~/Documents/linkedin/msgs
  157. rh ~/Documents/red-hat
  158. rhc ~/Documents/red-hat/chat
  159. rhe ~/Documents/red-hat/emails
  160. rhl ~/Documents/red-hat/learned
  161. sa ~/coding/rhcsa-notes
  162. wcl ~/.weechat/logs
  163. ep ~/Documents/expenses
  164. # kogito [[[ #
  165. kg ~/coding/kogito
  166. kap ~/coding/kogito/kogito-apps
  167. kdo ~/coding/kogito/kie-docs
  168. kdoa ~/coding/kogito/kie-docs/doc-content/kogito-docs/src/main/asciidoc
  169. kex ~/coding/kogito/kogito-examples
  170. keh ~/coding/kogito/kogito-examples/process-scripts-quarkus/target
  171. kep ~/coding/kogito/kogito-examples/process-postgresql-persistence-quarkus
  172. kfl ~/coding/kogito/kogito-apps
  173. kh ~/coding/kogito/kogito-helm-charts
  174. kho ~/coding/kogito/kogito-helm-chart-old
  175. ki ~/coding/kogito/kogito-images
  176. kj ~/coding/kogito/jenkins-test
  177. kjb ~/coding/kogito/jenkins-test-bot
  178. kjf ~/coding/kogito/jenkins-test/full
  179. kl ~/coding/kogito/shared-libraries
  180. # operator [[[ #
  181. ko ~/go/src/
  182. kor ~/go/src/
  183. # koc ~/go/src/
  184. koc ~/coding/kogito/kogito-operator
  185. kod ~/go/src/
  186. koe ~/go/src/
  187. kore ~/go/src/
  188. kof ~/go/src/
  189. # kor ~/go/src/
  190. kou ~/go/src/
  191. ko2 ~/coding/kogito/kogito-operator-2
  192. # ]]] operator #
  193. kob ~/coding/kogito-operator-onboarding
  194. kot ~/coding/kogito/optaplanner
  195. kp ~/coding/kogito/kogito-pipelines
  196. kp2 ~/coding/kogito/kogito-pipelines-2
  197. kpr ~/coding/pull-requests/red-hat
  198. kprh ~/coding/pull-requests/red-hat/helm
  199. kr ~/coding/kogito/kogito-runtimes
  200. krj ~/coding/kogito/kogito-runtimes/jenkins-spock-tests
  201. ky ~/coding/kogito/kogito-kmok-yamls
  202. gos ~/go/src
  203. # ]]] kogito #
  204. vb ~/coding/VileBot/vilebot
  205. vbs ~/coding/VileBot/vilebot/src/main/java/com/oldterns/vilebot
  206. # dv ~/coding/devops-sre-knowledge
  207. nxo ~/coding/kogito/nexus-operator
  208. # ]]] pey #
  209. # nft [[[ #
  210. cvt ~/Pictures/profile-pics/conviction
  211. # mb ~/coding/mint-bot
  212. pdg ~/Pictures/profile-pics/pudgy-penguins/test
  213. pfps ~/Pictures/profile-pics/sappy-seals
  214. pfpk ~/Pictures/profile-pics/gm-cafe/keek
  215. pfpr ~/Pictures/profile-pics/reddit-avatars
  216. nft ~/Documents/nft
  217. # ]]] nft #
  218. # sch [[[ #
  219. sc ~/school
  220. lt ~/school/latex-notes
  221. ltc ~/coding/leetcode
  222. jf ~/school/job-fair
  223. jh ~/school/job-hunt
  224. jhi ~/school/job-hunt/interview-questions
  225. # ]]] sch #
  226. # personal [[[ #
  227. lw ~/Documents/lawrence
  228. hih /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/hot-in-herre
  229. bb /mnt/linux-files-2/Pictures/bball
  230. dh ~/Pictures/drake-hoodie
  231. ets /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/eras-taylor-swift-movie
  232. mj /mnt/linux-files-2/Pictures/midjourney/results
  233. mt /mnt/linux-files-2/Pictures/mutant-tees
  234. sm /mnt/linux-files-2/Videos/sam-smith/named
  235. wg /mnt/linux-files-2/Pictures/weed-grow-23
  236. sdc /run/media/kevin/6339-3234
  237. # ]]] personal #