Dotfiles for my tiling window manager + terminal workflow.
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187 lines
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  1. [ports.qt]
  2. gbc.bios=
  3. sgb.bios=
  4. preload=0
  5. width=1818
  6. useBios=1
  7. audioBuffers=1536
  8. lockAspectRatio=1
  9. volume=20
  10. autoload=1
  11. shader=
  12. sgb.borders=1
  13. savestatePath=
  14. screenshotPath=
  15. libraryStyle=0
  16. autosave=0
  17. fastForwardRatio=4
  18. logToStdout=0
  19. useDiscordPresence=0
  20. logLevel=7
  21. sampleRate=44100
  22. mute=0
  23. rewindBufferCapacity=300
  24. allowOpposingDirections=0
  25. suspendScreensaver=1
  26. savegamePath=
  27. patchPath=
  28. showFps=1
  29. cheatAutosave=1
  30. idleOptimization=ignore
  31. pauseOnMinimize=1
  32. lastDirectory=C:/Users/Kevin/Downloads/mgba/emerald/1
  33. gba.bios=
  34. audioSync=1
  35. frameskip=0
  36. fastForwardVolume=20
  37. cheatsPath=
  38. fpsTarget=59.72750056960583
  39. scaleMultiplier=5
  40. skipBios=0
  41. autofireThreshold=3
  42. rewindEnable=0
  43. cheatAutoload=1
  44. loadStateExtdata=9
  45. gb.bios=
  46. videoSync=0
  47. fastForwardMute=0
  48. pauseOnFocusLost=1
  49. showLibrary=0
  50. useCgbColors=1
  51. interframeBlending=0
  52. logToFile=0
  53. fastForwardHeldRatio=-1
  54. height=1011
  55. fullscreen=0
  56. lockIntegerScaling=0
  57. resampleVideo=0
  58. saveStateExtdata=31
  59. logFile=
  60. gba.audioHle=0
  61. videoScale=1
  62. hwaccelVideo=0
  63. [gba.input-profile.]
  64. keyR=5
  65. keyL=4
  66. axisUpAxis=-1
  67. hat0Right=4
  68. keyStart=7
  69. keyLeft=-1
  70. keyDown=-1
  71. hat0Left=5
  72. axisLeftAxis=-0
  73. keyB=1
  74. keyUp=-1
  75. hat0Down=7
  76. axisRightValue=12288
  77. axisRightAxis=+0
  78. axisUpValue=-8613
  79. axisDownAxis=+1
  80. axisDownValue=15963
  81. keyA=0
  82. keyRight=-1
  83. hat0Up=6
  84. axisLeftValue=-12288
  85. keySelect=6
  86. [gba.input.SDLB]
  87. keyR=5
  88. keyL=4
  89. axisUpAxis=-1
  90. hat0Right=4
  91. gyroSensitivity=2e+09
  92. keyStart=7
  93. keyLeft=-1
  94. keyDown=-1
  95. hat0Left=5
  96. axisLeftAxis=-0
  97. keyB=1
  98. keyUp=-1
  99. hat0Down=7
  100. axisRightValue=12288
  101. axisRightAxis=+0
  102. axisUpValue=-8297
  103. axisDownAxis=+1
  104. gyroAxisX=0
  105. tiltAxisX=2
  106. axisDownValue=16279
  107. keyA=0
  108. keyRight=-1
  109. device0=Microsoft X-Box 360 pad
  110. hat0Up=6
  111. gyroAxisY=1
  112. axisLeftValue=-12288
  113. keySelect=6
  114. tiltAxisY=3
  115. [gba.input.QT_K]
  116. keyR=16777220
  117. keyL=16777219
  118. keyStart=83
  119. keyLeft=16777234
  120. keyDown=16777237
  121. keyB=70
  122. keyUp=16777235
  123. keyA=68
  124. keyRight=16777236
  125. keySelect=65
  126. [gba.input-profile.Microsoft X-Box 360 pad]
  127. keyR=5
  128. keyL=4
  129. axisUpAxis=-1
  130. hat0Right=4
  131. gyroSensitivity=2e+09
  132. keyStart=7
  133. keyLeft=-1
  134. keyDown=-1
  135. hat0Left=5
  136. axisLeftAxis=-0
  137. keyB=1
  138. keyUp=-1
  139. hat0Down=7
  140. axisRightValue=12288
  141. axisRightAxis=+0
  142. axisUpValue=-8297
  143. axisDownAxis=+1
  144. gyroAxisX=0
  145. tiltAxisX=2
  146. axisDownValue=16279
  147. keyA=0
  148. keyRight=-1
  149. hat0Up=6
  150. gyroAxisY=1
  151. axisLeftValue=-12288
  152. keySelect=6
  153. tiltAxisY=3
  154. [gba.input-profile.XInput Controller #1]
  155. keyR=5
  156. keyL=4
  157. axisUpAxis=-1
  158. hat0Right=4
  159. gyroSensitivity=2e+009
  160. keyStart=7
  161. keyLeft=-1
  162. keyDown=-1
  163. hat0Left=5
  164. axisLeftAxis=-0
  165. keyB=1
  166. keyUp=-1
  167. hat0Down=7
  168. axisRightValue=12288
  169. axisRightAxis=+0
  170. axisUpValue=-8613
  171. axisDownAxis=+1
  172. gyroAxisX=0
  173. tiltAxisX=2
  174. axisDownValue=15963
  175. keyA=0
  176. keyRight=-1
  177. hat0Up=6
  178. gyroAxisY=1
  179. axisLeftValue=-12288
  180. keySelect=6
  181. tiltAxisY=3