Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
  1. # login to X {{{ #
  2. if status is-login
  3. if test -z "$DISPLAY" -a $XDG_VTNR = 1
  4. exec startx -- -keeptty
  5. end
  6. end
  7. set -x GPG_TTY (tty)
  8. # }}} login to X #
  9. # fish-specific {{{ #
  10. fish_vi_key_bindings
  11. set -x EDITOR nvim
  12. set -x VISUAL nvim
  13. set -U fish_help_browser firefox
  14. builtin cd $last_dir
  15. bind \ce edit_command_buffer
  16. bind \cr forward-word
  17. chezmoi apply
  18. /home/kevin/scripts/sync-shortcuts
  19. source /home/kevin/.config/fish/
  20. # set -U fish_fxn_dir "/home/kevin/linux-config/fish/.config/fish/functions"
  21. set -U fish_fxn_dir "/home/kevin/.config/fish/functions"
  22. abbr ff "cd $fish_fxn_dir"
  23. for fxn in (find $fish_fxn_dir -name '*.fish')
  24. source $fxn
  25. end
  26. abbr rf "chezmoi apply && source ~/.config/fish/"
  27. abbr rfs "sync-shortcuts && chezmoi apply && source ~/.config/fish/"
  28. abbr xf "fish_config"
  29. abbr f. "cd .."
  30. abbr f.. "cd ../.."
  31. abbr mt "math"
  32. # }}} fish-specific #
  33. # universal var's {{{ #
  34. # spv
  35. set -U spv_dir "/home/kevin/coding/spotify-lib-vis"
  36. set -U mfs_dir "/home/kevin/coding/mf-site"
  37. set -x PATH $PATH /home/kevin/scripts /home/kevin/scripts/colors /home/kevin/go/bin
  39. set -xU XSET_RATE 90
  40. set -xU XSET_DELAY 200
  41. # causes xmodmap to have issues when opening terminal sometimes
  42. # xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap && xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE
  43. # xset r rate $XSET_DELAY $XSET_RATE
  44. set -U BROWSER "chromium"
  45. # }}} universal var's #
  46. # fxn abbr's {{{ #
  47. abbr ag "grep-aliases"
  48. abbr bq "benq-brightness"
  49. abbr cpc "copy cat"
  50. abbr cpe "copy echo"
  51. abbr cpp "copy echo (pwd)"
  52. abbr cff "create-fish-function"
  53. abbr ev "evince-silent"
  54. # git {{{ #
  55. abbr gcamp "git-amend-push"
  56. abbr gdf "git-diff-files"
  57. abbr gpsmt "git-push-multiple"
  58. abbr gremotes "git-mult-remotes"
  59. abbr grmb "git-delete-branch"
  60. # }}} git #
  61. abbr hs "scan-history"
  62. abbr hst "$EDITOR ~/.local/share/fish/fish_history"
  63. abbr pgr "grep-pdf"
  64. abbr pgrf "grep-pdf-file"
  65. abbr rs "redshift-set"
  66. abbr ut "unix-timestamp"
  67. abbr uzr "unzip-rm"
  68. # }}} fxn abbr's #
  69. abbr hm "cd $mfs_dir && hugo serve -D --disableFastRender"
  70. # school {{{ #
  71. # 309
  72. # abbr r0t "./revert-e3-json restaurants"
  73. # abbr r0s "./revert-e3-json reservations"
  74. # 369
  75. abbr grc "grep-c"
  76. abbr grh "grep-headers"
  77. abbr rgh "rg-headers"
  78. abbr r6 "run-a4 h e"
  79. # abbr r6 "run-a3 f d o"
  80. # abbr r6g "run-a3 f d g"
  81. # abbr r6s "run-a3 s c o"
  82. # abbr g6 "source $fish_fxn_dir/369/a3/ && gdb-a3-break c c"
  83. # }}} school #